What a week for symfony project! Hundreds of developers gathered in Paris for Symfony Live 2011 conference, attending tens of technical sessions, discussing the future of Symfony2 and getting in touch with other community members.
A new way to download and install Symfony2 based on distributions was unveiled during the conference. In addition, at the closing keynote, symfony project showed its brand-new visual identity and the new symfony.com domain. This new design is already being adopted in Symfony2 code.
Development mailing list
Symfony2 development highlights
- 5683c6e: [AsseticBundle] separated read and write paths to facilitate writing assets to a CDN via a custom stream wrapper
- 0306c9a, 057e861: fixed array argument parsing in ArgvInput
- d57c665: [AsseticBundle] added config option to limit which bundles formulae are loaded from
- 26e7470: [ZendBundle] added classes to compile
- 67c886f: [DependencyInjection/Compiler] fixed a bug which silently changed the scope of services
- 3a47fa6: [Tests] fixed lots of typos on test files
- 9283877: [AsseticBundle] progress migrating functional tests to unit tests
- f7b7288: [AsseticBundle] added compiler pass for factory workers
- 4a8f101: [DependencyInjection] fixed unit tests when using phar and suhosin
- 44d069a: [HttpKernel] added an subclass merge extension configuration compiler pass to ensure each bundle's main extension is loaded
- 44d069a: [DependencyInjection] extensions should only load if called during configuration
- 3567fc4: [HttpFoundation] added Session tests
- f82b89c: [Security] changed defaults for MessageDigestEncoder (encode_as_base64 set to true, iterations increased to 5000 from 1)
- 8d4dae9: [AsseticBundle] finished and enabled php templating support
- ed338d9: [Yaml] improved support for double quoted values (added support for the full range of escaped values in double quoted strings in chapter 5 of the YAML 1.1 and 1.2 specs)
- dbde41c: [Security] added the 'key' attribute of RememberMeToken to serialized string to be stored in session
- 3e7ccae: [HttpKernel] added tests for debug stuff
- 4c54218: [AsseticBundle] fixed url for assets in the debugging mode
- 87e1359: [HttpFoundation] more sophisticated checks for valid expiration
- 7900e86: [HttpFoundation] added some more tests on response
- 44b0bbc: [HttpKernel] added Tests for DataCollectors
- c2e0537: added cache warmed routers support to RouteHelper
- f75ec8d, f0e1df2, 124461c, be8618e: [FrameworkBundle] implemented new exception stack trace layout
- 2d68ca4, a8e882a, 1134fd1, fcc66ad: [WebProfilerBundle] changed web debug toolbar css layout
- d37f52c, e51c46b, ce7fddd, 8367694, f4f78d4, 91caf4b, 0b41116, 659bfc5, aca2c16: [WebProfilerBundle] implemented new web profiler layout
New job postings
- Senior Symfony PHP Developer at Elan Media Partner - full-time based in Melbourne, Australia - Contact: michael.tibben [at] elanmediapartners [dot] com
- PHP / Symfony2 Developer at YOOtheme GmbH - full-time based in Hamburg, Germany - Contact: info [at] yootheme [dot] com
New plugins
- sfDbQuickAccess: provides an easy interface to quickly find and access tables from your configured databases.
- sfHttpDigestAuth: adds support for HTTP Digest authentication in symfony 1.x.
- ohMailChimp: a simple wrapper for the MailChimp API .
- sfDatePickerTime: provides a hybrid jQuery datepiker and a time selector widget based on the sfWidgetFormDateTime widget.
Updated plugins
- moved the blog test post/event tasks into the apostrophe namespace
- changed disqus comment count default from # to 0
- fixed some issues with the admin headshot stuff
- updated the aPageSettings to extend aAdmin which extends SF
- a culture in the URL works properly as a culture switcher if you go straight to an engine page without visiting a normal page for that culture first
- the engine page cache correctly matches when a culture is in the URL
- the engine page cache correctly matches when a frontend controller name is in the URL
New symfony powered websites
- Sydney Scoreboard - IWG 2010: (English) The legacy of the 5th IWG World Conference on Women and Sport held in Sydney, 2010. Its aim is to increase women’s representation on sport boards globally.
They talked about us
- Should my next project use Symfony2?
- Lexik sera présent au symfony live 2011 à paris
- Live from Symfony Live Parigi – giorno #1
- Don't Copy Code. Oh, and Inheritance and Composition are Bad, Too
- Editing Twig templates in Dreamweaver
- Symfony Live : Sensio Labs (Symfony) lance un plan d’embauches sans précédent
- Bug Features update - projects and technologies keeping me quiet
- sfLive2011: Crónica de la primera jornada
- sfLive2011: Crónica visual de la primera jornada
- Symfony Live : le forum phpBB migre sous Symfony 2
- Presenting the new Symfony2 Livechat open source app
- Live from Symfony Live Parigi – giorno #2
- Symfony Live : « Programmeurs, privilégiez la simplicité »
- Symfony Live : les frameworks pour redonner le goût de la simplicité
- sfLive2011: El proyecto Symfony renueva su imagen
- sfLive2011: Symfony2 se basará en distribuciones
- Configurable required fields for symfony forms
- Retour sur mon symfony live 2011
- Utiliser sfForm (Symfony 1.4) de manière autonome dans vos projets
- Using Doctrine in Joomla
- Escribir mensajes de log desde el modelo que funcionan en las tareas CLI de Symfony
- Symfony Live 2011: Day 2
- Liveblogging Symfony Live Paris: Unconference Day
- Liveblogging Symfony Live Paris
- Symfony Live 2011 in Paris – Day 2 – (almost) live
- Relaciones Muchos a Muchos (M:N) en symfony 1.4 y Doctrine
- Using th native MySQL ENUM type in Symfony 1.4 and Doctrine
- Symfony live 2011
- CSSやJSファイルの配信を最適化するAsseticが便利そう
- Comienza la Symfony Live 2011
- My first symfony2 Bundle ProjectUtilitiesBundle
- Symfony Live Paris 2011
- Formulario de registro básico en Symfony 1.4
- PHP5 Symfony сэдэвт практикт суурилсан сургалт
- Symfony Live : one more time
- symfony conditional validation
- Fabien Potencier – the father and the mother of Symfony framework
- symfony1.4でZnedFrameworkのOAuthを使う
- Symfony Live 2011: Day 1
- Открылся новый официальный сайт symfony
- sfLive2011: Crónica de la segunda jornada
- [Symfony2] Sandbox/Standard Edition – bootstrap.php
- PHP中静态调用非静态方法
- ymfony framework / Открылся новый официальный сайт symfony
- Symfony2 – UserBundle (FOSUserBundle)
- Débuter Symfony 1.4: 8 interrogations et erreurs courantes
- sfLive2011: Resumen de todas las presentaciones
Contento di aver inciampato su questo sito! Sono stato significato per partecipare alla conferenza Live Symfony a Parigi quest'anno, ma devo finire la mia dissertation writing in quel periodo. Almeno, questo articolo mi ha dato una panoramica sulla discussione.
Sono stato con la Symfony2 per un paio di mesi già, ma non ho mai saputo che posso esplorare ulteriormente le sue capacità fino a quando ho letto questo articolo. Dovrei venire alla prossima conferenza a riguardo il prossimo anno prima di iniziare a scrivere la mia <a href="http://www.dissertation.superiorpapers.com/"thesis writing services/a> che inizierà nel 2012.