Symfony 5: The Fast Track book now available in PDF
February 10, 2020 • Published by Fabien Potencier
Symfony 5: The Fast Track is the best resource to learn how to develop modern web applications with Symfony 5. The book was published in paper a few weeks ago and, by popular demand, it's now available for purchase as a PDF file too.
These are all the ways you can purchase the book:
Printed (only English for now, some other languages coming later this month):
- Barnes & Noble;
- or look for ISBN
on any other bookseller websites.
PDF E-book
Thanks to a massive joint effort carried out by the Symfony community, the book will be available soon in many other languages, including Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Portuguese, Japanese, and Chinese.
The book translations are part of the Symfony diversity initiative. They will make Symfony more approachable to developers who struggle with English as a second language. We'd love to translate all Symfony docs, but it's impossible because of how fast docs are updated. The book contents are much more stable, so they allow for these translations.
Why should I pay for the PDF edition?
As originally announced, the book contents will be published for free on
in the coming weeks (we're still working on formatting the contents).
That's why you may be asking why isn't the PDF edition available for free.
On January 2018, Symfony became an independent company. More precisely, a private commercial company called "Symfony SAS" sponsors the development of the Symfony framework.
This sponsoring includes the salaries of people like Fabien Potencier, the Symfony creator and project leader, Nicolas Grekas, the biggest code contributor and Javier Eguiluz, the biggest doc contributor.
The proceeds from the sale of the book, including the original Kickstarter campaign, go entirely to fund Symfony SAS business operations. In other words, purchasing the book (or gifting it to other developers) is a great way to learn Symfony and contribute to the project at the same time.
Help the Symfony project!
As with any Open-Source project, contributing code or documentation is the most common way to help, but we also have a wide range of sponsoring opportunities.
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you can buy the eBook from Leanpub and then load it into your Amazon Kindle library. I did that with the book from Matthias Noback "A Year With Symfony" 5 or 6 years ago. If I remember correctly the process how to do it was somewhere on the Amazon pages.
Will give it a try!