SymfonyLive Berlin 2014 is coming fast!
September 29, 2014
Symfony 2.6 will allow to define much simpler security voters thanks to the new AbstractVoter class.
September 29, 2014
#Living on the edge
This week finished the development phase for the upcoming Symfony 2.6 version. Development activity was frantic to include all the great features that will be polished during the two month stabilization phase. Meanwhile, the Symfony Live London 2014 conference took place with great success. Next conference: Symfony Live New York 2014
September 28, 2014
#A week of symfony
Comparing dates is one of the most frequently requested functionalities for the Symfony Validator component. That's why Symfony 2.6 will include date support for comparison and range constraints.
September 26, 2014
#Living on the edge
Symfony 2.6 will add five new helpers to the base controller class: redirectToRoute(), addFlash(), isGranted(), denyAccessUnlessGranted() and isCsrfTokenValid().
September 25, 2014
#Living on the edge
Symfony 2.6 will introduce a new LockHandler that provides a simple abstraction to lock anything by means of a file lock. It's most common use case is to avoid race conditions by locking commands, so the same command cannot be executed concurrently by different processes.
September 24, 2014
#Living on the edge
Starting from Symfony 2.6, the behavior of the assets:install command will be smarter. Now, when your system doesn't support symbolic links or if there is any other problem, the command will silently fall back to make a hard copy of the assets and it will inform you about this.
September 23, 2014
#Living on the edge