This week, the first stable version of Symfony 2.4 was published. In addition, Symfony 2.2.11, the last version of the Symfony 2.2 branch, was also released. Meanwhile, the Symfony community will gather next week at Warsaw to celebrate the first SymfonyCon conference.

Symfony2 development highlights

2.3 changelog:

  • 2e241cc: [HttpKernel] use static late binding when dumping out container
  • 8d53d8f: [Stopwatch] raised delta on stopwatch as travis really breaks with less than 35
  • 955e8cf: [FrameworkBundle] allowed 0 as a checkbox value in the php template
  • ae95a71: [WebProfilerBundle] reset the box model to content-box in the web debug toolbar
  • fc232a5: [validator] throw an exception if isn't an instance of ConstraintValidatorInterface

2.4 changelog:

  • 50c7dd5: [Monolog bridge] updated Composer suggested packages

Newest issues and pull requests

They talked about us

Symfony Advent Calendar 2013

Published by the Association Francophone des Utilisateurs de Symfony

Published in #A week of symfony