Introducing the new Symfony Installer
March 26, 2015 • Published by Javier Eguiluz
In 2011, we developed a revolutionary installation method for the Symfony 2.0 version which ultimately resulted in the creation of the Composer project. Throughout subsequent versions of Symfony, we leveraged Composer and pushed it to its limits. Having done so, it's time to introduce a new way to install Symfony: the Symfony Installer.
The Symfony Installer is a small PHP application that requires one-time installation and allows you to create multiple new projects based on any Symfony version. Check out the new Symfony download page to learn how to install it as per your operating system.
Once installed, creating a new Symfony application becomes a simple matter of executing:
$ symfony new my_project_name
Wait for a few seconds and your new Symfony project will be ready. The following image shows the blazing-fast Symfony installer in action:
By default, new projects are always based on the latest stable version of Symfony. Don't worry, the installer is flexible enough to adapt to your particular needs:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
# use the latest version of any branch
$ symfony new my_project_name 2.3
$ symfony new my_project_name 2.6
# use a specific version
$ symfony new my_project_name 2.3.26
$ symfony new my_project_name 2.5.10
$ symfony new my_project_name 2.6.4
# use the most recent LTS (long term support) version
$ symfony new my_project_name lts
Execute the symfony
command without any option or argument to check out all
its features.
What will happen to Composer installation?
As of today, the traditional Symfony installation based on Composer has been deprecated. Although you can still use Composer to install Symfony, the new Symfony Installer is the only recommended way to install Symfony, whether you are a newcomer or an experienced developer.
Of course we'll still continue to use (and love) Composer for managing dependencies in your Symfony projects as well as for updating Symfony versions.
Rest assured, we've been working on this installer for months, and hundreds of developers have already tested it successfully on their systems. However, if you do happen to find a bug, please open an issue report at the Symfony Installer repository.
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I presume that after that, it will still use composer to fetch Symfony and everything else into vendor/?
What makes the installer so fast is that it downloads an archive which already contains the vendors of the standard edition, meaning you don't need to run composer during the initial project creation (it was already done on symfony's servers for you)
1) It doesn't ask any questions (about AcmeDemoBundle, config parameters, etc.)
2) It support "smart versions". E.g. "symfony new 2.6" installs the latest version available in 2.6 branch, whichever it is
3) The resulting application is "cleaner" than with Composer. For example you won't see the "UPGRADE" files from Symfony, all the values in "composer.json" are appropriate for your project, a good "secret" option value is generated for you, etc.
Next step: accept some templates ? (like a REST edition ?)
would be replaced or bundled together with this command so oh-my-zsh will also work for the symfony installer.
@Thomas B. we'll work hard to improve the installer and convince you to make the switch.
@Tu Nguyen, your need is an edge case that is not supported by the installer. The installer uses the Symfony 2 directory structure for Symfony 2 applications and the Symfony 3 directory structure for Symfony 3 application.
When using composer we could use a workaround (satis), but with this solution it would be cool to have a proxy support.
I think an awesome installer would be this as a base, but then have a web frontend manager. Where you can do updates, add dependencies, change folder structure, also be a front end for doctrine for creating basic ORM, etc... essentially a front end for all the boilerplate stuff.