A week of symfony #289 (9->15 July 2012)
July 23, 2012 • Published by Javier Eguiluz
This week Symfony project experienced the most intense development activity in years. In addition to the three new versions released (2.0.16, 2.1.0 beta2, and 2.1.0 beta3), a major cleanup of tickets and pull requests was made on the official repository. Particularly noteworthy was the refactoring of the form component and its huge performance boost.
Development mailing list
- Extract Kernel/Bundle component(s) from HttpKernel
- Installing Symfony with Composer: does it make sense that I get 2.1.x?
symfony 1 development highlights
- r33486: [1.4] fixed sfPDODatabase::call() method
Symfony2 development highlights
- 1fa22d9: [Form] output a more usable error when PropertyPath has tried to find adders and getters, but failed to find them
- df5bb4a: [Form] unified rendering of errors for nested elements
- 39e821c: [TwigBundle] added a new paths setting to allow configuration of more paths for the filesystem loader
- 6e1462e, 1345360: [Form] fixed PropertyPath handling of __get() and offsetGet() methods that return a constant
- c0a5207: [Form] prevented duplicate validation of form constraints
- 7727de7: [Form] deprecated Form::bindRequest() and replaced it by a PRE_BIND listener
- 9c94b48: [Form] fixed the data option to supersede default data set in the model
- a6d44bd: [Routing] when serializing a Route, don't serialize the compiled route
- e8bb834: [Form] fixed data to be written back by PropertyPath if it cannot be handled by reference
- 6ad4018: [Form] display the hint about adder/remover on invalid property access
- aaf4950, 14bd5ba: [Console] implemented '<' escaping
- 878e86d: added global variables access in a form theme
- 7a18100: [Console] replaced var_export with json_encode for default values when exported as text/xml to make them more readable
- 5b057f8: [Form] fixed DateType to use 'format' for creating the year and day choices
- 9eeb200: [Form] changed the default format of DateType to 'yyyy-MM-dd' to support HTML 5 out of the box
- 9a2c617: [ClassLoader] fixed order of interfaces in generated class collection caches
- 064ad62: [HttpFoundation] allowed _method to be set in the query string
- 02e0a8f: allowed Kernel:: to be overridden by subclasses
- ded6c03: [Form] DateTimeType now handles RFC 3339 dates as provided by HTML5
- 7a76dba: [Form] renamed the options 'data_timezone' and 'user_timezone'
- b7aae48: [Locale] fixed error resetting in StubIntlDateFormatter::parse()
- 92abf5a: [Form] enabled error bubbling from the parts of a date/time field to the main field
- 1a732e4: [Validator] removed the Range constraint as it duplicates functionality given in Min and Max
- d84b689, 0cdacee: [Validator] added the constraints MinCount and MaxCount ... and replaced them by the constraint Count
- 0be602d, 741c147, 83a3f75: [Validator] deprecated the Max, Min and Size constraints and renamed to Range
- f06203a: [Form] improved ValidatorTypeGuesser to interpret the constraints True and False
- 1fe3996: [Validator] improved error messages displayed when the Valid constraint is misused
- a92f80b: [Validator] added Length constraint and deprecated MinLength and MaxLength
- 5e6c06f: [Security] removed hard dependency on for default auth success handler
- 8298d8c: [Form] improved ChoiceType performance by caching ChoiceList objects
- 70307e5: [Form] improved EntityType performance by caching the EntityChoiceList
- a924dab: [OptionsResolver] made the OptionsResolver clonable
- 3f05e70: ensured that an exception is always converted to an error response (and that we keep the HTTP status code and headers)
- 2bf4d6c: [Form] fixed FormFactory not to set 'data' option if not explicitely given
- 2ca753b: [Form] fixed choice list hashing in DoctrineType
- 653821a, 12d6ae7, 23d8735: [HttpFoundation] removed FileSessionHandler (this driver is inferior to native handling)
- cd7835d: [Form] cached the form type hierarchy in order to improve performance
2dcc448: raised the minimum version of PHP to 5.3.4(reverted) - 69e5e58: [Form] individual rows of CollectionType cannot be styled anymore for performance reasons
- 28e137c: [Serializer] added a ChainEncoder and a ChainDecoder
- 7d53909, d7a5449: added earlier PHP output buffer flush for non FPM environments
- baf990b: [HttpKernel] fixed the request data collector which always started the session
- 01b2e39: [Security] extracted default logout success handling logic
- b55930a: [Security] implemented the Serializable interface in the Role class
- 0875124: moved the router data collector to HttpKernel
- dd8a401: made the Kernel dep optional in ConfigDataCollector
- 8f82e07: made RequestDataCollector from HttpKernel and FrameworkBundle compatible
- 28f002d: [Locale] fixed bug on the parsing of TYPE_INT64 integers in 32 bit and 64 bit environments caused by PHP bug fix
- 854daa8: [Form] fixed errors not to be added onto non-synchronized forms
- 0341492, 11ae9c9: released Symfony 2.0.16
- e9d799c: [Routing] fixed ApacheUrlMatcher and ApachMatcherDumper classes that did not take care of default parameters in urls
Repository summary: 5,220 watchers (#1 in PHP, #31 overall) and 1403 forks (#1 in PHP, #13 overall).
They talked about us
- SensioLabs lance la certification développeur Symfony
- Праздник Symfony в Москве
- Propel2: What, Why, When?
- Lyra admin bundle demo project
- Caching Data in Symfony2
- Ext\DirectBundle — реализация ExtDirect для symfony2
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- Symfony2 LiipImagineBundle
- [PHP][Symfony2]Symfony2のコントローラをサービス化した時のRouteアノテーション
- Fixing Error after Deleting Bundles and Entities on Symfony2
- Logic Exception: Symfony2 SecurityBundle and FOSUserBundle integration: How does it work?
- Upgrading Symfony2 to Symfony 2.1
- Симфони 2 – инсталиране на Sonata и FOS Bundles
- Symfony2 twig arrays
- Im Bett mit Symfony – Unter der Haube Achtung-Bücher.de
- Solutions to horrible doctrine 2 problems that should never have existed to begin with
- Symfony container in Form / EntityRepository. Personalizacja Selekta w Formularza
- Sacandole el jugo a los formularios de Symfony 1.4
- Symfony2: Enviar emails con Swiftmailer
- eZPublish 5 & Symfony2 – Die Fortsetzung
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- MakeGood and Symfony2
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- Send Twig Template Email from CLI (request scope error)
- Symfony2学习笔记之数据库操作
- Getting your Symfony2 Team On Board With Git Line Endings!
- Symfony勉強会 #6 Silexチュートリアル ファンクショナルテスト
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