A Week of Symfony #651 (17-23 June 2019)
June 23, 2019 • Published by Javier Eguiluz
This week, development activity focused mostly on fixing bugs instead of adding new features. Meanwhile, a new proposal was made to improve all the commands related to Symfony Flex. Lastly, the full schedule and workshops were announced for the SymfonyLive London conference (September 13).
Symfony development highlights
This week, 54 pull requests were merged (34 in code and 20 in docs) and 40 issues were closed (33 in code and 7 in docs). Excluding merges, 25 authors made 1,169 additions and 563 deletions. See details for code and docs.
- cfc8ac0: [Lock] fixed expired lock not cleaned
- 6fcd319: [Validator] fixed GroupSequenceProvider annotation
- 370682c: [FrameworkBundle] tag the FileType service as a form type
- c9ab846: [Lock] fixed PDO prune not called
- 5471867: [Validator] use LogicException for missing Property Access Component in comparison constraints
- 99c44a3: [HttpClient] throw DecodingExceptionInterface when toArray() fails because of content-type error
- 12b852f: [Messenger] fixed AMQP delay queue to be per exchange
- 5af1e9e: [Lock] fixed expired lock not cleaned in ZooKeeper
- 0a1a885: [Messenger] fixed delay exchange recreation after disconnect
- 030396a: [SecurityBundle] don't validate IP addresses from env var placeholders
- 0dbf477: [Form] accept floats for input="string" in NumberType
- a0aa941: prepare for PHP 7.4 preload
- 12b852f: [Messenger] fixed AMQP delay queue to be per exchange
- 411ad97: [FrameworkBundle] added attribute stamps
- 0a1a885: [Messenger] fixed delay exchange recreation after disconnect
- f429986: [Ldap] added exception for mapping LDAP errors
- 115e67b: [HttpClient] added autowiring for HTTPlug
- aa4385d: [Ldap] added users extraFields in LDAP component
Newest issues and pull requests
- [Validation] Activate auto-mapped validation via an annotation
- [RFC] Profiling process on symfony core
- [PropertyInfo] PhpDocExtractor should cache on class level
- [Messenger] refactoring to get rid of SendersLocatorInterface::getSenderByAlias
- [RFC][DotEnv] Move Flex dump-env command to DotEnv component
- Ability to get stream resource in CsvEncoder instead of reading entire file in memory
They talked about us
- Symfony in 2019
- Save The Date: SymfonyCon Amsterdam 2019 Is Coming in November
- CQRS, Symfony, ElasticSearch and React
- Symfony: PHP asynchronous or enqueue bundle, How to create a queue and progress bar
- A Docker development environment for a Symfony application
- Just another PoC of Symfony on steroids : Api Platform, Vue.js, Mercure and Panther
- Symfony 4 — A good way to deal with exceptions for REST API
- Nuevas características en Twig
- Nuevo en Symfony 4.3: Componente HttpClient
- Nuevo en Symfony 4.3: Nuevas mejoras en los formularios
- Nuevo en Symfony 4.3: El componente Mime
- Nuevo en Symfony 4.3: Mejoras en la gestión de errores de Messenger
- Nuevo en Symfony 4.3: Declaradas obsoletas las plantillas PHP
- Mejoras en Symfony 4.3
Upcoming Symfony Events
- [Paris] SfPot Juin 2019: Paris, France (June 26)
- Monolithic Repository & Symfony MakerBundle: Berlin, Germany (June 26)
- Special: What's new in Symfony 4.3: Hamburg, Germany (July 2)
- The Twelve Factor Symfony App: London, United Kingdom (July 8)
- Symfony User Group Osnabrück: Osnabrück, Germany (July 11, 2019)
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Actually this commit was reverted due to incompatibility with composer class map generation https://github.com/symfony/symfony/pull/32110