Le code ci-dessous correspond au JavaScript nécessaire au bon fonctionnement du
widget sfWidgetFormGMapAddress
function sfGmapWidgetWidget(options){ // this global attributes this.lng = null; this.lat = null; this.address = null; this.map = null; this.geocoder = null; this.options = options; this.init(); } sfGmapWidgetWidget.prototype = new Object(); sfGmapWidgetWidget.prototype.init = function() { if(!GBrowserIsCompatible()) { return; } // retrieve dom element this.lng = jQuery("#" + this.options.longitude); this.lat = jQuery("#" + this.options.latitude); this.address = jQuery("#" + this.options.address); this.lookup = jQuery("#" + this.options.lookup); // create the google geocoder object this.geocoder = new GClientGeocoder(); // create the map this.map = new GMap2(jQuery("#" + this.options.map).get(0)); this.map.setCenter(new GLatLng(this.lat.val(), this.lng.val()), 13); this.map.setUIToDefault(); // cross reference object this.map.sfGmapWidgetWidget = this; this.geocoder.sfGmapWidgetWidget = this; this.lookup.get(0).sfGmapWidgetWidget = this; // add the default location var point = new GLatLng(this.lat.val(), this.lng.val()); var marker = new GMarker(point); this.map.setCenter(point, 15); this.map.addOverlay(marker); // bind the move action on the map GEvent.addListener(this.map, "move", function() { var center = this.getCenter(); this.sfGmapWidgetWidget.lng.val(center.lng()); this.sfGmapWidgetWidget.lat.val(center.lat()); }); // bind the click action on the map GEvent.addListener(this.map, "click", function(overlay, latlng) { if (latlng != null) { sfGmapWidgetWidget.activeWidget = this.sfGmapWidgetWidget; this.sfGmapWidgetWidget.geocoder.getLocations( latlng, sfGmapWidgetWidget.reverseLookupCallback ); } }); // bind the click action on the lookup field this.lookup.bind('click', function(){ sfGmapWidgetWidget.activeWidget = this.sfGmapWidgetWidget; this.sfGmapWidgetWidget.geocoder.getLatLng( this.sfGmapWidgetWidget.address.val(), sfGmapWidgetWidget.lookupCallback ); return false; }) } sfGmapWidgetWidget.activeWidget = null; sfGmapWidgetWidget.lookupCallback = function(point) { // get the widget and clear the state variable var widget = sfGmapWidgetWidget.activeWidget; sfGmapWidgetWidget.activeWidget = null; if (!point) { alert("address not found"); return; } widget.map.clearOverlays(); widget.map.setCenter(point, 15); var marker = new GMarker(point); widget.map.addOverlay(marker); } sfGmapWidgetWidget.reverseLookupCallback = function(response) { // get the widget and clear the state variable var widget = sfGmapWidgetWidget.activeWidget; sfGmapWidgetWidget.activeWidget = null; widget.map.clearOverlays(); if (!response || response.Status.code != 200) { alert('no address found'); return; } // get information location and init variables var place = response.Placemark[0]; var point = new GLatLng(place.Point.coordinates[1],place.Point.coordinates[0]); var marker = new GMarker(point); // add marker and center the map widget.map.setCenter(point, 15); widget.map.addOverlay(marker); // update values widget.address.val(place.address); widget.lat.val(place.Point.coordinates[1]); widget.lng.val(place.Point.coordinates[0]); }
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