A Week of Symfony #622 (26 November - 2 December 2018)
December 2, 2018 • Published by Javier Eguiluz
This week, Symfony 2.8.48 (the last one in the 2.x branch), 3.4.19 and 4.1.8 maintenance versions were released. In addition, the first stable version of Symfony 4.2.0 was published. Meanwhile, SymfonyCloud was unveiled as a fully-managed platform created for Symfony developers. SymfonyCloud will be fully introduced next week, during the SymfonyCon Lisbon 2018 conference.
Symfony development highlights
This week, 65 pull requests were merged (57 in code and 8 in docs) and 54 issues were closed (50 in code and 4 in docs). Excluding merges, 36 authors made 3.043 additions and 1.678 deletions. See details for code and docs.
- 57c1432: [DomCrawler] excluded fields inside "template" tags
- 8a60f98: [BrowserKit] fixed BC Break for HTTP_HOST header
- c0bfdeb: [Translation] used XLIFF source rather than resname when there's no target
- 8f2ad36: [DoctrineBridge] fixed case sensitivity issue in RememberMe\DoctrineTokenProvider
- 7be8ca5: [DoctrineBridge] catch errors while converting to db values in data collector
- 511b070: [EventDispatcher] unwrap wrapped listeners internally
- 11fde69: [PropertyAccessor] fixed encoding of cache keys
- 0878006: [Routing] fixed trailing slash redirection when using RedirectableUrlMatcher
- 1f59fa4: [PropertyAccess] made cache keys encoding bijective
- d6bbde5: [Console] moved back root exception to stack trace in verbose mode
- 27c17be: [DependencyInjection] fixed combinatorial explosion when analyzing the service graph
- 35df3b5: [PropertyAccess] calculated cache keys for property setters depending on the value
- 6c3c47e: [Form] handled all case variants of "nan" when parsing a number
- fb4b75d: [EventDispatcher] fixed eventListener wrapper loop in TraceableEventDispatcher
- 1905cde: [Validator] allowed ConstraintViolation::__toString() to expose codes that are not null or empty strings
- d788976: [MonologBridge] return empty list for unknown requests
- eef2a94: [FrameworkBundle] undeprecated the single-colon notation for controllers
- 14931b1: [DependencyInjection] fixed copying expression providers when analyzing the service graph
- 6612250: [Contracts, Cache] allow retrieving metadata of cached items
- 905119b: [Workflow] trigger "entered" event for subject entering in the Workflow for the first time
- 4df912b: [DomCrawler] added return of element name in extract() method
- 67be665: [DependencyInjection] added a "default" EnvProcessor
- e695449: [DependencyInjection] deprecated using env vars with cannotBeEmpty()
- 8aee36d: [Debug] mark ErrorHandler and ExceptionHandler classes as final
Newest issues and pull requests
- [RFC][Framework-Bundle] Make an Application available as a container service
- Specify attributes of fileType thanks to validatorTypeGuesser
- Fetching normalizers not scalable / slow
- [VarExporter] Doctrine Query Cache Fails Rehydration
- [Bug][Router] Multiple routes to same path with different methods
They talked about us
- How to use React with Symfony 4
- Open Source helpdesk System based on Symfony
- How to Manage Configuration in Symfony without Bundle, Extension, and Configuration?
- SymfonyCloud, el nuevo servicio de hosting en la nube de Symfony
- Validando una petición CORS de AMP con Symfony
- Se publica Symfony 2.8.48, la última versión de Symfony 2.x
- Se publica Symfony 4.2.0
- Proteção Contra Cache Stampede no Symfony 4.2
Upcoming Symfony Events
- Treffen der Symfony User Group Hamburg: Hamburg, Germany (December 4, 2018)
- SUGCGN X-MAS-Special: Cologne, Germany (December 13, 2018)
- Symfony India Meetup 2018: Noida, India (December 15, 2018)
- Sylius Open Workshop #2: Toulouse, France (December 17, 2018)
- Symfony Xmas Meetup: London, United Kingdom (December 17, 2018)
- Sfpot Décembre 2018: Paris, France (December 18, 2018)
- The ultimate developers' X-mas meetup: Berlin, Germany (December 19, 2018)
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