This week, Symfony 5.2.3 maintenance version was released. In addition, the CARE Team appointed new members. Finally, Webpack Encore 1.0 and Stimulus Bridge 2.0 were released.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 47 pull requests were merged (35 in code and 12 in docs) and 42 issues were closed (35 in code and 7 in docs). Excluding merges, 34 authors made 1,147 additions and 241 deletions. See details for code and docs.

4.4 changelog:

  • ccdcac2: [Mime] fix case-sensitive handling of header names
  • 8bd81b5: [Doctrine Bridge] Fix validator when we have false returned by the current element of the iterator
  • 75e7fb6: [PhpUnitBridge] fix reporting deprecations when they come from DebugClassLoader
  • 6ce4d38: [ErrorHandler] fix handling messages with null bytes from anonymous classes
  • a7abf0f: [ErrorHandler] fix parsing return types in DebugClassLoader
  • d56887f: [Doctrine] restore priority for EventSubscribers
  • 42b242c: [SecurityBundle] role_names variable instead of roles
  • 2d26530: [Mailer] update inline part names with newly generated ContentId
  • d6219f6: [DependencyInjection] fix tracking of changes to vendor/ dirs
  • 71ca1f3: [HttpKernel] silence failed deprecations logs writes
  • f1a7dca: provide implemented packages of replaced dependencies

5.2 changelog:

  • 854eabd: [HttpClient] fix Request with DNS issue not retried
  • 1542bbb: [FrameworkBundle] fixed updating catalogue metadata from Intl domain
  • 839c7a1: always autoload string functions on symfony/symfony

5.x changelog:

  • d9f490a: [HttpClient] remove unnecessary "?" in URL query
  • 8f325f5: [Messenger] Doctrine setup when using a migration
  • 84faecf: [Messenger] allow to limit consumer to specific queues
  • 3eb8a42: [Notifier] add the SpotHit bridge
  • 1adfede: [PhpUnitBridge] add SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_REQUIRE env variable
  • 2764f3c: [HttpKernel] show full URI when route not found
  • 66a1a8b: [Routing] don't decode nor double-encode already encoded slashes when generating URLs
  • a12db94: [DoctrineBridge] make subscriber and listeners prioritizable

Symfony CLI

Symfony CLI is a must-have tool when developing Symfony applications on your local machine. It includes the Symfony Local Server, the best way to run local Symfony applications. This week Symfony CLI released its new 4.22.0 version with the following changes:

  • Add _test suffix to MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL database names when APP_ENV is test

Newest issues and pull requests

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Published in #A week of symfony