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Unit Testing your Models

Symfony version

Writing unit tests for your Propel or Doctrine model is quite easy. In this tutorial, you will learn some great tips and best practices to write better tests for your models.

Database Configuration

To test a Propel model class, you need a database. You already have the one you use for your development, but it is always a good habit to create a dedicated one for your tests.

As all tests are run under the test environment, we just need to edit the config/databases.yml configuration file and override the default settings for the test environment:

      database:     myproject_test
  # dev configuration
    class:          sfPropelDatabase
      datasource:   propel
      phptype:      mysql
      hostspec:     localhost
      database:     myproject
      username:     someuser
      password:     somepa$$word

In this case, we have only changed the database name, but you can also change the database engine and use SQLite for example.

Test Data

Now that we have a dedicated database for our tests, we need a way to load some test data (fixtures) each time we launch the unit tests. That's because we want to put the database in the same state each time we run our tests.

It is pretty easy thanks to the sfData class:

$loader = new sfPropelData();

The loadData() method takes a directory or a file as its first argument. A common fixtures directory looks like this:


Notice the numbers prefixing all filenames. This is a simple way to control the order of data loading. Later in the project, if we need to insert some fixture file, it will be easy as we have some free numbers between existing ones:


Astute readers will have spotted that we have put our fixtures in the test/ directory, whereas the symfony book advocates to put them in the data/ directory. This is really a matter of taste, but I like to organize my fixtures in these two directories because fixtures can be categorized in two different groups:

  • data/fixtures: contains all initial data needed to make the application actually work
  • test/fixtures: contains all data needed by the tests (unit and functional)

This simple scheme works fine when you have a small set of test data, but when your model grows, you start having a lot more fixtures, and the time it takes to load them in the database can become significant. So, we need a way to only load a sub-set of our test data. One way to do it is to sub-categorize your test data by creating a sub-directory per main feature:


Now, instead of loading the main fixtures directory, we can just load one of the sub-directories, depending on the model class you want to test. But most of the time, you also need to load some shared data, like users:


To load several test files or directories, we can call the loadData() method several times:

// load users and all the CMS data
$loader = new sfPropelData();

This will load the 10_users.yml fixture file and then all the fixtures found in the 10_cms directory.

Writing Unit Tests

Now that we have a dedicated database and a way to put our database in a know state, let's create some unit tests for the Article model.

Here is a typical Propel unit test bootstrapping file:

// test/unit/model/ArticlePeerTest.php
$configuration = ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration('frontend', 'test', true);
new sfDatabaseManager($configuration);
$loader = new sfPropelData();
$t = new lime_test(1, new lime_output_color());
$article = ArticlePeer::retrieveBySlug('the-best-framework-ever');
$t->is($article->getTitle(), 'The Best Framework Ever', '->retrieveBySlug() returns the article that matches the given slug');

The script is pretty self-explanatory:

  • As for every unit test, we include the bootstrapping file.

  • We create a configuration object for the test environment and we enable debugging:

    $configuration = ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration('frontend', 'test', true);

    This will also initialize the autoloading of all Propel classes.

  • We create a database manager. It initializes the Propel connection by loading the databases.yml configuration file:

    new sfDatabaseManager($configuration);
  • We load our test data by using sfPropelData:

    $loader = new sfPropelData();
  • Now that everything is in place, we can start testing our model object.

If you are not used to write unit tests, it can be intimidating at first.

Here are some tips I use all the time to know what I need to test:

  • Test one method of a class at a time
  • Test that for a given input, the output of the method is what you expect
  • Read the method code and test all the business rules you might have
  • Never test obvious things or things that are done by another method

My test files are always structured with the same pattern:

// output a message with the method you test (-> for instance methods, and :: for class methods)
// test 1 thing at a time that can be expressed as a simple sentence
// The sentence always begin with the method name
// then a verb to express what must be done, how it must behave, ...
$t->is($object->methodName(), 1, '->methodName() returns 1 if you pass no argument');

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