Filter posts by Symfony release
In Symfony 4.1, AbstractController provides a getParameter() helper, anonymous services can be configured with PHP DSL, PropertyInfo can introspect information using the constructor arguments and the level of the PHP logger is configurable.
May 29, 2018
#Living on the edge
In Symfony 4.1, MoneyType rounding is configurable, updating LDAP entries is more efficient, query strings can be kept when redirecting and hassers are supported by the PropertyInfo component.
May 28, 2018
#Living on the edge
In Symfony 4.1 there is a new choice_translation_locale option for some form types, a new command to delete cache items, allow_if expression can use custom expressions and you can use the new dd() debug helper.
May 25, 2018
#Living on the edge
Some small but nice new features added to Symfony 4.1: use csrf_token() without the Form component, parse env vars stored in CSV files, change progress bars dynamically and check more easily the contents of your .env files.
May 24, 2018
#Living on the edge
In Symfony 4.1, when importing some routes under a common prefix, you can configure whether or not the root route adds a trailing slash to its path.
May 22, 2018
#Living on the edge
In Symfony 4.1 some operations of the Serializer component have been cached, improving the application performance up to 40%.
May 18, 2018
#Living on the edge
In Symfony 4.1 form fields can define their own help messages with a new help option.
May 17, 2018
#Living on the edge
In Symfony 4.1, the debug:container command displays both public and private services by default. That's why you can now also define hidden services, to not display them in the debug:container output.
May 16, 2018
#Living on the edge
In Symfony 4.1, the Console component includes new table styles, new methods to define custom styles, support for iterators and other productivity improvements.
May 3, 2018
#Living on the edge
In Symfony 4.1, working with Single-Page Applications will be easier thanks to the self-updating debug toolbar
April 30, 2018
#Living on the edge