This week, Symfony officially introduced its new installer. In addition, the String security utils were refactored and some nice performance improvements were applied to DomCrawler component and to the PHP container dumper. Lastly, the upcoming Symfony 3 version removed all the *.class container parameters, since they are no longer considered a good practice.
Symfony2 development highlights
- fa9fb5c: [DomCrawler] replace GET parameters when changed via form parameters
- 2cc5011: [DependencyInjection] improve PhpDumper performance for huge containers reusing visited lookup with reference
- f24c8ab: [SecurityBundle] removed a duplicated service definition and simplified others
- ec4e9d2: [Security] refactored String utils
- bdea4ba: [Security] prevent modifying secrets as much as possible
- 45cfb44: [Security] changed behavior to mirror hash_equals() returning early if there is a length mismatch
- e29f74e: [travis] kill tests when a new commit has been pushed
- ccd32d5: Translator component has default domain for null implemented
- bd7788a: [DomCrawler] improved namespace discovery performance
- 99330cb: [DependencyInjection] prevented inlining service configurators
- eda1ab7: [WebProfiler] fixed partial search on URL in list
- 39da732: [FrameworkBundle] added support for dynamic configurations in debug:config
- ea8da6e: [Security] fixed confused StringUtils::equals() arguments in RememberMe Cookie based implementation
- e8b0678: [TwigBridge] improved Bootstrap layout whitespace control
- 9944589: [VarDumper] fixed dumping ThrowingCasterException
- 89a6b95: [Security] improved entropy of generated salt
- 89cbafd: [DependencyInjection] improved YAML syntax support for keys "method" and "arguments" in "calls" statement
- 7e94662: [FrameworkBundle] allowed to disable Kernel reboot
- e99c09e: [Translation] refresh cache when resources is changed in debug mode
- 83c6d22: [VarDumper] added Caster for XML-parser resources
- 2462c5b: [VarDumper] with-er interface for Cloner\Data
- f5a020e: [Validator] removed the API version in the validator component
- 504e338: [DependencyInjection] made it possible to dump inlined services to XML
- 1008e6c: [VarDumper] add caster for MongoCursor objects
- 51223d2: [WebProfilerBundle] fixed collapsed profiler menu icons
- 12c1feb, 70f1f24: [VarDumper] implemented expand all on ALT+click
- a5628bd: [FrameworkBundle] display friendly message if the event does not have any registered listeners
- ed18767: [Console] added support for table colspan/rowspan + multiple header lines
- 9d6596c: [Translation] allowed extracting an array of files besides extracting a directory
- d3b8b84: [Form] improved triggering of the setDefaultOptions deprecation error
- 8835d1a: removed all *.class parameters
Newest issues and pull requests
- Towards PHP 7 compatibility
- [DX] Provide an easy way to check if a user has a security role
- [DX] [Form] Ability to reset form validation errors (or prevent them from rendering)
- [Form] filter entity choicelist after hydration
- Should the ParameterBag get method be changed?
- Symfony2 web profiler return 404 error, js code duplicate in footer
- [DomCrawler] phpFiles array is generated wrongly for fields with more than one level
- Missing access decision strategy highest not abstained voter
- [DX] src/AppBundle versus app
Twig development highlights
- 8bb7cbb: [1.x] fixed memory leaks in PHP extension
- c41d305: [1.x] cleanup API and code of the PHP extension
Silex development highlights
- 8ecc11e: [master] flush spool queue for console terminate as well
SwiftMailer development highlights
- 6776d29: use EmailValidator for PHP versions >= 5.3
They talked about us
- The benefits of decoupling your CMS
- New Symfony installer: the fastest way to start your Symfony project
- Choosing your framework − Laravel & Symfony
- Best PHP Framework for 2015 – SitePoint Survey Results
- Introduction to Symfony2: Getting Ready for D8
- Uploading Files using AngularJS and symfony2
- Symfony Components in Legacy Code
- Novo Symfony Installer disponível
- Symfony Live 2015 : Construire des applications API-centric avec Symfony
- Apresentando o novo Instalador do Symfony
- Symfony2 - Supprimer le Bundle de démo Acme
- Neuer Symfony Installer ersetzt traditionelle Composer-Installation
- El nuevo instalador de Symfony
- Agregar última fecha de modificación automaticamente en el CRUD de Symfony2
- Symfony2.x to 3.0升级日志
- Symfony Meetup #2を開催しました
Matthew Weier O'Phinney mentioned symfony in a talk about zend framework 3:
@Felipe thanks for the reference. However, we seldom link to video contents. We prefer written articles, news, blog posts, tutorials, etc.
Why is *.class% considered bad practice? Seemed like an easy way to override default behaviour if you needed it.