This week, the upcoming Symfony 2.1 version removed DoctrineBundle as it was migrated to the Doctrine organization. Meanwhile, Symfony2 components unveiled their brand-new documentation section. Lastly, Symfony 2.0.9 maintenance version was published to address some minor problems in 2.0.8.
Development mailing list
Symfony2 development highlights
- 2f47cca: [Propel1] added a PropelExtension. The propel extension allow to use propel specific type (ModelType) outside of Symfony2
- 254e49b: [FrameworkBundle] removed the possibility to pass a non-scalar attributes when calling render() to make the call works with or without a reverse proxy
- cadf3d4: [HttpKernel] fixed doubled results for the file profiler
- 789d5ad: [FrameworkBundle] allowed attributes of the render() method to be arrays
- c73e034: [TwigBridge] added missing transchoice filters when extracting translations from templates
- 7424e62: [TwigBridge] moved the default value for the translation domain to the Node compilation
- 2a5758f: [TwigBridge] allow the domain translation to be null when calling the trans and transchoice filters
- ce6399e: [TwigBridge] added a way to specify a default domain for a Twig template (via the 'trans_default_domain' tag)
- dcf209a: [DoctrineBundle] removed the bundle (migrated to the Doctrine organization)
- 83c23ca, 7ae9348: [HttpFoundation, Streaming] document and test that Transfer-Encoding is absent and do not set a Transfer-Encoding header of chunked
- f4890c2: [Translation] Po/MoFileLoader parse plurization rules
- 0ed3497: [FrameworkBundle] updated Catalan validator translations
- dcee6ff: [TwigBridge] improved test coverage
- 7e7244e: [Form] enabled empty root form name
- 261325d: cast $query['params'] to array to ensure it is a valid argument when $query['params'] is null
- 208c2e4: removed the version attribute in all composer.json files
- 0492290: [Console] added a missing method
- 4f9b9eb, 3e9d937: released 2.0.9 version
- 9441c46: [DependencyInjection] fixed PhpDumper
Repository summary: 3,707 watchers (#1 in PHP, #24 overall) and 957 forks (#1 in PHP, #12 overall).
Updated plugins
- fixed watermark
- you now can have permissions on menu items so that they are not shown
- updated the readme for the advanced case of having attributes
- enhanced test script
- added hasSlotType() to pluginapage and pluginaarea so I can ask either if they contain a slot type
- a.js has a global function called aLog() that's shorter and easier to type than apostrophe.log
- added aMediaAdmin class to media pages in the backend
- fixed defaults for cropping an image in a previously saved slideshow that was not cropped on the first save make no sense
- added a new 'uncropped' option to the aSlideshowSlot/slideshow component
- reconstructed the audio player to accommodate flexible columns
- new 'prepend' option to aAssets::compileLessIfNeeded() and aAssets::cexecute() specifies LESS code to be prepended to the content of the file to be compiled
- app.yml setting to show excerpts in the blog index page
They talked about us
- Symfony2 - Un tutoriel pour débuter avec le framework Symfony2
- Creating an environment for Symfony2 – Part 1
- Symfony2: dynamically add routes
- Create your own framework... on top of the Symfony2 Components (part 1)
- Nuevas ofertas de trabajo para programadores Symfony
- Create your own framework... on top of the Symfony2 Components (part 2)
- Symfony Live 2012
- Symfony2 Tuto: Les formulaires dans le framework Symfony 2
- Extending the Symfony2 session
- Form label translation in Symfony 2
- Create your own framework... on top of the Symfony2 Components (part 3)
- symfonyで非同期読み込みするcomponentヘルパーつくった。
- web女子のsymfony入門 symfonyってなんだろう?
- Optional translation form for I18n objects with Symfony and Doctrine
- symfony Cannot redeclare class で エラー
- My note for I18N Symfony Doctrine
- Symfony 2.0.9 veröffentlicht
- How to write host-aware Twig templates in Symfony
- How to dump arrays to different log files in Symfony?
- symfony 中 doctrine 的 Entity 自动生成 getter setter
- symfonyってなんだろう?
- symfony的一个bug:项目数据库密码中不能包含 '#'
I am glad to be a visitant of this utter blog !