Adapters For Interoperability between PSR-6 and PSR-16 Cache
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Read the updated version of this page for Symfony 7.2 (the current stable version).
Adapters For Interoperability between PSR-6 and PSR-16 Cache
Sometimes, you may have a Cache object that implements the PSR-16 standard, but need to pass it to an object that expects a PSR-6 cache adapter. Or, you might have the opposite situation. The cache component contains two classes for bidirectional interoperability between PSR-6 and PSR-16 caches.
Using a PSR-16 Cache Object as a PSR-6 Cache
Suppose you want to work with a class that requires a PSR-6 Cache pool object. For example:
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use Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface;
// just a made-up class for the example
class GitHubApiClient
// ...
// this requires a PSR-6 cache object
public function __construct(CacheItemPoolInterface $cachePool)
// ...
But, you already have a PSR-16 cache object, and you'd like to pass this to the class instead. No problem! The Cache component provides the Psr16Adapter class for exactly this use-case:
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use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\Psr16Adapter;
// $psr16Cache is the PSR-16 object that you want to use as a PSR-6 one
// a PSR-6 cache that uses your cache internally!
$psr6Cache = new Psr16Adapter($psr16Cache);
// now use this wherever you want
$githubApiClient = new GitHubApiClient($psr6Cache);
Using a PSR-6 Cache Object as a PSR-16 Cache
Suppose you want to work with a class that requires a PSR-16 Cache object. For example:
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use Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface;
// just a made-up class for the example
class GitHubApiClient
// ...
// this requires a PSR-16 cache object
public function __construct(CacheInterface $cache)
// ...
But, you already have a PSR-6 cache pool object, and you'd like to pass this to the class instead. No problem! The Cache component provides the Psr16Cache class for exactly this use-case:
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use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\FilesystemAdapter;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Psr16Cache;
// the PSR-6 cache object that you want to use
$psr6Cache = new FilesystemAdapter();
// a PSR-16 cache that uses your cache internally!
$psr16Cache = new Psr16Cache($psr6Cache);
// now use this wherever you want
$githubApiClient = new GitHubApiClient($psr16Cache);