This week, Symfony development activity exploded resulting in hundreds of closed issues, hundreds of merged pull requests and massive changelogs on all maintained branches. Symfony 2.3 to 2.7 branches focused on removing any usage of deprecated features. Meanwhile, Symfony 3 started removing lots of hacks needed for legacy PHP versions and updated its requirements to PHP 5.5.9.
January 4, 2015
#A week of symfony
The second part of a series of blog posts reviewing the 2014 year for the Symfony project. In this post, we'll discuss the year for Symfony Documentation.
December 30, 2014
The first part of a series of blog posts reviewing the 2014 year for the Symfony project. In this post, we'll discuss the year for website.
December 29, 2014
This week, Symfony project fixed deprecation errors and made tests pass again on all the 2.x branches. In addition, more than 100 issues were fixed or closed in order to meet our bug hunting challenge.
December 28, 2014
#A week of symfony
In Symfony 2.7, the Symfony Serializer component will introduce a new feature to serialize/deserialize different sets of object attributes.
December 23, 2014
#Living on the edge
This week, Symfony project finished testing minimal versions of Symfony requirements for all its components. In addition, the upcoming Symfony 2.7 version introduced its first feature: inherited security roles are now displayed in the web profiler.
December 21, 2014
#A week of symfony
The Sound of Symfony is the first podcast dedicated solely dedicated to Symfony. Discover this new community resource and listen to the special SymfonyCon conference episode which has just been published.
December 19, 2014
In Symfony 2.7 web profiler you'll get the full security role information for the
user, including the direct roles and the inherited ones.
December 18, 2014
#Living on the edge
Composer recently added two options to simplify testing the minimal requirements for projects. Thanks to these options, Symfony has fixed the requirements for all its components.
December 17, 2014
A case study about a Symfony application that relies on microservices to implement a Service-Oriented Architecture.
December 16, 2014
#Case studies