This week, the first Release Candidate version of Symfony 2.1 was published. From now on, Symfony 2.1 will only accept bug fixes to achieve the needed stability before the upcoming final release.

Symfony2 development highlights

Master branch:

  • a47922b: [OptionsResolver] fixed Options::has() when the value is null
  • 87ccb6a: [Form] added entry point "Forms" for more convenient usage outside of Symfony
  • ed87361, b982883: [Form] moved FormHelper creation to TemplatingExtension and moved it back to FrameworkBundle
  • 2185ca8: [Validator] added entry point "Validation" for more convenient usage outside of Symfony2
  • 788e5eb: [HttpKernel] added a way to override the default response status code when handling an exception
  • 03bbaaf: [Routing] added an interface for configuring strict_parameters
  • 22cb817: caching variables for the PHP templating engine
  • b00ea41, 3f51bc0: [HttpFoundation] fixed StreamedResponse always sent a HTTP 1.1 response

2.0.x branch:

  • 30bcb57: [FrameworkBundle] added a test case to demonstrate the fatal error occuring when a Bundle implementing BundleInterface only is registered in the kernel
  • 0b78fdf, 79c547f: [FrameworkBundle] only call registerCommand on bundles that are an instance of Bundle
  • a0709fc: [DoctrineBridge] fixed log of non utf8 data

Repository summary: 5,338 watchers (#1 in PHP, #32 overall) and 1464 forks (#1 in PHP, #12 overall).

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Published in #A week of symfony