This week finished the development phase of Symfony 2.6. In the coming weeks, all the efforts will be directed towards stabilizing the codebase and finishing the documentation for the amazing new features, such as the Ajax requests in the debug toolbar, the Security component improvements and the deprecation of Icu component.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 1ce0f87: [Intl] integrated ICU data into Intl component
- 65a8b9f: [Intl] generated the data for ICU version 54-rc (beware: huge commit)
- 2f2a732: [DependencyInjection] fixed component tests
- b2219cf, 03f3dec: [Finder] added info about possibilities offered by SplFileInfo
- 7ff903e: [Security] made an HTTP Authentication test pass on HHVM
- 9d2120b: [EventDispatcher] fixed RegisterListenersPass test
- b23084a: [SecurityBundle] moved constants to a final class
- f3ef9d2: [DependencyInjection] removed unreachable code
- 7dad54c: [HttpFoundation] removed base64 encoding of PDO session data
- 251238d: [HttpFoundation] implemented lazy connect for pdo session handler
- e79229d: [HttpFoundation] allowed different lifetime per session
- 182a5d3, 6f5748e: [HttpFoundation] added create table method to pdo session handler
- 1bc6680: [HttpFoundation] implemented different locking strategies for sessions
- 986df54: [HttpKernel] initialized DataCollector data as array
- 541f889: [Validator] made it possible to store the cause of a constraint violation
- 8dbe258: [Form] the trace of form errors is now displayed in the profiler
- 3b50bf2: [Validator] added error codes to all constraints with multiple error causes
- 832c78f: [Form] added "label_format" option
- ee82392: [DependencyInjection] tweaked factories
- 16201b6: [FrameworkBundle] container:debug command lists services if no service match exacly the name argument
- 4d0ab7d: [FrameworkBundle] enabled ErrorHandler in prod
- 4acf5d3: [Debug] made screaming configurable
- fac3cc4: [FrameworkBundle] register ErrorHandler at boot time
- b6e29e9, ef30dea: [Validator] displayed a nice file upload limit message
- 513d2d3: [WebProfilerBundle] showed all ajax calls in toolbar
- e383a38: [VarDumper] encoded non-ASCII UTF-8 chars as HTML numeric entities
- 87d4039: [FrameworkBundle] made assets-install --relative equivalent to --symlink --relative
Newest issues and pull requests
- [RFC][Process] Introducing the Parallel Processes class
- [Form] Deprecate configurable model formats
- [Regression] Symfony 2.4.10 - TwigErrorRuntime : Status code is 304
- Extra quotes when using {{ value }} in Email constraint message
- [Yaml] Mappings with multiline keys are not supported
- Optimize generated urlMatcher
- strpos(): Empty needle when using double colon in cli
- [HttpFoundation] The ResponseHeaderBag::set method should be aware of Set-Cookie header
- AJAX requests not excluded as expected
Twig development highlights
- c740060: fixed inconsistent response from twig_slice
- 0b2f373: deprecated Node::toXml()
- 1ed333b: used LimitIterator on Iterable objects within the slice filter
- 5b172b5: fixed "in" operator
They talked about us
- Rabbit behind the scenes
- Speed up PHPUnit and functional tests with Symfony and fastest
- Building a Pimple/Container from a YAML file
- Symfony for frontend developers #4 – Setting Twig variables
- Announcements after a year with A Year With Symfony
- Deploying Symfony2 applications with Capifony
- Confirmados los primeros ponentes de la SymfonyCon Madrid 2014
- Symfony Live London Recap!
- Thoughts on Symfony Live London 2014
- Using Apache for Developing with Symfony
- Symfony Barcelona anuncia un gran evento para el próximo 24 de octubre
- Getting Started with Symfony on Yosemite
- Our review of Symfony Live London 2014
- One more successful summer camp about PHP, Symfony and eZ Publish organized beginning of September
- Automatiser le front-end dans un projet Symfony2
- Symfony2 : Exporter des données dans un fichier sous format CSV
- [Symfony2]Mobile-Detectを拡張して端末別にビューファイルを切り替える
- 新的Symfony的2.6:简单的保安选民
For people that want to help getting the docs up to date: We have tagged all 2.6 issues with the 2.6 milestone to makethem easy to find:
great work!