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Day 22: The Deployment

Symfony version

With the configuration of the cache system yesterday, the Jobeet website is ready to be deployed on the production servers.

During twenty-two days, we have developed Jobeet on a development machine, and for most of you, it probably means your local machine; except if you develop on the production server directly, which is of course a very bad idea. Now, it is time to move the website to a production server.

Today, we will see what needs to be done before going to production, what kind of deploying strategies you can use, and also the tools you need for a successful deployment.

Preparing the Production Server

Before deploying the project to production, we need to be sure the production server is configured correctly. You can re-read day 1, where we explained how to configure the web server.

In this section, we assume that you have already installed the web server, the database server, and PHP 5.2.4 or later.


If you don't have an SSH access to the web server, skip the part where you need to have access to the command line.

Server Configuration

First, you need to check that PHP is installed with all the needed extensions and is correctly configured. As for day 1, we will use the check_configuration.php script provided with symfony. As we won't install symfony on the production server, download the file directly from the symfony website:

Copy the file to the web root directory and run it from your browser and from the command line:

$ php check_configuration.php

Fix any fatal error the script finds and repeat the process until everything works fine in both environments.

PHP Accelerator

For the production server, you probably want the best performance possible. Installing a PHP accelerator will give you the best improvement for your money.


From Wikipedia: A PHP accelerator works by caching the compiled bytecode of PHP scripts to avoid the overhead of parsing and compiling source code on each request.

APC is one of the most popular one, and it is quite simple to install it:

$ pecl install APC

Depending on your Operating System, you will also be able to install it with the OS native package manager.


Take some time to learn how to configure APC.

The symfony Libraries

Embedding symfony

One of the great strengths of symfony is that a project is self-contained. All the files needed for the project to work are under the main root project directory. And you can move around the project in another directory without changing anything in the project itself as symfony only uses relative paths. It means that the directory on the production server does not have to be the same as the one on your development machine.

The only absolute path that can possibly be found is in the config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php file; but we took care of it during day 1. Check that it actually contains a relative path to the symfony core autoloader:

// config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/vendor/symfony/lib/autoload/sfCoreAutoload.class.php';

Upgrading symfony

Even if everything is self-contained in a single directory, upgrading symfony to a newer release is nonetheless insanely easy.

You will want to upgrade symfony to the latest minor release from time to time, as we constantly fix bugs and possibly security issues. The good news is that all symfony versions are maintained for at least a year and during the maintenance period, we never ever add new features, even the smallest one. So, it is always fast, safe, and secure to upgrade from one minor release to another.

Upgrading symfony is as simple as changing the content of the lib/vendor/symfony/ directory. If you have installed symfony with the archive, remove the current files and replace them with the newest ones.

If you use Subversion for your project, you can also link your project to the latest symfony 1.2 tag:

$ svn propedit svn:externals lib/vendor/
  # symfony

Upgrading symfony is then as simple as changing the tag to the latest symfony version.

You can also use the 1.2 branch to have fixes in real-time:

$ svn propedit svn:externals lib/vendor/
  # symfony

Now, each time you do an svn up, you will have the latest symfony 1.2 version.

When upgrading to a new version, you are advised to always clear the cache, especially in the production environment:

$ php symfony cc


If you also have an FTP access to the production server, you can simulate a symfony cc by simply removing all the files and directories under the cache/ directory.

You can even test a new symfony version without replacing the existing one. If you just want to test a new release, and want to be able to rollback easily, install symfony in another directory (lib/vendor/symfony_test for instance), change the path in the ProjectConfiguration class, clear the cache, and you are done. Rollbacking is as simple as removing the directory, and change back the path in ProjectConfiguration.

Tweaking the Configuration

Database Configuration

Most of the time, the production database has different credentials than the local one. Thanks to the symfony environments, it is quite simple to have a different configuration for the production database:

$ php symfony configure:database "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=prod_dbname" prod_user prod_pass

You can also edit the databases.yml configuration file directly.


As Jobeet uses plugins that embed assets, symfony created relative symbolic links in the web/ directory. The plugin:publish-assets task regenerates or creates them if you install plugins without the plugin:install task:

$ php symfony plugin:publish-assets

Customizing Error Pages

Before going to production, it is better to customize default symfony pages, like the "Page Not Found" page, or the default exception page.

We have already configured the error page for the YAML format during day 16, by creating an error.yaml.php and an exception.yaml.php files in the config/error/ directory. The error.yaml.php file is used by symfony in the prod environment, whereas exception.yaml.php is used in the dev environment.

So, to customize the default exception page for the HTML format, create two files: config/error/error.html.php and config/error/exception.html.php.

The 404 page (page not found) can be customized by changing the error_404_module and error_404_action settings:

# apps/frontend/config/settings.yml
    error_404_module: default
    error_404_action: error404

Customizing the Directory Structure

To better structure and standardize your code, symfony has a default directory structure with pre-defined names. But sometimes, you don't have the choice but to change the structure because of some external constraints.

Configuring the directory names can be done in the config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php class.

The Web Root Directory

On some web hosts, you cannot change the web root directory name. Let's say that on your web host, it is named public_html/ instead of web/:

// config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php
class ProjectConfiguration extends sfProjectConfiguration
  public function setup()

The setWebDir() method takes the absolute path of the web root directory. If you also move this directory elsewhere, don't forget to edit the controller scripts to check that paths to the config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php file are still valid:


The Cache and Log Directory

The symfony framework only writes in two directories: cache/ and log/. For security reasons, some web hosts do not set write permissions in the main directory. If this is the case, you can move these directories elsewhere on the filesystem:

// config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php
class ProjectConfiguration extends sfProjectConfiguration
  public function setup()

As for the setWebDir() method, setCacheDir() and setLogDir() take an absolute path to the cache/ and log/ directories respectively.

Customizing symfony core Objects (aka factories)

During day 16, we talked a bit about the symfony factories. Being able to customize the factories means that you can use a custom class for symfony core objects instead of the default one. You can also change the default behavior of these classes by changing the parameters send to them.

Let's take a look at some classic customizations you may want to do.

Cookie Name

To handle the user session, symfony uses a cookie. This cookie has a default name of symfony, which can be changed in factories.yml. Under the all key, add the following configuration to change the cookie name to jobeet:

# apps/frontend/config/factories.yml
  class: sfSessionStorage
    session_name: jobeet

Session Storage

The default session storage class is sfSessionStorage. It uses the filesystem to store the session information. If you have several web servers, you would want to store the sessions in a central place, like a database table:

# apps/frontend/config/factories.yml
  class: sfPDOSessionStorage
    session_name: jobeet
    db_table:     session
    database:     doctrine
    db_id_col:    id
    db_data_col:  data
    db_time_col:  time

Session Timeout

By default, the user session timeout if 1800 seconds. This can be changed by editing the user entry:

# apps/frontend/config/factories.yml
  class: myUser
    timeout: 1800


By default, there is no logging in the prod environment because the logger class name is sfNoLogger:

# apps/frontend/config/factories.yml
    class:   sfNoLogger
      level:   err
      loggers: ~

You can for instance enable logging on the filesystem by changing the logger class name to sfFileLogger:

# apps/frontend/config/factories.yml
  class: sfFileLogger
    level: error
    file:  %SF_LOG_DIR%/%SF_APP%_%SF_ENVIRONMENT%.log


In the factories.yml configuration file, %XXX% strings are replaced with their corresponding value from the sfConfig object. So, %SF_APP% in a configuration file is equivalent to sfConfig::get('sf_app') in PHP code. This notation can also be used in the app.yml configuration file. It is very useful when you need to reference a path in a configuration file without hardcoding the path (SF_ROOT_DIR, SF_WEB_DIR, ...).


What to deploy?

When deploying the Jobeet website to the production server, we need to be careful not to deploy unneeded files or override files uploaded by our users, like the company logos.

In a symfony project, there are three directories to exclude from the transfer: cache/, log/, and web/uploads/. Everything else can be transfered as is.

For security reasons, you also don't want to transfer the "non-production" front controllers, like the frontend_dev.php, backend_dev.php and frontend_cache.php scripts.

Deploying Strategies

In this section, we will assume that you have full control over the production server(s). If you can only access the server with a FTP account, the only deployment solution possible is to transfer all files every time you deploy.

The simplest way to deploy your website is to use the built-in project:deploy task. It uses SSH and rsync to connect and transfer the files from one computer to another one.

Servers for the project:deploy task can be configured in the config/properties.ini configuration file:

# config/properties.ini

To deploy to the newly configured production server, use the project:deploy task:

$ php symfony project:deploy production


Before running the project:deploy task for the first time, you need to connect to the server manually to add the key in the known hosts file.


If the command does not work as expected, you can pass the -t option to see the real-time output of the rsync command.

If you run this command, symfony will only simulate the transfer. To actually deploy the website, add the --go option:

$ php symfony project:deploy production --go


Even if you can provide the SSH password in the properties.ini file, it is better to configure your server with a SSH key to allow password-less connections.

By default, symfony won't transfer the directories we have talked about in the previous section, nor it will transfer the dev front controller script. That's because the project:deploy task exclude files and directories are configured in the config/rsync_exclude.txt file:

# config/rsync_exclude.txt

For Jobeet, we need to add the frontend_cache.php file:

# config/rsync_exclude.txt


You can also create a config/rsync_include.txt file to force some files or directories to be transfered.

Even if the project:deploy task is very flexible, you might want to customize it even further. As deploying can be very different based on your server configuration and topology, don't hesitate to extend the default task.

Each time you deploy a website to production, don't forget to at least clear the configuration cache on the production server:

$ php symfony cc --type=config

If you have changed some routes, you will also need to clear the routing cache:

$ php symfony cc --type=routing


Clearing the cache selectively allows to keep some parts of the cache, such as the template cache.

See you Tomorrow

The deployment of a project is the very last step of the symfony development life-cycle. It does not mean that you are done. This is quite the contrary. A website is something that has a life by itself. You will probably have to fix bugs and you will also want to add new features over time. But thanks to the symfony structure and the tools at your disposal, upgrading your website is simple, fast, and safe.

Tomorrow is the last day of the Jobeet tutorial. It will be time to take a step back and have a look at what you learned during the twenty-three days of Jobeet.

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