Symfony 3.2.0-BETA1 released
October 27, 2016 • Published by Fabien Potencier
Warning: Symfony 3.2 is no longer supported. Consider upgrading your applications to the most recent Symfony version.
Symfony 3.2.0-BETA1 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:
- feature #19973 Added a default ide file link web view (jeremyFreeAgent)
- feature #20285 [TwigBundle] made Twig cache independent of the project root directory (fabpot)
- feature #20266 [Console] rename Command::private to Command::hidden (xabbuh)
- feature #20270 [PhpUnitBridge] Drop ErrorAssert (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #20256 [PhpUnitBridge] Allow configuring removed deps and phpunit versions (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #20255 [PhpUnitBridge] Replace ErrorAssert by `@expectedDeprecation` (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #20047 [Form] Change FormTypeGuesserChain to accept Traversable (enumag)
- feature #19982 [Validator] Allow validating multiple groups in one GroupSequence step (enumag)
- feature #19741 [ExpressionLanguage] Making cache PSR6 compliant (Alexandre GESLIN)
- feature #20217 [Serializer] Support specifying format for DateTimeNormalizer::denormalize (teohhanhui)
- feature #19452 Remove the new SecurityUserValueResolver (weaverryan)
- feature #15002 [DoctrineBridge] Add a way to select the repository used by the UniqueEntity validator (ogizanagi)
- feature #20113 Use the method map as authoritative list of factories for dumped containers (stof)
- feature #19576 [WebProfiler] added support for window.fetch calls in ajax section (ivoba)
- feature #19991 [TwigBridge] Added access to token from twig AppVariable (HeahDude)
- feature #20029 Hide commands from ApplicationDescriptor, but allow invoking (jwdeitch, Jordan Deitch)
- feature #20121 Class existence resource (fabpot)
- feature #20119 [TwigBundle] changed the runtime loader to return null if there is no match (fabpot)
- feature #20093 Twig extensions refatoring to decouple definitions from implementations (fabpot)
- feature #20094 added Twig runtimes for "critical" Twig extensions (fabpot)
- feature #20097 [FrameworkBundle] removed the Doctrine Annotations lib dependency on FrameworkBundle (fabpot)
- feature #20019 [FrameworkBundle] Add phpstorm ide (hason)
- feature #20092 added a Twig runtime loader (fabpot)
- feature #20075 [FrameworkBundle] removed the Security Core and Security CSRF component dependencies on FrameworkBundle (fabpot)
- feature #20072 [FrameworkBundle] removed the Templating component dependency on FrameworkBundle (fabpot)
- feature #20070 [FrameworkBundle] removed the Translation component dependency on FrameworkBundle (fabpot)
- feature #20067 [FrameworkBundle] removed the Asset component dependency on FrameworkBundle (fabpot)
- feature #20037 [Cache] Handle arbitrary key length when the backend cant using hashing (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #20040 [Bridge/PhpUnit] Handle native E_DEPRECATED (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #19987 [VarDumper] Use ClassStub for reflected types (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #20012 [Translation] added Base Exception for the component. (aitboudad)
- feature #19996 removed obsolete images (since 2.2) (fabpot)
- feature #19997 inlined some CSS (fabpot)
- feature #19304 [Yaml] fix parsing multi-line mapping values (xabbuh)
- feature #19191 [DependencyInjection] Automatically detect the definitions class when possible (Ener-Getick)
- feature #19745 [Validator] Added context object method callback to choice validator (Peter Bouwdewijn)
- feature #19614 [HttpKernel] Use VarDumper in the profiler (wouterj, nicolas-grekas)
- feature #19480 [Config] Fix (Yaml|Xml)ReferenceDumper for nested prototypes (ogizanagi)
- feature #19681 [DI] Allow injecting ENV parameters at runtime using env(MY_ENV_VAR) (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #19197 [Serializer][FrameworkBundle] Add a CSV encoder (dunglas)
- feature #19257 [Validator][Choice] Make strict the default option for choice validation (peterrehm)
- feature #19326 [Serializer][FrameworkBundle] Add a YAML encoder (dunglas)
- feature #19484 [PropertyInfo] Extract the logic converting a php doc to a Type (Ener-Getick)
- feature #19495 [master][console] Allow multiple options to be set. (SpacePossum)
- feature #19584 [DependencyInjection] Improve ParameterNotFoundException when accessing a nested parameter (wouterj)
- feature #19485 [FrameworkBundle] Introduce a cache warmer for Validator based on PhpArrayAdapter (tgalopin)
- feature #19790 [FrameworkBundle] add support for prioritizing form type extension tags (dmaicher)
- feature #19507 [FrameworkBundle] Introduce a cache warmer for Serializer based on PhpArrayAdapter (tgalopin)
- feature #19734 [HttpFoundation] Deprecate extending some methods (Ener-Getick)
- feature #19795 Replace count with a given number out of the box (bocharsky-bw)
- feature #19807 [FrameworkBundle] Add debug.file_link_format with remapping for IDE links (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #19891 [FrameworkBundle] Add cache:pool:clear command (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #19900 [FrameworkBundle] Add CachePoolClearerPass for weak cache pool refs in cache clearers (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #19570 [Config] Fix YamlReferenceDumper prototyped array support (ogizanagi)
- feature #19824 [Console] Add ability to regress the ProgressBar (jameshalsall)
- feature #19892 [DI] Add corresponding service id in some exception messages (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #19843 [Security] Allow run-time configuration of hash algo (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #19894 [Cache] Add "persistent_id" option to RedisAdapter::createConnection() (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #19915 [Bridge/PhpUnit] Add bin/simple-phpunit wrapper (=phpunit - yaml - prophecy) (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #19826 [VarDumper] Add ClassStub for clickable & shorter PHP identifiers (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #19816 [VarDumper] Add LinkStub to create links in HTML dumps (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #19768 [VarDumper] Enhance dumping arguments in stack traces (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #19796 [VarDumper] Make the line clickable to toggle dumps (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #19764 [Config] Add ExprBuilder::ifEmpty() (ogizanagi)
- feature #19797 [VarDumper] Handle attributes in Data clones for more semantic dumps (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #19755 [VarDumper] Get dump as string with `$dumper->dump(..., true);` (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #19604 [Routing] Add seamless support for unicode requirements (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #19714 [VarDumper] Handle "title" attribute on virtual properties (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #19687 [FrameworkBundle] Use relative paths in templates paths cache (tgalopin)
- feature #19339 [WebProfilerBundle][Form][DX] To expand the form nodes that contains children with errors (yceruto)
- feature #19519 [Cache] Add PDO + Doctrine DBAL adapter (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #19672 [VarDumper] Allow dumping subparts of cloned Data structures (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #19657 [VarDumper] Add line in trace indexes (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #19639 [Routing] Generate URLs in compliance with PHP_QUERY_RFC3986 (jameshalsall)
- feature #19568 [Debug] Better error handling (lyrixx)
- feature #19552 [HttpFoundation] Add named constructor on JsonResponse (tyx)
- feature #19630 [VarDumper] Enhance dumping __PHP_Incomplete_Class objects (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #19515 [Cache] Drop TaggedCacheItemInterface (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #19511 Use a dedicated exception in the file locator (leofeyer)
- feature #19529 Add Yaml::PARSE_EXCEPTION_ON_DUPLICATE to throw exceptions on duplicates (Alex Pott)
- feature #19473 [Security] Expose the required roles in AccessDeniedException (Nicofuma)
- feature #19524 [Cache] Add generic TagAwareAdapter wrapper (replaces TagAwareRedisAdapter) (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #19504 [Yaml] deprecate missing space after mapping key colon (xabbuh)
- feature #19430 [DomCrawler] Add support for XPath expression evaluation (jakzal)
- feature #19205 [HttpKernel] Allow bundles to declare classes and annotated classes to compile using patterns (tgalopin)
- feature #18533 [FrameworkBundle] Wire PhpArrayAdapter with a new cache warmer for annotations (tgalopin)
- feature #17498 [Filesystem] Add a cross-platform readlink method (tgalopin)
- feature #19289 [VarDumper] Dumping exceptions is now more compact (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #19276 [ClassLoader] Add ClassCollectionLoader::inline() to generate inlined-classes files (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #19325 [FrameworkBundle] Allow to specify a domain when updating translations (antograssiot)
- feature #19277 [Serializer] Argument objects (theofidry, dunglas)
- feature #19322 [HttpFoundation] Add Request::isMethodIdempotent method (dunglas)
- feature #17608 [DependencyInjection] Autowiring: add setter injection support (dunglas)
- feature #18510 Added a SecurityUserValueResolver for controllers (iltar)
- feature #19203 [Bridge/Doctrine] Reset the EM lazy-proxy instead of the EM service (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #19236 [FrameworkBundle] Deprecate the service serializer.mapping.cache.doctrine.apc (Ener-Getick)
- feature #19174 [FrameworkBundle] Show server:run logs by default (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #19137 [Serializer] Allow to use easily static constructors (Ener-Getick)
- feature #19146 [DependencyInjection] deprecate access to private shared services. (hhamon)
- feature #19190 [DependencyInjection] Add support for short services configurators syntax (voronkovich)
- feature #18823 [Cache] Add PhpArrayAdapter to use shared memory on PHP 7.0 (tgalopin)
- feature #18948 [VarDumper] Add maxDepth & maxStringLength display options (MGDSoft, nicolas-grekas)
- feature #18626 [Yaml] Added support for parsing PHP constants (HeahDude)
- feature #19104 Adds support for the SameSite attribute in cookies. (iangcarroll)
- feature #19153 [Validator] support egulias/email-validator 2.x (xabbuh)
- feature #11394 [Routing] support for array values in route defaults (xabbuh)
- feature #11882 [Workflow] Introducing the workflow component (fabpot, lyrixx)
- feature #19151 [VarDumper] Add support for XmlReader objects (Taluu)
- feature #18471 [Console] Add Lockable trait (geoffrey-brier)
- feature #19139 [FrameworkBundle][Yaml] Move YamlLintCommand to the Yaml component (chalasr)
- feature #19143 Response headers fix (fabpot)
- feature #16809 [Form][FrameworkBundle][Bridge] Add a DateInterval form type (MisatoTremor)
- feature #18466 [Bridge][Twig] Optionally pass dumper into DumpExtension (CarsonF)
- feature #18022 [DependencyInjection] Sort the CompilerPass by priority (Ener-Getick)
- feature #19090 [Console] Add ConsoleLogger::hasErrored() (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #19079 [Debug] Do not quote numbers in stack trace (c960657)
- feature #19012 [Console] progress bar fix (TomasVotruba, fabpot)
- feature #19047 [Cache] Add tags based invalidation + TagAwareRedisAdapter (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #17644 Deprecate using Form::isValid() with an unsubmitted form (Ener-Getick)
- feature #12979 [Router] added appending of new optional document fragment (rodnaph)
- feature #18710 [Console] Simplify simulation of user inputs in CommandTester (chalasr)
- feature #18999 [Console] Centralize input stream in base Input class (chalasr)
- feature #19060 [ExpressionLanguage] Add a way to hook on each node when dumping the AST (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #18880 [PhpUnitBridge] add a triggered errors assertion helper (xabbuh)
- feature #16906 [Console] Better support for one command app (lyrixx)
- feature #17203 Move Constraint validator test case to Test namespace (WouterJ)
- feature #18502 [FrameworkBundle] Add file helper to Controller (dfridrich)
- feature #19053 [Process] Allow inheriting env vars instead of replacing them (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #18833 [HttpKernel] Move duplicated logic from Esi/Ssi to an AbstractSurrogate (chalasr)
- feature #18220 Don't send default cache header for 301 redirects (e-moe)
- feature #17662 [Translation][transChoice] allows escaping the pipe character. (aitboudad)
- feature #18322 [DomCrawler] Attach label to form fields (carlosV2)
- feature #18482 Created a trait to sort tagged services (iltar)
- feature #15458 [Filesystem] Add feature to create hardlinks for files (andrerom)
- feature #18940 [Console] Add path argument to dump a specific option in debug:config (chalasr)
- feature #19013 [ExpressionLanguage] Added a way to dump the AST (lyrixx)
- feature #18332 [Form] added `CallbackChoiceLoader` and refactored ChoiceType's children (HeahDude)
- feature #18869 [Routing] Throw exception when PHP start tag is missing (WouterJ)
- feature #18781 [Console] Display errors in quiet mode (multi-io)
- feature #19011 [HttpKernel] Add convenient method ArgumentResolver:: getDefaultArgumentValueResolvers (romainneutron)
- feature #18977 [PropertyAccess] Add missing arguments to PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessor() (chalasr)
- feature #18568 [WebProfilerBundle] Fix bundle usage in Content-Security-Policy context without unsafe-inline (romainneutron)
- feature #16838 [PropertyAccess] Add PSR-6 cache (dunglas)
- feature #18790 [Console] Show aliases in command description instead of in different lines in application description (juanmirod)
- feature #18728 deprecate get() for uncompiled container builders (xabbuh)
- feature #18483 [Serializer] Deprecate SerializerAwareEncoder (JhonnyL)
- feature #18337 [PropertyInfo] Support singular adder and remover (dunglas)
- feature #18894 [Cache] Added PhpFilesAdapter (trakos, nicolas-grekas)
- feature #18964 [PhpUnitBridge] Make DnsMock match namespaces that begin with Tests\ (teohhanhui)
- feature #18726 [PhpUnitBridge] Make ClockMock match namespaces that begin with Tests\ (teohhanhui)
- feature #18825 [Cache] Create NullAdapter to disable cache if needed (tgalopin)
- feature #18675 [VarDumper] Add Redis caster (nicolas-grekas)
- feature #18785 [Yaml] deprecate comma separators in floats (xabbuh)
- feature #18486 [Yaml] Allow using _ in some numeric notations (Taluu)
Want to upgrade to this new release? Fortunately, because Symfony protects backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Read our upgrade documentation to learn more.
Want to check the integrity of this new version? Read my blog post about signing releases .
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