This week Symfony released two new maintenance versions: 2.3.26 and 2.6.5. Meanwhile, Symfony 2.7 added a new command to encode passwords, added support for amqp in VarDumper component and improved ACL. Lastly, two new developers were appointed as Symfony Core members: Abdellatif AitBoudad and Christian Flothmann.
Symfony2 development highlights
- b8d42b3: [DependencyInjection] added tests for ResolveParameterPlaceHoldersPass
- 22f5a73: [Translation] fixed load empty translation
- ce2764d: [DependencyInjection] prioritize container parameters defined by users
- 529d99c: [Doctrine Bridge] fixed MongoODM entity loader and improved loading behavior of entities and documents by reusing entity loader
- 4abfabf: performed a static code analyssis of Symfony components to improve their code
- 500df47: [Serializer] fixed object normalization exceptions
- 8bda37c: [DependencyInjection] resolved class parameters in service factories
- 663ae9f: [DependencyInjection] do not inline service factories
- e504ebe: [ExpressionLanguage] fixed issues when parsing postfix expressions (foo."#", foo."bar", foo.**, foo.123)
- 3d6933f: [HttpKernel] defiend the default params for http_build_query function in UriSigner::buildUrl
- cbd89f5, a8c4da1: [WebProfilerBundle] fixed javascript toolbar on IE8
- a7bd0fc: [SecurityBundle] added a command to encode a password
- 5999964: [VarDumper] added catch-all-objects hook for casters
- 83b56f6: [FrameworkBundle] added serializer groups support
- 5fa063e: [VarDumper] added support for amqp
- 9dcae6b: [Security] fixed Base ACL exceptions on the RuntimeException
- a3dc823: [Security] improved MaskBuilder and PermissionMap
Newest issues and pull requests
- [RFC] Create an official ruleset of Symfony2 codestyle for PHP_CodeSniffer
- Require PHPUnit as a dev dependency
- [Session] decrease gc probability
- Circular reference exception thrown instead of FileLoaderException
- Yaml parser: if the first line starts with spaces, parsing fails
- [DX][Security] Check for server PHP_AUTH_USER
- [DX] Improve error message when security.yml is incomplete
They talked about us
- Symfony CMF News March 2015
- User Authentication in Symfony2 with
- Symfony2 components overview: Stopwatch
- Symfony, the PHP framework for Open-Source, Start-Ups & Enterprise
- Introducing a new Sonata Sandbox Build
- Symfony CDN Integration
- Improving the use of a MongoDB database with the help of Symfony Listeners
- Talking about the new features of Spress 1.1 on the last episode of Drupodcast
- What do eZ Publish CMS, Symfony PHP framework, and Sylius e-commerce have in common?
- Symfony2 – Injecting Environment or Context into Twig Extensions
- ¿Por qué decidimos abandonar nuestro framework y pasarnos a Symfony?
- Symfony2 アプリを Heroku で動かすための手順まとめ
- 第十三章:安全security
- Mises à jour des frameworks Symfony2
- Symfony3 : la feuille de route