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昨天是很棒的一天。你学习了如何生成友好URL,和如何使用symfony框架自动完成一些 工作。






// apps/frontend/modules/job/actions/actions.class.php
class jobActions extends sfActions
  public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
    $this->jobeet_job_list = Doctrine::getTable('JobeetJob')
  // ...

An active job is one that was posted less than 30 days ago. The ~Doctrine_Query~::execute() method will make a request to the database. In the code above, we are not specifying any where condition which means that all the records are retrieved from the database.


public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
  $q = Doctrine_Query::create()
    ->from('JobeetJob j')
    ->where('j.created_at > ?', date('Y-m-d h:i:s', time() - 86400 * 30));
  $this->jobeet_job_list = $q->execute();


即使你不写任何SQL语句,Doctrine仍会处理好各种数据库引擎直接的兼容,并为你选择的数据库引擎 (如MySQL)自动生成优化的SQL语句。有时这些SQL语句会很有用。例如,调试出问题的查询语句。 在开发环境中,这些查询语句(和其它东西一起)生成日志文件,保存在log/目录下。在这个目录下, symfony会为每种环境中每个程序都生成一个单独的日志文件,我们找的是frontend_dev.logdev环境下的frontend程序的日志文件):

# log/frontend_dev.log
Dec 04 13:58:33 symfony [info] {sfDoctrineLogger} executeQuery : SELECT AS j__id, j.category_id AS j__category_id, j.type AS j__type, AS j__company, j.logo AS j__logo, j.url AS j__url, 
j.position AS j__position, j.location AS j__location, 
j.description AS j__description, j.how_to_apply AS j__how_to_apply, 
j.token AS j__token, j.is_public AS j__is_public, 
j.is_activated AS j__is_activated, AS j__email, 
j.expires_at AS j__expires_at, j.created_at AS j__created_at, 
j.updated_at AS j__updated_at FROM jobeet_job j 
WHERE j.created_at > ? (2008-11-08 01:13:35)

You can see for yourself that Doctrine has a where clause for the created_at column (WHERE j.created_at > ?).


The ? string in the query indicates that Doctrine generates prepared statements. The actual value of ? ('2008-11-08 01:13:35' in the example above) is passed during the execution of the query and properly escaped by the database engine. The use of prepared statements dramatically reduces your exposure to SQL injection attacks.

日志文件真的不错,但麻烦的是每次需要查看的时候,你都要重新打开一次日志文件 (因为用记事本打开的文件是不会自动刷新的)。还好我们有替代方法——WEB调试工具栏, 你可以直接通过浏览器查看全部信息:

SQL statements in the web debug toolbar


index动作中的代码虽然可以得到我们想要的结果,但却不是我们应该使用的方式。 因为需求还要求:


因为created_at字段一旦生成无法改变,所以上面的代码无法实现这个需求,我们 需要重新修改代码。

你应该还记得数据库中有一个expires_at字段。现在这个值为空。当添加一条记录时, 这个字段应该被设置成30天后的日期(过期日期)。


// lib/model/doctrine/JobeetJob.class.php
class JobeetJob extends BaseJobeetJob
  public function save(Doctrine_Connection $conn = null)
    if ($this->isNew() && !$this->getExpiresAt())
      $now = $this->getCreatedAt() ? strtotime($this->getCreatedAt()) : time();
      $this->setExpiresAt(date('Y-m-d h:i:s', $now + 86400 * 30));
    return parent::save($conn);
  // ...

The isNew() method returns true when the object has not been serialized yet in the database, and false otherwise.

Now, let's change the action to use the expires_at column instead of the created_at one to select the active jobs:

public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
  $q = Doctrine_Query::create()
    ->from('JobeetJob j')
    ->where('j.expires_at > ?', date('Y-m-d h:i:s', time()));
  $this->jobeet_job_list = $q->execute();



Refreshing the Jobeet homepage in your browser won't change anything as the jobs in the database have been posted just a few days ago. Let's change the fixtures to add a job that is already expired:

# data/fixtures/jobs.yml
  # other jobs
    JobeetCategory: programming
    company:        Sensio Labs
    position:       Web Developer
    location:       Paris, France
    description:    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
    how_to_apply:   Send your resume to lorem.ipsum [at] dolor.sit
    is_public:      true
    is_activated:   true
    created_at:     '2005-12-01 00:00:00'
    token:          job_expired


Be careful when you copy and paste code in a fixture file to not break the indentation. The expired_job must only have two spaces before it.

As you can see in the job we have added in the fixture file, the created_at column value can be defined even if it is automatically filled by Doctrine. The defined value will override the default one. Reload the fixtures and refresh your browser to ensure that the old job does not show up:

$ php symfony doctrine:data-load

You can also execute the following query to make sure that the expires_at column is automatically filled by the save() method, based on the created_at value:

SELECT `position`, `created_at`, `expires_at` FROM `jobeet_job`;

Custom Configuration

In the JobeetJob::save() method, we have hardcoded the number of days for the job to expire. It would have been better to make the 30 days configurable. The symfony framework provides a built-in configuration file for application specific settings, the app.yml file. This YAML file can contain any setting you want:

# apps/frontend/config/app.yml
  active_days: 30

In the application, these settings are available through the global sfConfig class:


The setting has been prefixed by app_ because the sfConfig class also provides access to symfony settings as we will see later on.

Let's update the code to take this new setting into account:

public function save(Doctrine_Connection $conn = null)
  if ($this->isNew() && !$this->getExpiresAt())
    $now = $this->getCreatedAt() ? strtotime($this->getCreatedAt()) : time();
    $this->setExpiresAt(date('Y-m-d h:i:s', $now + 86400 * sfConfig::get('app_active_days')));
  return parent::save($conn);

The app.yml configuration file is a great way to centralize global settings for your application.

Last, if you need project-wide settings, just create a new app.yml file in the config folder at the root of your symfony project.



The Doctrine_Query code does not belong to the action (the Controller layer), it belongs to the Model layer. In the MVC model, the Model defines all the business logic, and the Controller only calls the Model to retrieve data from it. As the code returns a collection of jobs, let's move the code to the JobeetJobTable class and create a getActiveJobs() method:

// lib/model/doctrine/JobeetJobTable.class.php
class JobeetJobTable extends Doctrine_Table
  public function getActiveJobs()
    $q = $this->createQuery('j')
      ->where('j.expires_at > ?', date('Y-m-d h:i:s', time()));
    return $q->execute();


public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
  $this->jobeet_job_list = Doctrine::getTable('JobeetJob')->getActiveJobs();

This refactoring has several benefits over the previous code:


  • 将获取招聘信息的逻辑放入Model层
  • 控制层的代码更加易读
  • getActiveJobs()方法可以被其他动作重用
  • 模型代码现在可以进行单元测试了


public function getActiveJobs()
  $q = $this->createQuery('j')
    ->where('j.expires_at > ?', date('Y-m-d h:i:s', time()))
    ->orderBy('j.expires_at DESC');
  return $q->execute();

The orderBy methods sets the ORDER BY clause to the generated SQL (addOrderBy() also exists).




直到现在,我们还没有考虑信息分类。按要求,首页必须按分类显示招聘信息, 我们需要让每个分类至少包含一个已激活的招聘信息。


// lib/model/doctrine/JobeetCategoryTable.class.php
class JobeetCategoryTable extends Doctrine_Table
  public function getWithJobs()
    $q = $this->createQuery('c')
      ->leftJoin('c.JobeetJob j')
      ->where('j.expires_at > ?', date('Y-m-d h:i:s', time()));
    return $q->execute();


// apps/frontend/modules/job/actions/actions.class.php
public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
  $this->categories = Doctrine::getTable('JobeetCategory')->getWithJobs();


// apps/frontend/modules/job/templates/indexSuccess.php
<?php use_stylesheet('jobs.css') ?>
<div id="jobs">
  <?php foreach ($categories as $category): ?>
    <div class="category_<?php echo Jobeet::slugify($category->getName()) ?>">
      <div class="category">
        <div class="feed">
          <a href="">Feed</a>
        <h1><?php echo $category ?></h1>
      <table class="jobs">
        <?php foreach ($category->getActiveJobs() as $i => $job): ?>
          <tr class="<?php echo fmod($i, 2) ? 'even' : 'odd' ?>">
            <td class="location">
              <?php echo $job->getLocation() ?>
            <td class="position">
              <?php echo link_to($job->getPosition(), 'job_show_user', $job) ?>
            <td class="company">
              <?php echo $job->getCompany() ?>
        <?php endforeach; ?>
  <?php endforeach; ?>


我们使用echo $category显示分类名,听起来很奇怪?$category是一个对象,如何象 字符串一样显示分类名?答案就是我们第3天给所有model类定义魔术方法__toString()。 这个方法返回设置好的字符串。当需要将对象作为字符串使用的时候,就会调用这个方法。


// lib/model/doctrine/JobeetCategory.class.php
public function getActiveJobs()
  $q = Doctrine_Query::create()
    ->from('JobeetJob j')
    ->where('j.category_id = ?', $this->getId());
  return Doctrine::getTable('JobeetJob')->getActiveJobs($q);

The JobeetCategory::getActiveJobs() method uses the Doctrine::getTable('JobeetJob')->getActiveJobs() method to retrieve the active jobs for the given category.

When calling the Doctrine::getTable('JobeetJob')->getActiveJobs(), we want to restrict the condition even more by providing a category. Instead of passing the category object, we have decided to pass a Doctrine_Query object as this is the best way to encapsulate a generic condition.

The getActiveJobs() needs to merge this Doctrine_Query object with its own query. As the Doctrine_Query is an object, this is quite simple:

// lib/model/doctrine/JobeetJobTable.class.php
public function getActiveJobs(Doctrine_Query $q = null)
  if (is_null($q))
    $q = Doctrine_Query::create()
      ->from('JobeetJob j');
  $q->andWhere('j.expires_at > ?', date('Y-m-d h:i:s', time()))
    ->addOrderBy('j.expires_at DESC');
  return $q->execute();





// lib/model/doctrine/JobeetCategory.class.php
public function getActiveJobs($max = 10)
  $q = Doctrine_Query::create()
    ->from('JobeetJob j')
    ->where('j.category_id = ?', $this->getId())
  return Doctrine::getTable('JobeetJob')->getActiveJobs($q);

现在,LIMIT子句使用的了硬编码(hard-coded),我们将最大值变量添加到app.yml中, 模板从配置文件中读取该值:

<!-- apps/frontend/modules/job/templates/indexSuccess.php -->
<?php foreach ($category->getActiveJobs(sfConfig::get('app_max_jobs_on_homepage')) as $i => $job): ?>


  active_days:          30
  max_jobs_on_homepage: 10

Homepage sorted by category


现在,除非你将max_jobs_on_homepage设置为1,否则你不会看到修改后代码的效果 (job的数量不够)。我们需要导入很多招聘信息到数据库中。你可以将已有的job复制 粘贴十几二十遍,不过即使是在数据导入文件(fixture)中代码重复仍是很糟糕的事情。 我们有更好的方法。

symfony的YAML文件中可以包含PHP代码,它们将在YAML代码被分析之前执行。打开 jobs.yml,添加下列代码到尾部:

# Starts at the beginning of the line (no whitespace before)
<?php for ($i = 100; $i <= 130; $i++): ?>
  job_<?php echo $i ?>:
    JobeetCategory: programming
    company:      Company <?php echo $i."\n" ?>
    position:     Web Developer
    location:     Paris, France
    description:  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
    how_to_apply: |
      Send your resume to lorem.ipsum [at] company_<?php echo $i ?>.sit
    is_public:    true
    is_activated: true
    token:        job_<?php echo $i."\n" ?>
<?php endfor; ?>

小心,如果你的缩进没有对齐,YAML会出错,记住用空格代替Tab。当你添加PHP代码到YAML文件时, 记住下面两点:

  • 语句必须占一行,或嵌入到一个值中
  • 如果 在一行的结尾,需要输出一个新行(”\n”)

You can now reload the fixtures with the doctrine:data-load task and see if only 10 jobs are displayed on the homepage for the Programming category. In the following screenshot, we have changed the maximum number of jobs to five to make the image smaller:



招聘信息过期后,便不能通过网页访问。即使你知道URL,也不会看到相关的内容。 试试这个URL(id换为实际值)- SELECT id, token FROM jobeet_job WHERE expires_at < NOW()):


我们仍能看到信息页面,但我们希望显示的是404页面。我们可不可以在招聘信息被 自动取回的同时,通过路由实现这个功能呢?

# apps/frontend/config/routing.yml
  url:     /job/:company_slug/:location_slug/:id/:position_slug
  class:   sfDoctrineRoute
    model: JobeetJob
    type:  object
    method_for_query: retrieveActiveJob
  param:   { module: job, action: show }
    id: \d+
    sf_method: [GET]


The ~method_for_query~ setting was not working prior to the 1.2.2 release.

The retrieveActiveJob method will receive the Doctrine_Query object built by the route:

// lib/model/doctrine/JobeetJobTable.class.php
class JobeetJobTable extends Doctrine_Table
  public function retrieveActiveJob(Doctrine_Query $q)
    $q->andWhere('a.expires_at > ?', date('Y-m-d h:i:s', time()));
    return $q->fetchOne();
  // ...


404 for expired job





在做Jobeet项目的同时,阅读一下在线API文档 和其它文档 会对你有很大帮助。

Good luck!

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License license.