This week Symfony project published the 2.3.17, 2.4.7 and 2.5.1 maintenance versions. In addition, the first edition of the SymfonyLive New York conference was announced. Lastly, a new initiative to improve REST in Symfony was announced.

Symfony2 development highlights

2.3 changelog:

  • 84b5581: added XSD to PHPUnit configuration
  • afc4930: removed defaults from PHPUnit configuration
  • 9dbe89d: [HttpFoundation] removed content-related headers if content is empty
  • 3d63f80: [HttpFoundation] fixed wrong assertion in Response test
  • 9aa88e4, 4201d41: [TwigBundle] added regression test

Master changelog:

  • 7d88e37: [HttpKernel] ensured the storage exists before purging it in ProfilerTest
  • d56b7be: [Form] improved transformation failure message by providing property path
  • adb7860: [FrameworkBundle] used ProcessHelper for server:run command
  • 229828d: [FrameworkBundle] improved bad bundle exception in _controller
  • 01346f7: [HttpFoundation] added a switch to delete file after the response is sent
  • cd5da9b: [Filesystem] throw Exception on copying from an unreadable file or to an unwritable file
  • fdc3fb1: [Translation] reviewed code and replaced underscore by hyphen
  • 97e07d5: [Twig Bridge] check for xdebug link format via both iniget and getcfg_var

Newest issues and pull requests

Silex development highlights

Master changelog:

  • 1aed8cd: minor optimization in ValidatorServiceProvider

They talked about us

Published in #A week of symfony