The first beta of Symfony 3.0 has just been released. Symfony 3.0 does not have any new features; you can think of Symfony 3.0 as being Symfony 2.8 minus all the deprecation layers added along the years (and the minimum PHP version was bumped to 5.5.9+). Before upgrading to 3.0, be sure that your project does not generate deprecation notices anymore on Symfony 2.8.
Read the UPGRADE from 2.x to 3.0 guide to learn more about Symfony 3.0.
Help us test this new release and help us make Symfony bundles compatible with Symfony 3.0.
Want to check the integrity of this new version? Read my blog post about signing releases .
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Typo: "you can think of Symfony 3.0 as being Symfony 3.8 minus" supposed to "you can think of Symfony 3.0 as being Symfony 2.8 minus"
Fabien: How can I test this beta ? Since the symfony command only support until 2.x.y ? Install 2.8 beta using the command and updating the composer.yml to user 3.0 instead of 2.8 ?
@Pedro : the installer will support "3.0" soon :)
@Pedro: Clone symfony/symfony-standard repository from github and change branch
@Alex: I'll be anxious to try it out @Marius: Thanks for the tip
@Pedro: actually there's a PR for it: https://github.com/symfony/symfony-installer/pull/198
Great news!
Wonderful! We want to test it now!
Hope the majority of the bundles will add support soon.