This week, the schedule of the next Symfony Live Paris 2012 conference was announced. In addition, the documentation section was revamped with downloadable PDFs and the first of the two planned bug hunt days took place.
Development mailing list
Symfony2 development highlights
- efad5d5: [Filesystem] prevented infiite loop on windows while calling mirror on symlink
- d17ba0e: fixed base URL detection when request URI contains encoded chars
- 55014a6: [Routing] request methods always return a raw path, fix the matcher to decode only once
- 2645120: [Form] fixed handling of expanded choice lists, checkboxes and radio buttons with empty values
- 2e07256: [Form] simplified choice list API
- bc9bc4a: [Form] fixed behavior of expanded multiple-choice field when submitted without ticks
- 61d792e: [Form] changed checkboxes in an expanded multiple-choice field to not include the choice index
- 004c873: [Form] fixed display of DateTimeType and TimeType when displayed as single_text and with_seconds is false
- b63bd0e, bd1d28c: [Console] added formatter style stack
- 22d8a43: [ClassLoader] added XCache class loader
- 3469713: [Validator] added less-strict email host verification
- 9307f5b: [Routing] implement bug fixes and enhancements
- b733045: [Form] fixed option support in Form component
- 8329087: [Form] moved calculation of ChoiceType options to closures
- f666836: [Routing] simplified regex with named variables
- 4120f13: [Form] added all() method to the FormBuilder class
- 6483d88: [Security] fixed ObjectIdentity::fromDomainObject and UserSecurityIdentity::from(Account|Token) when working with proxies
- 27a05f4, 382b083: [Routing] small optimization of PhpGeneratorDumper
- 70df8d3: [FrameworkBundle] made the Esi and Store instances configurable in HttpCache base class
- 82bbf3b: [HttpKernel] allow override of ContainerBuilder instance used to build container
- c0e7ee9: [FrameworkBundle] made session save path configurable
- 6df7a72: [Form] deprecated FormValidatorInterface and moved implementations to event listeners
- 2551270: [Profiler] minimize the number of Profile writes
- 41bdf26: [DoctrineBridge] initialize proxies in UniqueEntityValidator
- 80f96b7: [DependencyInjection] added ability to clear tags by name
- f3408cc: [Finder] avoid unnecessary use of the @ operator
- 31dde14: [Locale] updated StubIntlDateFormatter::format() behavior for PHP >= 5.3.4
- 6465a69, 77185e0: [Routing] fixes to handle spaces in route pattern
- 3ae826a: [DependencyInjection] check attribute type of service tags
- 01fcb08: [HttpKernel] fix the ProfilerListener
- bb61e09: [Locale] use the correct way for Intl error
- 663d218: [Locale] changed method name
Repository summary: 4,438 watchers (#1 in PHP, #29 overall) and 1146 forks (#1 in PHP, #12 overall).
New plugins
- dcSaml: SSO provided by Saml allow developers to concentrate in business logic delegating all authentication and authorization work to Saml Identity Manager.
- sfSelectTimeInputJQueryTimePicker: A plugin used to implement a jquery time picker within the forms.
- sfFrontendOptimizer: Combines multiple JavaScript and CSS files into one JavaScript and one CSS file at runtime, in order to minimize the number of HTTP requests required to render a given page. Also delete spaces in html output.
- tiDoctrineOAuthServer: Provides the basis for making an OAuth server. It provides each requested URL in the OAuth protocol 1.0a (request token, user authorization and access token).
Updated plugins
- new --gzip option speeds up sync-content task in some cases
- purge() needs a when clearing a prefix, otherwise we clear the cache too generously
- adding trailing .*$ is gratuitous and just slows down some regex engines, the Mongo documentation mentions that this may prevent the index from being used as quickly
- removed "allowed variants" from standard area slideshow options, was locking out other variants from app.yml
- the new apostrophe:ssh task option --root connects as root rather than the user in properties.ini
They talked about us
- Symfony2: Setting up a Console-centered Application (with Composer)
- VichUploaderBundle, file upload con doctrine
- Créer un espace utilisateur Symfony2
- Using custom namespaces with (C/S)ilex and Composer
- Guía de Symfony2 – Capítulo 8 – Configurando nuestra base de datos
- Doctrine, Symfony And Blob
- Упрощаем настройку Symfony
- Deploying your Symfony 2.0 web app to the production server
- The sfLoader::loadHelpers() method is deprecated
- Configurando DoctrineExtensions en Symfony2
- deSymfony 2012, la conferencia hispana de Symfony
- Symfony User Group Köln: Treffen bei Explicatis am 25.4. 2012
- Symfony - Validação de datas com sfForm
- Using Symfony alongside an existing system
- How to install Apache, PHP5 and Symfony on Ubuntu 10
- Testclasses for symfony2
- A Gentle Introduction To Symfony | 第1章 - Symfony の紹介
- Symfony: Yui CSS compression with Assetic on Windows (WAMP) systems
- Testing HTTP interactions with Symfony’s Process component and PHP 5.4
- Custom form validation constraint with Callback
- symfony 测试数据的编写
- Symfony2 error page in 2 mins
- Posibles errores iniciando Symfony2
- symfonyでAPを作成する手順(まとめ)
- Symfony. Подсказки в поле ввода
- Symfony 2 SecurityBundle Authentication via form login raises BadCredentialsException
- deSymfony 2012: la conferencia hispana más importante sobre Symfony
Great post as always, but small note: new plugins should probably be replaced by new bundles ;)
Roman, you're right. The problem is that there is not an official bundle repository (yet).
Hi Javier, nice work as always. It would be cool to put an avatar ! ^^