This week Symfony 2.2 continued adding nice features and tweaks, such as the new fatal error pages. In addition, it was announced that the next edition of the Symfony Live conference in United States will be held at Portland and it will be co-located with two other big conferences: DrupalCon and WebVisions.
Development mailing list
Symfony2 development highlights
- eec7885: [Routing] allowed empty elements in config
- ae3d531: [TwigBundle] moved the registration of the app global to the environment (this makes the app global variable available also when accessing the Twig environment directly instead of using the TwigEngine)
- 5fe58bf: [Locale] fixed tests
- 0489799: [HttpFoundation] added a check for the host header value
- 447ff91: [HttpFoundation] changed UploadedFile::move() to use move_uploaded_file() when possible
- 2ed30e7: fixed DefaultValue for session.auto_start in NodeDefinition
- 99321cb: [DoctrineBridge] fixed Exception is thrown if the entity class is not known to Doctrine
- b604eb7: [DoctrineBridge] improved performance of the EntityType when used with the "query_builder" option
- 6e7e08f: [Form] fixed the default value of "format" in DateType to DateType::DEFAULT_FORMAT if "widget" is not "single_text"
- ca5d9ac: [DoctrineBridge] fixed caching in DoctrineType when "choices" or "preferred_choices" is passed
- 109bb7b: [Validator] fixed form validation by swapping $groups and $subPath arguments in ExecutionContext::validate and ExecutionContext::validateValue
- 3d0c70e: [Validation] made ExecutionContext more consistent
- c70bd03: [Console] allowed any callable to be passed to Command::setCode
- 0e3671b: [Routing] splitted urlmatcher for easier overriding
- 8af010a: [Routing] added a warning about UrlMatcher::getAttributes()
- 5e8d401: [Config] implemented possibility to skip key normalization in config processing
- 4878ec0: better handling of deprecated methods
- 6236c18: [FrameworkBundle] added caching to TemplateController
- d902e9d: [FrameworkBundle] added hostnamePattern to the router:debug command
- d0057d0: added failure_path_parameter to mirror target_path_parameter
- 63b0059: [Process] added ability to reset arguments on ProcessBuilder
- 57e9d28: [DependencyInjection] add a base class for extension
- 577ee80: [HttpFoundation] moved IP check methods to a HttpUtils class for reuse
- d7a1154: made it possible for bundles extensions to prepend settings into the application configuration of any Bundle
Repository summary: 5,865 watchers (#1 in PHP, #35 overall) and 1,810 forks (#1 in PHP, #15 overall).
They talked about us
- Keep Symfony2 sessions through cache:clear
- Sécuriser tant bien que mal une application Symfony installée dans un sous-répertoire
- Symfony 2 cache and log permissions on Ubuntu
- DrupalCon Coming to Portland in 2013; Will Co-Locate with Symfony Live and WebVisions
- Une doc (spartiate) pour SonataDoctrineMongoDBAdminBundle
- Symfony2 with intl extension using MAMP
- How Is Aura Better Than (er, Different From ;-) Than Symfony and Zend?
- Hilfreiche Fehleranzeige bei Symfony 2.2
- Drupal y Symfony comparten también el mundo real
- Symfony Live Berlin 2012
- PHP básico a Symfony2 considerando lo básico
- Starting with Symfony2 – Troubleshooting number #1
- Mayflower and Symfony2
- Symfony2 insights – Assetic
- Thoughts after Symfony Live Berlin 2012
- Custom .debs for Symfony (1.0/1.1 & 1.2) for Debian/Ubuntu
- Je suis enfin passé à Symfony 2, ou pourquoi je regrette de ne pas l’avoir fait plus tôt
- Nerds in the church – die Symfony Live in Berlin
- Update Symfony 2 Debug Bar on each ajax call
- Symfony 2.1: Customizing SonataAdminBundle
- Memo – Symfony 2
- Symfony console tips to boost your productivity