This week the second beta of Symfony 2.2.0 was released in preparation for the upcoming first release candidate. In addition, a new Stopwatch component was published to help applications measure the execution time of specific parts of their code.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 598ae9d: [Security] improved PHPDoc in SecurityEvents
- 4119caf: [DependencyInjection] fixed the creation of synthetic services in ContainerBuilder
- d77828c: [ClassLoader] added an error message in the DebugClassLoader when using / instead of \
- 4119caf: [DependencyInjection] fixed the creation of synthetic services in ContainerBuilder
- b6bdb45: [Serializer] completly refactor the Serializer Options Pull Request to push context information directly and avoid state and dependencies between SerializerInterface and encoders/normalizers
- 94cb13d: [FrameworkBundle] fixed circular reference for service templating
- 3d762dd: [HttpKernel] fixed the Redis profiler storage return value
- d5e73e5: [SecurityBundle] changed includes to use the new Twig notation
- 32322a1: [TwigBridge] fixed format_file to include the line number even if the link text is passed (it fixes the logs in the profiler where lines were not displayed for deprecated calls)
- 1ab48db: tweaked the deprecated error handler to actually display the deprecation message
- aadefd3: [HttpKernel] refactored the HTTP content renderer to make it easier to extend
- 18b9e68: [HttpFoundation] renamed hostname to host in the test to be consistent
- cdf1d72: [FrameworkBundle] fixed requirement of the _controller palceholder for the proxy route (a controller name can be a service and service names can contain dots)
- 731cd49: made httpkernel twig extension service private
- b9f0e17: [HttpKernel] made the Request required when using rendering strategies
- ad82893: removed the need for a proxy route for rendering strategies
- 3193a90: made the proxy path configurable
- e5135f6: [HttpKernel] renamed path to _path to avoid collision
- 23f5145: renamed proxy to router_proxy
- 65b4112: fixed a circular reference detected for templating service
- 7944860: [DIC] moved PrependExtensionInterface to the Extension namespace
- 4d51ec0: [Form] fixed empty_value should not be selectable in choice field if the field is required
- a39fdd8: changed deprecated Min constraint to Range constraint and removed getPropertyPath in the tests
- 9e8b2f0: [Validator] fixed broken tests
- 5923f8b: [Form] updated ValidatorExtension to avoid using a deprecated method
Repository summary: 6,111 watchers (#1 in PHP, #37 overall) and 1,992 forks (#1 in PHP, #13 overall).
They talked about us
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