Using a Factory to Create Services
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Read the updated version of this page for Symfony 7.2 (the current stable version).
Symfony's Service Container provides multiple features to control the creation of objects, allowing you to specify arguments passed to the constructor as well as calling methods and setting parameters.
However, sometimes you need to apply the factory design pattern to delegate the object creation to some special object called "the factory". In those cases, the service container can call a method on your factory to create the object rather than directly instantiating the class.
Static Factories
Suppose you have a factory that configures and returns a new NewsletterManager
object by calling the static createNewsletterManager()
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// src/Email/NewsletterManagerStaticFactory.php
namespace App\Email;
// ...
class NewsletterManagerStaticFactory
public static function createNewsletterManager(): NewsletterManager
$newsletterManager = new NewsletterManager();
// ...
return $newsletterManager;
To make the NewsletterManager
object available as a service, use the
option to define which method of which class must be called to
create its object:
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# config/services.yaml
# ...
# the first argument is the class and the second argument is the static method
factory: ['App\Email\NewsletterManagerStaticFactory', 'createNewsletterManager']
When using a factory to create services, the value chosen for class has no effect on the resulting service. The actual class name only depends on the object that is returned by the factory. However, the configured class name may be used by compiler passes and therefore should be set to a sensible value.
Using the Class as Factory Itself
When the static factory method is on the same class as the created instance,
the class name can be omitted from the factory declaration.
Let's suppose the NewsletterManager
class has a create()
method that needs
to be called to create the object and needs a sender:
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// src/Email/NewsletterManager.php
namespace App\Email;
// ...
class NewsletterManager
private string $sender;
public static function create(string $sender): self
$newsletterManager = new self();
$newsletterManager->sender = $sender;
// ...
return $newsletterManager;
You can omit the class on the factory declaration:
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# config/services.yaml
# ...
factory: [null, 'create']
$sender: ''
It is also possible to use the constructor
option, instead of passing null
as the factory class:
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// src/Email/NewsletterManager.php
namespace App\Email;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Attribute\Autoconfigure;
#[Autoconfigure(bind: ['$sender' => ''], constructor: 'create')]
class NewsletterManager
private string $sender;
public static function create(string $sender): self
$newsletterManager = new self();
$newsletterManager->sender = $sender;
// ...
return $newsletterManager;
Non-Static Factories
If your factory is using a regular method instead of a static one to configure and create the service, instantiate the factory itself as a service too. Configuration of the service container then looks like this:
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# config/services.yaml
# ...
# first, create a service for the factory
App\Email\NewsletterManagerFactory: ~
# second, use the factory service as the first argument of the 'factory'
# option and the factory method as the second argument
factory: ['@App\Email\NewsletterManagerFactory', 'createNewsletterManager']
Invokable Factories
Suppose you now change your factory method to __invoke()
so that your
factory service can be used as a callback:
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// src/Email/InvokableNewsletterManagerFactory.php
namespace App\Email;
// ...
class InvokableNewsletterManagerFactory
public function __invoke(): NewsletterManager
$newsletterManager = new NewsletterManager();
// ...
return $newsletterManager;
Services can be created and configured via invokable factories by omitting the method name:
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# config/services.yaml
# ...
class: App\Email\NewsletterManager
factory: '@App\Email\InvokableNewsletterManagerFactory'
Using Expressions in Service Factories
Instead of using PHP classes as a factory, you can also use expressions. This allows you to e.g. change the service based on a parameter:
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# config/services.yaml
# use the "tracable_newsletter" service when debug is enabled, "newsletter" otherwise.
# "@=" indicates that this is an expression
factory: '@=parameter("kernel.debug") ? service("tracable_newsletter") : service("newsletter")'
# you can use the arg() function to retrieve an argument from the definition
factory: "@=arg(0).createNewsletterManager() ?: service("default_newsletter_manager")"
- '@App\Email\NewsletterManagerFactory'
Passing Arguments to the Factory Method
Arguments to your factory method are autowired if that's enabled for your service.
If you need to pass arguments to the factory method you can use the arguments
option. For example, suppose the createNewsletterManager()
method in the
previous examples takes the templating
service as an argument:
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# config/services.yaml
# ...
factory: ['@App\Email\NewsletterManagerFactory', createNewsletterManager]
arguments: ['@templating']