Introducing the Symfony Marketplace
November 13, 2014 • Published by Javier Eguiluz
Today we are thrilled to introduce the new and long-awaited Marketplace section on website. The Symfony Marketplace is a directory of products and services related to Symfony and its ecosystem.
We envisioned this marketplace for the first time when we launched Symfony 2.0. Thanks to the recent boom of Symfony related services and applications, the marketplace is now a reality.
In this section, you'll find more than 45 open source projects developed with Symfony and some commercial projects such as Shopware and OroCRM. You'll also find lots useful tools suited for Symfony development, such as Blackfire profiler, PHPStorm IDE and SensioLabsInsight.
Companies using Symfony will be glad to also find some of the best hosting services to deploy Symfony applications: Microsoft Azure and Moreover, companies can look for professional services providers such as SensioLabs, King Foo and WeMakeCustom. Last but not least, they can take their team to the next level with the training provided by SensioLabs Training.
In the coming weeks we look forward to seeing the marketplace grow to better reflect the richness of Symfony's ecosystem. If you have a project, a product or a service that you feel should be listed, please contact us at
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