This week Symfony 2.0.18 was released to fix some minor issues and to update some important dependencies. Meanwhile, the master branch added a new SecureRandom generator. In addition, the Symfony CMF project showed some important progress.
Development mailing list
symfony 1 development highlights
- r33569: [1.4] updated Swiftmailer to the latest 4.1 version
- r33570: [1.4] fixed Doctrine queries execution time in the profiler
Symfony2 development highlights
- 20898e5: added 'D M d H:i:s Y T' to DateFormats
- 6f15c47: [ClassLoader] fixed unbracketed namespaces
- 9872d26: [HttpFoundation] fixed name sanitization after perfoming move
- 039bdfd: [WebProfilerBundle] fixed the use of nested macros
- 7447ef7: slight refactoring in UrlMatcher
- 3e58893: [Security] tweaked UsernamePasswordFormAuthenticationListener
- bd37f24: [Locale] implemented the lenient isser in the StubIntlFormatter
- 878dd91, 3138332: [Form] added trim listener for unicode whitespace characters
- 201f3e6: [Form] fixed cannot unset string offsets in CsrfValidationListener
- e3ceb56: [Form] fixed DoctrineOrmTypeGuesser to guess the "required" option for to-one associations
- a6b2aa7: [Process] added output / error output incremental getters
- 537760f: [ClassLoader] fixed comment striping on global namespace classes
- 0f3126f: [HttpKernel] added lockExists to Store interface, fixed locking bugs, added tests
- 7914d95: [HttpFoundation] added ability to get the original extension of the file uploaded in UploadedFile
- 98b68c2: [Console] added possibility to add new input options to console application
- 7ea2f76, ef26a21: [Process] expose the process status
- e441411: [Validator] added credit card scheme validator
- afba15f: [Propel1 Bridge] Translatable field type for Propel i18n columns
- e5dc7af: moved the secure random class from JMSSecurityExtraBundle to Symfony
- c0c8972, 248703f, 5cdf696: simplified the Prng code, renamed it to SecureRandom and introduced a SecureRandomInterface
- 5849855: [Security] moved the secure random dep for remember me as a constructor argument
Repository summary: 5,680 watchers (#1 in PHP, #35 overall) and 1,689 forks (#1 in PHP, #14 overall).
They talked about us
- [Symfony 2][Assetic] Sass, CompassFilter + Foundation Responsive Front-end Framework
- Symfony 2.2 podría incluir la negociación automática de contenido
- How do you access a users session from a service in Symfony2?
- PHPUnitインストールログ
- Yii with Symfony2′s Form and Dependency Injection components
- Symfony and the scary world of PHP
- symfony prod debug=true , get blank page
- Install Symfony 2 development environment on windows – Part 4 Configure PHP
- Symfony2 console commands
- Symfony2のドキュメントを見ながら比較しつつ共通項を見る
- Automatic cache busting using Git commit in Symfony2
- Email рассылка средствами Swift
- Configuración en producción Symfony2
- Tomar valores pasados por GET JQuery Ajax - Symfony2
- Building a Silex application from one Behat/Gherkin feature file
- Symfony2 Parameters Updater Script
- Anuncio de Symfony Campamento UA 2012
- Symfonyの画面遷移と受け渡しについて
link to SecureRandom generator is wrong, it points to CMF article
@Massimiliano, thanks for noticing it. It's fixed now (but it's still not updated on the website because of the cache).