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« Living on the edge » blog posts

A series of posts showcasing the new features introduced by each Symfony version.

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Symfony 6.0 and 5.4 have the same new features because both were released at the same time. Learn more about the Symfony release process.

Symfony 5.4 allows using longer RateLimiter intervals, simplifies the creation of constraint errors, allows to lock files when appending to them and introduces a PhpStan extractor for PropertyInfo.
December 3, 2021 #Living on the edge
Symfony 5.4 adds new methods to DomCrawler, improves gitignore support in Finder and introduces a new command to debug env vars.
December 2, 2021 #Living on the edge
Symfony 5.4 adds a new strict mode for assets, new options for YAML liner, some UX improvements in error pages, a new Nil ULID class and new string functions.
December 1, 2021 #Living on the edge
Symfony 5.4 allows to configure the serializer globally, to use your own serializer for Messenger and to collect all denormalization errors related to PHP types.
November 30, 2021 #Living on the edge 🚀 1
Symfony 5.4 adds new integrations for the Notifier component: sms77,, Mailjet, Telnyx, MessageMedia, Yunpian, Amazon SNS, TurboSMS and Expo Notification.
November 26, 2021 #Living on the edge
In Symfony 5.4 you can enable the profiler conditionally, you can see more security-related information in the profiler and you can even preview the rendered HTML emails.
November 25, 2021 #Living on the edge
Symfony 5.4 adds the option to configure handlers with PHP attributes, adds a new way to get worker metadata, allows to reset container services between messages and allows you to handle messages in batches.
November 24, 2021 #Living on the edge
Symfony 5.4 adds features such as autowiring of union and intersection types, improved TaggedIterator and TaggedLocator attributes and autoconfiguration of methods and properties.
November 23, 2021 #Living on the edge
In Symfony 5.4 you can use translatable objects for form help and for translation parameters. In addition, translation messages now integrates with GitHub Actions.
November 19, 2021 #Living on the edge
Symfony 5.4 adds new config options to better handle the Accept-Language HTTP header in your applications.
November 18, 2021 #Living on the edge ❤️ 2 🎉 2