Symfony 2.5.10 released
February 2, 2015 • Published by Fabien Potencier
Warning: Symfony 2.5 is no longer supported. Consider upgrading your applications to the most recent Symfony version.
Symfony 2.5.10 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:
- bug #13528 [Validator] reject ill-formed strings (nicolas-grekas)
- bug #13525 [Validator] UniqueEntityValidator - invalidValue fixed. (Dawid Sajdak)
- bug #13549 [EventDispatcher] Wrong EventDispatcher instance injected in listeners (dosten)
- bug #13527 [Validator] drop grapheme_strlen in LengthValidator (nicolas-grekas)
- bug #13376 [FrameworkBundle][config] allow multiple fallback locales. (aitboudad)
- bug #12972 Make the container considered non-fresh if the environment parameters are changed (thewilkybarkid)
- bug #13309 [Console] fixed 10531 (nacmartin)
- bug #13352 [Yaml] fixed parse shortcut Key after unindented collection. (aitboudad)
- bug #13343 [FrameworkBundle] FormDataCollector should be loaded only if form config is enabled (hason)
- bug #13039 [HttpFoundation] [Request] fix baseUrl parsing to fix wrong path_info (rk3rn3r)
- bug #13250 [Twig][Bridge][TranslationDefaultDomain] add support of named arguments. (aitboudad)
- bug #13332 [Console] ArgvInput and empty tokens (Taluu)
- bug #13293 [EventDispatcher] Add missing checks to RegisterListenersPass (znerol)
- bug #13262 [Yaml] Improve YAML boolean escaping (petert82, larowlan)
- bug #13420 [Debug] fix loading order for legacy classes (nicolas-grekas)
- bug #13421 [FrameworkBundle] fix routing descriptor for options (Tobion)
- bug #13405 [TwigBridge] exit when Twig environment is not set in the LintCommand (xabbuh)
- bug #13371 fix missing comma in YamlDumper (garak)
- bug #13365 [HttpFoundation] Make use of isEmpty() method (xelaris)
- bug #13355 [Console] HelperTable->addRow optimization (boekkooi)
- bug #13347 [Console] HelperTableHelper->addRow optimization (boekkooi)
- bug #13346 [PropertyAccessor] Allow null value for a array (2.3) (boekkooi)
- bug #13170 [Form] Set a child type to text if added to the form without a type. (jakzal)
- bug #13334 [Yaml] Fixed #10597: Improved Yaml directive parsing (VictoriaQ)
- bug #13316 [Form] fixed the CSRF extension to allow using only the new interfaces (fabpot)
- bug #13305 [FrameworkBundle] fixed missing information in some descriptors (fabpot)
WARNING: 2.5.10 is the last version for the Symfony 2.5 branch. If some of your projects are still using this version, consider upgrading as soon as possible. However, if you can't upgrade soon, note that we still provide security issue releases according to our release policy.
Want to check the integrity of this new version? Read my blog post about signing releases .
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