Symfony 2.4.0-BETA2 has just been released. Since the release of the first beta, a bunch of bugs have been fixed:
- bug #9408 [Form] Fixed failing FormDataExtractorTest (bschussek)
- bug #9397 [BUG][Form] Fix nonexistent key id in twig of data collector (francoispluchino)
- bug #9395 [HttpKernel] fixed memory limit display in MemoryDataCollector (hhamon)
- bug #9168 [FrameworkBundle] made sure that the debug event dispatcher is used everywhere (fabpot)
- bug #9388 [Form] Fixed: The "data" option is taken into account even if it is NULL (bschussek)
- bug #9394 [Form] Fixed form debugger to work even when no view variables are logged (bschussek)
- bug #9391 [Serializer] Fixed the error handling when decoding invalid XML to avoid a Warning (stof)
- feature #9365 prevent PHP from magically setting a 302 header (lsmith77)
- feature #9252 [FrameworkBundle] Only enable CSRF protection when enabled in config (asm89)
- bug #9378 [DomCrawler] [HttpFoundation] Make `Content-Type` attributes identification case-insensitive (matthieuprat)
- bug #9354 [Process] Fix #9343 : revert file handle usage on Windows platform (romainneutron)
- bug #9335 [Form] Improved FormTypeCsrfExtension to use the type class as default intention if the form name is empty (bschussek)
- bug #9334 [Form] Improved FormTypeCsrfExtension to use the type class as default intention if the form name is empty (bschussek)
- bug #9333 [Form] Improved FormTypeCsrfExtension to use the type class as default intention if the form name is empty (bschussek)
- bug #9338 [DoctrineBridge] Added type check to prevent calling clear() on arrays (bschussek)
- bug #9330 [Config] Fixed namespace when dumping reference (WouterJ)
- bug #9329 [Form] Changed FormTypeCsrfExtension to use the form's name as default token ID (bschussek)
- bug #9328 [Form] Changed FormTypeCsrfExtension to use the form's name as default intention (bschussek)
- bug #9327 [Form] Changed FormTypeCsrfExtension to use the form's name as default intention (bschussek)
- bug #9316 [WebProfilerBundle] Fixed invalid condition in form panel (bschussek)
- bug #9308 [DoctrineBridge] Loosened CollectionToArrayTransformer::transform() to accept arrays (bschussek)
- bug #9297 [Form] Add missing use in form renderer (egeloen)
- bug #9309 [Routing] Fixed unresolved class (francoispluchino)
- bug #9274 [Yaml] Fixed the escaping of strings starting with a dash when dumping (stof)
- bug #9270 [Templating] Fix in ChainLoader.php (janschoenherr)
- bug #9246 [Session] fixed wrong started state (tecbot)
- bug #9234 [Debug] Fixed `ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler` (tPl0ch)
- bug #9259 [Process] Fix latest merge from 2.2 in 2.3 (romainneutron)
- bug #9237 [FrameworkBundle] assets:install command should mirror .dotfiles (.htaccess) (FineWolf)
- bug #9223 [Translator] PoFileDumper - PO headers (Padam87)
- bug #9257 [Process] Fix 9182 : random failure on pipes tests (romainneutron)
- bug #9236 [Form] fix missing use statement for exception UnexpectedTypeException (jaugustin)
- bug #9222 [Bridge] [Propel1] Fixed guessed relations (ClementGautier)
- bug #9214 [FramworkBundle] Check event listener services are not abstract (lyrixx)
- bug #9207 [HttpKernel] Check for lock existence before unlinking (ollietb)
- bug #9184 Fixed cache warmup of paths which contain back-slashes (fabpot)
- bug #9192 [Form] remove MinCount and MaxCount constraints in ValidatorTypeGuesser (franek)
If you want to learn more about the new features of this version, read the series of blog posts about Symfony 2.4 (more to come).
To test out this version, please read the blog post about the first beta.
If you find any regressions or backward incompatible changes, please report them.
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Thanks for the release. Update in progress :)