Symfony 2.7.2 released
July 13, 2015 • Published by Fabien Potencier
Warning: Symfony 2.7 is no longer supported. Consider upgrading your applications to the most recent Symfony version.
Symfony 2.7.2 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:
- bug #15248 Added 'default' color (jaytaph)
- bug #15243 Reload the session after regenerating its id (jakzal)
- bug #15176 [Serializer] Fix ClassMetadata::sleep() (dunglas)
- bug #15202 [Security] allow to use `method` in XML configs (xabbuh)
- bug #15218 [Twig][Bridge] replaced `extends` with `use` in bootstrap_3_horizontal_layout.html.twig (MatTheCat)
- bug #15223 [Finder] Command::addAtIndex() fails with Command instance argument (thunderer)
- bug #15220 [DependencyInjection] Freeze also FrozenParameterBag::remove (lyrixx)
- bug #15110 Add a way to reset the singleton (dawehner)
- bug #15183 [TwigBridge] fix for legacy asset() with EmptyVersionStrategy (xabbuh)
- bug #15115 [Validator] always evaluate binary format when changed (xabbuh)
- bug #15163 Update DateTimeToArrayTransformer.php (zhil)
- bug #15150 [Translation] Azerbaijani language pluralization rule is wrong (shehi)
- bug #15159 Towards 100% HHVM compat (nicolas-grekas)
- bug #15146 Towards 100% HHVM compat (nicolas-grekas)
- bug #15061 [Form] Fixed handling of choices passed in choice groups (webmozart)
- bug #15145 [Bridge/PhpUnit] Enforce a consistent locale (nicolas-grekas)
- bug #15069 [Form] Fixed: Data mappers always receive forms indexed by their names (webmozart)
- bug #15137 [Security] Initialize SwitchUserEvent::targetUser on attemptExitUser (Rvanlaak, xabbuh)
- bug #15142 Fix choice translation domain for expanded choice widget (jvasseur)
- bug #15126 [Validator] Fix BC for Validator's validate method (michalmarcinkowski)
- bug #15101 [Form] Fixed compatibility with FormTypeInterface implementations that don't extend AbstractType (webmozart)
- bug #15083 [DependencyInjection] Fail when dumping a Definition with no class nor factory (nicolas-grekas)
- bug #15127 [Validator] fix validation for Maestro UK card numbers (xabbuh)
- bug #15128 DbalLogger: Small nonutf8 array fix (vpetrovych, weaverryan)
- bug #15048 [Translation][Form][choice] empty_value shouldn't be translated when it has an empty value (Restless-ET)
- bug #15117 [Form] fixed sending non array data on submit to ResizeListener (BruceWouaigne)
- bug #15122 [Console] respect multi-character shortcuts (xabbuh)
- bug #15012 [Validator] don't trigger deprecation with empty group array (xabbuh)
- bug #15102 [Translation][debug cmd] fixed failing tests. (aitboudad)
- bug #13750 [DependencyInjection] Fixed decoration of service for service with parent (hason)
- bug #15086 Fixed the regexp for the validator of Maestro-based credit/debit cards (javiereguiluz)
- bug #15058 [Console] Fix STDERR output text on IBM iSeries OS400 (johnkary)
- bug #14853 [Validator] more strict e-mail validation regex (xabbuh)
- bug #15064 [Form] Fixed: Support objects with __toString() in choice groups (webmozart)
- bug #15065 [Form] Fixed: remove quoted strings from Intl date formats (e.g. es_ES full pattern) (webmozart)
- bug #15039 [Translation][update cmd] taken account into bundle overrides path. (aitboudad)
- bug #15038 [Translation][debug cmd] taken account into bundle overrides path. (aitboudad)
- bug #14964 [bugfix][MonologBridge] WebProcessor: passing $extraFields to BaseWebProcessor (MacDada)
- bug #14989 [FrameworkBundle] Reuse PropertyAccessor service for ObjectNormalizer (dunglas)
- bug #15036 [VarDumper] Fix dump output for better readability (nicolas-grekas)
- bug #15031 [PhpUnitBridge] Enforce @-silencing of deprecation notices according to new policy (nicolas-grekas)
- bug #15027 [Form] Fixed: Filter non-integers when selecting entities by int ID (webmozart, nicolas-grekas)
- bug #15000 [Debug] Fix fatal-errors handling on HHVM (nicolas-grekas)
- bug #14999 [Debug] Fix fatal-errors handling on HHVM (nicolas-grekas, digitalkaoz)
- bug #14959 [Debug+VarDumper] Fix handling of PHP7 "Throwable" exceptions (nicolas-grekas)
- bug #15010 [Debug] Fix log level of stacked errors (nicolas-grekas)
- bug #15017 [VarDumper] Fix uninitialized id in HtmlDumper (nicolas-grekas)
- bug #14980 Fixed fluent interface (jaytaph)
- bug #14974 [Security][Translation] #14920 update translations (vincentaubert)
- bug #14950 [Form] Fixed: Filter non-integers when selecting entities by int ID (webmozart)
- bug #14930 Bug #14836 [HttpFoundation] Moves default JSON encoding assignment fr… (Incognito)
Want to upgrade to this new release? Fortunately, because Symfony protects backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Read our upgrade documentation to learn more.
Want to check the integrity of this new version? Read my blog post about signing releases .
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I had to track the 2.7 dev branch for a while, now I can go back to tags.