Twig Configuration Reference (TwigBundle)
The TwigBundle integrates the Twig library in Symfony applications to
render templates. All these options are configured
under the twig
key in your application configuration.
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# displays the default config values defined by Symfony
$ php bin/console config:dump-reference twig
# displays the actual config values used by your application
$ php bin/console debug:config twig
When using XML, you must use the
namespace and the related XSD schema is available at:
type: boolean
default: %kernel.debug%
If true
, whenever a template is rendered, Symfony checks first if its source
code has changed since it was compiled. If it has changed, the template is
compiled again automatically.
type: string
default: null
The escaping strategy applied by default to the template (to prevent XSS attacks)
is determined during compilation time based on the filename of the template. This means for example
that the contents of a *.html.twig
template are escaped for HTML and the
contents of *.js.twig
are escaped for JavaScript.
This option allows to define the Symfony service which will be used to determine the default escaping applied to the template.
type: string
default: null
If autoescape_service
option is defined, then this option defines the method
called to determine the default escaping applied to the template.
If the service defined in autoescape_service
is invocable (i.e. it defines
the `__invoke() PHP magic method`_) you can omit this option.
type: string
default: Twig\Template
The base_template_class
option is deprecated since Symfony 7.1.
Twig templates are compiled into PHP classes before using them to render contents. This option defines the base class from which all the template classes extend. Using a custom base template is discouraged because it will make your application harder to maintain.
type: string
| false
default: %kernel.cache_dir%/twig
Before using the Twig templates to render some contents, they are compiled into regular PHP code. Compilation is a costly process, so the result is cached in the directory defined by this configuration option.
Set this option to false
to disable Twig template compilation. However, this
is not recommended; not even in the dev
environment, because the
option ensures that cached templates which have changed get
compiled again.
type: string
default: %kernel.charset%
The charset used by the template files. By default it's the same as the value of
the kernel.charset container parameter,
which is UTF-8
by default in Symfony applications.
These options define the default values used by the date
filter to format
date and time values. They are useful to avoid passing the same arguments on
every date
filter call.
type: string
default: F j, Y H:i
The format used by the date
filter to display values when no specific format
is passed as an argument.
type: string
default: %d days
The format used by the date
filter to display DateInterval
when no specific format is passed as argument.
type: string
default: (the value returned by date_default_timezone_get()
The timezone used when formatting date values with the date
filter and no
specific timezone is passed as an argument.
type: boolean
default: %kernel.debug%
If true
, the compiled templates include a __toString()
method that can
be used to display their nodes.
This option also controls the behavior of the Twig dump utilities.
If this option is false
, the dump()
function doesn't output any contents.
type: string
default: %kernel.project_dir%/templates
The path to the directory where Symfony will look for the application Twig templates by default. If you store the templates in more than one directory, use the paths option too.
type: string
or array
of string
default: []
Some applications store their front-end assets in the same directory as Twig
templates. The lint:twig
command filters those files to only lint the ones
that match the *.twig
filename pattern.
However, the cache:warmup
command tries to compile all files, including
non-Twig templates (and it ignores compilation errors). The result is an
unnecessary consumption of CPU and disk resources.
In those cases, use this option to define the filename pattern(s) of the files
that are Twig templates (the rest of files will be ignored by cache:warmup
The value of this option can be a regular expression, a glob, or a string:
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# config/packages/twig.yaml
file_name_pattern: ['*.twig', 'specific_file.html']
# ...
type: array
of string
default: ['form_div_layout.html.twig']
Defines one or more form themes which are applied to all the forms of the application:
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# config/packages/twig.yaml
form_themes: ['bootstrap_5_layout.html.twig', 'form/my_theme.html.twig']
# ...
The order in which themes are defined is important because each theme overrides all the previous one. When rendering a form field whose block is not defined in the form theme, Symfony falls back to the previous themes until the first one.
These global themes are applied to all forms, even those which use the form_theme Twig tag, but you can disable global themes for specific forms.
type: array
default: []
It defines the global variables injected automatically into all Twig templates. Learn more about Twig global variables.
type: string
default: null
The service implementing HtmlToTextConverterInterface that will be used to automatically create the text part of an email from its HTML contents when not explicitly defined.
These options define the default values used by the number_format
filter to
format numeric values. They are useful to avoid passing the same arguments on
every number_format
filter call.
type: integer
default: 0
The number of decimals used to format numeric values when no specific number is
passed as argument to the number_format
type: string
default: .
The character used to separate the decimals from the integer part of numeric
values when no specific character is passed as argument to the number_format
type: string
default: ,
The character used to separate every group of thousands in numeric values when
no specific character is passed as argument to the number_format
type: integer
default: -1
Twig includes an extension called optimizer
which is enabled by default in
Symfony applications. This extension analyzes the templates to optimize them
when being compiled. For example, if your template doesn't use the special
variable inside a for
tag, this extension removes the initialization
of that unused variable.
By default, this option is -1
, which means that all optimizations are turned
on. Set it to 0
to disable all the optimizations. You can even enable or
disable these optimizations selectively, as explained in the Twig documentation
about the optimizer extension.
type: array
default: null
Defines the directories where application templates are stored in addition to the directory defined in the default_path option:
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# config/packages/twig.yaml
# ...
'email/default/templates': ~
'backend/templates': 'admin'
Read more about template directories and namespaces.
type: boolean
default: %kernel.debug%
If set to true
, Symfony shows an exception whenever a Twig variable,
attribute or method doesn't exist. If set to false
these errors are ignored
and the non-existing values are replaced by null