Last year, May 2018, Symfony adopted a Code of Conduct (CoC). Émilie Lorenzo, Tobias Nyholm and I, Michelle Sanver were entrusted with the task of CARE, CoC Active Response Ensurers. You can read more about Symfony's CARE Team.

Quite early on we were all part of a Code of Conduct training by Otter Technology. This helped us understand and practise some typical scenarios between each other, which we all found very helpful going forward.

In this blog post I will share some insights of our work in 2018. Due to the nature of this topic, we won't and never will dive into details about any of these reports. We have erred on the site of caution as this is our first transparency report - And we are open to feedback how to do the other ones in the future!

In 2018 we had about 15 reports.

Most reports we received were per email using our official email address, some were direct messages on Slack. Some came in during SymfonyCon. When a report comes in, we respond to it as soon as we can to confirm that we received the report. Then we assess it. We typically measure reports by urgency and impact, and put them on a grid.

In certain cases we would need to act first, and discuss later. Luckily, in all of the cases we had so far, we could get together and discuss the appropriate way to deal with the reports and do so accordingly:

  • Typical reports were about unwelcome and non-inclusive language most on Slack and/or on GitHub.
  • There has been one report about sexualized language or harassment.
  • There have been a few cases where we had to remove a user from Slack. One of them was a bot.

The typical cases were resolved with conversations, where we were asking the reported people to help us make the Symfony community a better place, and explaining what impact their behaviour can have. It was regularly received positively, and people were happy to do what they can to help us build an inclusive environment.

We didn't get much negative feedback or criticism. This is a wonderful community to be a part of.

Of course, there will always be cases where people feel uncomfortable. Whether it was intended or not, it's the impact that we look at. We as people are very different and perceive situations differently.

We're here for you if you perceive a situation in the community as uncomfortable or problematic.

I hope that we can keep the number of incidents as low in 2019 as we have in 2018 - And let's keep growing together.

This list is not meant to spread shame or blame. We're publishing it to show why our Code of Conduct is important, and how it is enforced in practice.

Thanks for CAREing!

Published in #Community #Diversity