Symfony 7.1 is no longer maintained. Consider upgrading to Symfony 7.2.
- Status: Unmaintained
- Requires: PHP 8.2.0 or higher
- Latest patch version: 7.1.11
- Released on: May 2024
- End of support: January 2025
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Symfony 7.1 is backed by is a team of 70+ Symfony experts who can help you design, develop and fix your projects. We provide a wide range of professional services including development, consulting, coaching, training and audits. We also are highly skilled in JS, Go and DevOps. We are a worker cooperative!
Symfony 7.1 is backed by Rector. At Rector, we help successful and growing companies to get the most of the code they already have. Including upgrading to the latest Symfony LTS. We deliver automated refactoring, reduce maintenance costs, speed up feature delivery, and transform legacy code into a strategic asset. Let us handle the dirty work, so you can focus on the features.
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