This week, Symfony 2.1.3 was released. Meanwhile, the upcoming Symfony 2.2 version added a new BinaryFileResponse, useful for HTTP responses that deliver binary files. In addition, the Finder component was improved with new methods and a new BSD adapter.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 6b42c8c: the exception message should say which field is not mapped
- c4c5d3c: [Yaml] fixed double quotes escaping in Dumper
- a0af8bf: [Form] adapted HTML5 format in DateTimeType as response to a closed ICU ticket
- 2817a47: [Finder] fixed filename containing space bug in GNU adapter
- 7322696: [HttpFoundation] added BinaryFileResponse
- 4e826c7: [HttpKernel] added some more HTTP exceptions
- c36dfc1: [Finder] added ->path() and ->notPath() methods (with basic tests)
- 6258d12: [Finder] fixed expression classes
- 4e21bf2: [Finder] added path() & notPath() support to GNU find adapter
- 2401274, b550677: [Finder] added BSD adapter
Repository summary: 5,702 watchers (#1 in PHP, #35 overall) and 1,701 forks (#1 in PHP, #14 overall).
They talked about us
- Announcing the ServerGrove KnowledgeBase based on the Symfony CMF
- CXM, Symfony et eZ Publish 5 : retour sur la eZ Conférence 2012
- Symfony 2.2 podría incluir la negociación automática de contenido
- Symfony2. Configurar Pantalla de login con internacionalización activada
- Symfony2 Entity Timestamps with Doctrine.
- Symfonyでテンプレートからデバッグツールバーにログ出力
- Building a REST server with Symfony
- Symfony2: Trimming Fat from Controllers
- symfony propel:buildでのinsertエラー
- Getting Started With Symfony 2.1.2
- Создаем task для проекта Symfony
- Paginación con Doctrine y Symfony 1.4
- Symfony 2 forms
The last link (forms) is broken.
The link is still broken..I'd be really interested in that article! Could someone fix or post the link please?
Could be referening to