Recently, a lot of Symfony user groups have been created in many countries. Thess user groups organize local meetups on a regular basis but it was not easy to find them. Not anymore. As of today, anybody can advertize a user group meetup or any other Symfony related event directly on the website.
On the "News" section, all the upcoming events are listed under the new "Community Events" section. And if you are connected via SensioLabs Connect, click on the "Add an event" button to submit your event.
Feel free to add your next events!
I forgot to mention that you can also subscribe to the events RSS feed:
Thanks Fabien
That's great! I just submitted our Swedish meetup in May.
Hi Fabien,
here is an alternative solution: we develop (with Symfony), an open plateform for event-sharing. It helps organizers to broadcast their events, and community agendas can easily find content.
Any organizer can publish Symfony events on Cibul, and add it to a collaborative program of events. This program can be embed on any site or its content be retrieved by anyone thanks to the API. Lot of features available and to come. Have a look!
Thanks :)