This week, Symfony2 master branch eased the service container debugging and simplified the routing matcher and dumper. Meanwhile, Symfony 2.1 introduced some changes to be forward compatible with the upcoming Twig 2.x. In adition, the videos of the last Symfony Live San Francisco 2012 were published.
Development mailing list
- PropertyPath::writeProperty method exception behaviour in Form component
- @Route annotation and default _format problem
- Errors in unit tests
symfony 1 development highlights
- r33561: [1.4] fixed sfAutoloadAgain class when some registered autoloaders are plain functions or closures
Symfony2 development highlights
- 959c1df: [HttpFoundation] fixed IPv6 Check in RequestMatcher (added a fallback check for ipv6 support even if sockets extension is not available)
- bf3e358: [Form] fixed creation of multiple money fields with different currencies
- e0a3fc1: [Routing] made the router lazy when setting the context (this avoids initializing them in the RouterListener if you never actually use them)
- 6b66bc3, dc51984: added missing error return codes in commands
- 8731cc3: [WebProfilerBundle] fixed macro usage (to be forward compatible with Twig 2.x)
- cf1e02d: [Console] fixed error when mode is not in PATH
- 8f81f07: [Form] fixed setting the 'data' option to an object in 'choice' and 'entity' type
- 965734e: [Locale] fixed fallback locale
- 2a9805e: [FrameworkBundle] added an option to debug services by tag
- 34b60f7: [FrameworkBundle] more verbose output about service tags in container:debug command and display all tag attributes as columns in normal container:debug output
- e54d749: [Routing] simplified php matcher dumper (and optimized generated matcher)
- 20f19bf: [HttpKernel] added the Request locale to the RequestDataCollector
Repository summary: 5,670 watchers (#1 in PHP, #35 overall) and 1,662 forks (#1 in PHP, #14 overall).
They talked about us
- Concurso de programación Symfony con 2500 euros en premios
- Symfony2 + FOSUserBundle – Comment étendre la commande par défaut de création d’un utilisateur
- User dependent forms in symfony2
- Symfony Live 2012: Berliner Entwicklerkonferenz rund um das PHP5-Framework
- Les vidéos des Symfony Live Events
- Symfony-Konferenz in Berlin angekündigt
- Decoupled mindset
- Uploading files to MongoDB GridFS
- 主流PHP框架间的比较(Zend Framework,CakePHP,CodeIgniter,Symfony,ThinkPHP,FleaPHP)
- How to set up JMSpayment Bundle and add the paypal plugin
- Symfony + REST = Put the gun down
- Autohosts for Symfony projects on Mac
- symfony2 разрешаем слешь на конце url
- Mocking the Symfony2 Request in phpunit tests
- GoutteからみるSymfony2の使われ方
- vmware上にsymfony2の環境を構築する。
- Instalar Symfony2 Framework
- Symfony2 Team Trick For Your Github PR commits
- Use Memcache for Session handler on Symfony 2.1
- [Symfony]SymfonyアプリケーションにKCAPTCHAを取り込む
- Symfony2 Slicing global form widget
Where can i read about new features in Twig 2 ?