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Symfony Blog

All about Symfony releases, new Symfony features, and other important announcements

In 2011, we developed a revolutionary installation method for the Symfony 2.0 version which ultimately resulted in the creation of the Composer project. Throughout subsequent versions of Symfony, we leveraged Composer and pushed it to its limits. Having done so, it's time to introduce a new way to install Symfony: the Symfony Installer.
March 26, 2015 #Symfony
Jakub Zalas is the new lead for the DomCrawler Component.
March 23, 2015 #Community
This week Symfony released two new maintenance versions: 2.3.26 and 2.6.5. Meanwhile, Symfony 2.7 added a new command to encode passwords, added support for amqp in VarDumper component and improved ACL. Lastly, two new developers were appointed as Symfony Core members: Abdellatif AitBoudad and Christian Flothmann.
March 22, 2015 #A week of symfony
I'm pleased to announce the addition of Christian Flothmann as a new member of the Symfony Core Team.
March 19, 2015 #Community
March 17, 2015 #Releases
March 17, 2015 #Releases
I'm pleased to announce the addition of Abdellatif AitBoudad as a new member of the Symfony Core Team.
March 17, 2015 #Community
This week, the upcoming Symfony 2.7 version added the possibility of loading multiple YAML or XML files located in Resources/config/validation/ directory and moved loading resources into Translator initialization for performance reasons. In addition, Doctrine bridge introduced a feature to cache entity loader based on query builder.
March 15, 2015 #A week of symfony
After the record breaking January month, the documentation team took it a bit more easy this month, resulting in less new sections. Instead, lots of typos and other minor things were fixed or improved.
March 8, 2015 #Documentation
This week, development activity focused on the Serializer component, which introduced lots of tweaks and optimizations. Meanwhile, the Routing component updated its behavior to make host matching case-insensitive. Lastly, in preparation for its upcoming new version, the master branch of the Twig repository now points to the new 2.0 version.
March 8, 2015 #A week of symfony