This week, the first stable version of Symfony 2.4 was published. In addition, Symfony 2.2.11, the last version of the Symfony 2.2 branch, was also released. Meanwhile, the Symfony community will gather next week at Warsaw to celebrate the first SymfonyCon conference.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 2e241cc: [HttpKernel] use static late binding when dumping out container
- 8d53d8f: [Stopwatch] raised delta on stopwatch as travis really breaks with less than 35
- 955e8cf: [FrameworkBundle] allowed 0 as a checkbox value in the php template
- ae95a71: [WebProfilerBundle] reset the box model to content-box in the web debug toolbar
- fc232a5: [validator] throw an exception if isn't an instance of ConstraintValidatorInterface
- 50c7dd5: [Monolog bridge] updated Composer suggested packages
Newest issues and pull requests
- [Security] [Acl] [AclVoter] Refactor and reduce complexity
- [ExpressionLanguage] way to use getters for private attributes
- [Finder] Add GLOB_BRACE support in Finder::in() method
- [FrameworkBundle] avoid tables to have long blank line breaks and be too far appart for long nested array params
- [HttpKernel] make it configurable which status codes should be logged
They talked about us
- So how did we implement our new front-end development workflow into Symfony?
- Get Ready for Symfony Hacking Day Series: Part II
- Création de Symfony Tunisia Community
- Feature Flags and Doctrine Entities
- Se publica la última versión de Symfony 2.2
- Export datas to a CSV file with Symfony2
- Symfony 2 Embedded Forms: Catchable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to Entity::addProperty must be an instance of XX\MyClass, array given
- Get Ready for Symfony Hacking Day Series: Part III
- Se publica Symfony 2.4.0
- Exporter des données dans un fichier SCV avec Symfony2
- 「Method “render” for object “xx” does not exist in xx.:xx:index.html.twig」と出た。
- Symfony Hacking Day Toolset Series: Part IV
- Faker Symfony2 Integration
- Exponer de forma global valores de config.yml en las plantillas de Twig en aplicaciones Symfony2
- Symfony Hacking Day D Day Series: Part V
Symfony Advent Calendar 2013
Published by the Association Francophone des Utilisateurs de Symfony
- Jour 1 - Présentation de l'AFSY
- Jour 2 - Votre code est STUPID? Rendez le SOLID!
- Jour 3 - Symfony2 : Faites le plein de Propel
- Jour 4 - Utilisez APYDataGridBundle pour des listings impeccables
- Jour 5 - Conteneur de services: créer ses propres tags
- Jour 6 - Best practices pour vos APIs REST HTTP avec Symfony2
- Jour 7 - Symfony et les frameworks JavaScript MVC
- Jour 8 - Utilisation avancée du composant Config de Symfony2
This Symfony Advent Calendar 2013 is great :) Could someone translate it to english, please ?
@Piotr: we will publish all the articles in a Markdown format just after the end of the Advent Calendar, and may consider translating them in english if people are interested.