Cache Pools and Supported Adapters
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Read the updated version of this page for Symfony 7.2 (the current stable version).
Cache Pools are the logical repositories of cache items. They perform all the common operations on items, such as saving them or looking for them. Cache pools are independent of the actual cache implementation. Therefore, applications can keep using the same cache pool even if the underlying cache mechanism changes from a file system based cache to a Redis or database based cache.
Creating Cache Pools
Cache Pools are created through the cache adapters, which are classes that
implement both CacheInterface and
. This component provides several adapters
ready to use in your applications.
- APCu Cache Adapter
- Array Cache Adapter
- Chain Cache Adapter
- Couchbase Bucket Cache Adapter
- Couchbase Collection Cache Adapter
- Doctrine DBAL Cache Adapter
- Filesystem Cache Adapter
- Memcached Cache Adapter
- PDO Cache Adapter
- PHP Array Cache Adapter
- PHP Files Cache Adapter
- Proxy Cache Adapter
- Redis Cache Adapter
Using the Cache Contracts
The CacheInterface allows fetching, storing and deleting cache items using only two methods and a callback:
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use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\FilesystemAdapter;
use Symfony\Contracts\Cache\ItemInterface;
$cache = new FilesystemAdapter();
// The callable will only be executed on a cache miss.
$value = $cache->get('my_cache_key', function (ItemInterface $item): string {
// ... do some HTTP request or heavy computations
$computedValue = 'foobar';
return $computedValue;
echo $value; // 'foobar'
// ... and to remove the cache key
Out of the box, using this interface provides stampede protection via locking and early expiration. Early expiration can be controlled via the third "beta" argument of the get() method. See the The Cache Component article for more information.
Early expiration can be detected inside the callback by calling the
isHit() method: if this
returns true
, it means we are currently recomputing a value ahead of its
expiration date.
For advanced use cases, the callback can accept a second bool &$save
argument passed by reference. By setting $save
to false
inside the
callback, you can instruct the cache pool that the returned value should not
be stored in the backend.
Using PSR-6
Looking for Cache Items
Cache Pools define three methods to look for cache items. The most common method
is getItem($key)
, which returns the cache item identified by the given key:
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use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\FilesystemAdapter;
$cache = new FilesystemAdapter('app.cache');
$latestNews = $cache->getItem('latest_news');
If no item is defined for the given key, the method doesn't return a null
value but an empty object which implements the CacheItem
If you need to fetch several cache items simultaneously, use instead the
getItems([$key1, $key2, ...])
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// ...
$stocks = $cache->getItems(['AAPL', 'FB', 'GOOGL', 'MSFT']);
Again, if any of the keys doesn't represent a valid cache item, you won't get
a null
value but an empty CacheItem
The last method related to fetching cache items is hasItem($key)
, which
returns true
if there is a cache item identified by the given key:
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// ...
$hasBadges = $cache->hasItem('user_'.$userId.'_badges');
Saving Cache Items
The most common method to save cache items is
, which stores the
item in the cache immediately (it returns true
if the item was saved or
if some error occurred):
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// ...
$userFriends = $cache->getItem('user_'.$userId.'_friends');
$isSaved = $cache->save($userFriends);
Sometimes you may prefer to not save the objects immediately in order to
increase the application performance. In those cases, use the
method to mark cache
items as "ready to be persisted" and then call to
method when you are ready
to persist them all:
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// ...
$isQueued = $cache->saveDeferred($userFriends);
// ...
$isQueued = $cache->saveDeferred($userPreferences);
// ...
$isQueued = $cache->saveDeferred($userRecentProducts);
// ...
$isSaved = $cache->commit();
The saveDeferred()
method returns true
when the cache item has been
successfully added to the "persist queue" and false
otherwise. The commit()
method returns true
when all the pending items are successfully saved or
Removing Cache Items
Cache Pools include methods to delete a cache item, some of them or all of them.
The most common is Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface::deleteItem
which deletes the cache item identified by the given key (it returns true
when the item is successfully deleted or doesn't exist and false
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// ...
$isDeleted = $cache->deleteItem('user_'.$userId);
Use the Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface::deleteItems
method to
delete several cache items simultaneously (it returns true
only if all the
items have been deleted, even when any or some of them don't exist):
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// ...
$areDeleted = $cache->deleteItems(['category1', 'category2']);
Finally, to remove all the cache items stored in the pool, use the
method (which returns true
when all items are successfully deleted):
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// ...
$cacheIsEmpty = $cache->clear();
If the cache component is used inside a Symfony application, you can remove items from cache pools using the following commands (which reside within the framework bundle):
To remove one specific item from the given pool:
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$ php bin/console cache:pool:delete <cache-pool-name> <cache-key-name>
# deletes the "cache_key" item from the "" pool
$ php bin/console cache:pool:delete cache_key
You can also remove all items from the given pool(s):
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$ php bin/console cache:pool:clear <cache-pool-name>
# clears the "" pool
$ php bin/console cache:pool:clear
# clears the "cache.validation" and "" pool
$ php bin/console cache:pool:clear cache.validation
Pruning Cache Items
Some cache pools do not include an automated mechanism for pruning expired cache items.
For example, the FilesystemAdapter cache
does not remove expired cache items until an item is explicitly requested and determined to
be expired, for example, via a call to Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface::getItem
Under certain workloads, this can cause stale cache entries to persist well past their
expiration, resulting in a sizable consumption of wasted disk or memory space from excess,
expired cache items.
This shortcoming has been solved through the introduction of PruneableInterface, which defines the abstract method prune(). The ChainAdapter, DoctrineDbalAdapter, and FilesystemAdapter, PdoAdapter, and PhpFilesAdapter all implement this new interface, allowing manual removal of stale cache items:
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use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\FilesystemAdapter;
$cache = new FilesystemAdapter('app.cache');
// ... do some set and get operations
The ChainAdapter implementation does not directly
contain any pruning logic itself. Instead, when calling the chain adapter's
prune() method, the call is delegated to all
its compatible cache adapters (and those that do not implement PruneableInterface
silently ignored):
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use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\ApcuAdapter;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\ChainAdapter;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\FilesystemAdapter;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\PdoAdapter;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\PhpFilesAdapter;
$cache = new ChainAdapter([
new ApcuAdapter(), // does NOT implement PruneableInterface
new FilesystemAdapter(), // DOES implement PruneableInterface
new PdoAdapter(), // DOES implement PruneableInterface
new PhpFilesAdapter(), // DOES implement PruneableInterface
// ...
// prune will proxy the call to PdoAdapter, FilesystemAdapter and PhpFilesAdapter,
// while silently skipping ApcuAdapter
If the cache component is used inside a Symfony application, you can prune all items from all pools using the following command (which resides within the framework bundle):
$ php bin/console cache:pool:prune