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Symfony Blog

All about Symfony releases, new Symfony features, and other important announcements

This week continued the discussions about the best way to display warnings for deprecated features in Symfony 2.7. Meanwhile, the Symfony project introduced a new initiative called The 500 + 100 Challenge to clean the backlog of pending issues for code and documentation repositories before the end of the year.
December 14, 2014 #A week of symfony
The end of the year is approaching, and we think that this is the best time to do some backlog cleaning before fresh starting the new year.
December 12, 2014 #Community
Symfony 2.6 includes a new VarDumper component which aims to replace the well-known var_dump() PHP function with a more modern and fully-featured alternative called dump().
December 8, 2014 #Living on the edge
This week, Symfony included one of the longest-running feature request: the Symfony container no longer contains absolute file paths. This will allow offline cache warmups and chrooting of Symfony applications. Meanwhile, the removal of deprecated features in Symfony 3.x branch continued with some Monolog and Process methods.
December 7, 2014 #A week of symfony
December 3, 2014 #Releases
December 3, 2014 #Releases
Ryan Weaver is now the 10th member of the Symfony Core Team, a group of developers that ultimately decides which code gets merged into the Symfony repositories.
December 3, 2014 #Community
December 3, 2014 #Releases
This week, the SymfonyCon Madrid Hackday generated a lot of development activity. Symfony 2.7 was the main focus of this activity, as it added lots of deprecation logs and noticies to ease the transition to the upcoming Symfony 3 version.
November 30, 2014 #A week of symfony
November 29, 2014 #Releases