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« Living on the edge » blog posts

A series of posts showcasing the new features introduced by each Symfony version.

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Symfony 6.1 allows to ignore deprecations, exclude services for tagged iterators, use route parameters in conditions, support canner methods in serializer, detailed checks for collection item uniqueness and adds a command to invalidate cache tags.
May 27, 2022 #Living on the edge
Symfony 6.1 adds new controller argument resolvers for UIDs and Backed Enums types and adds support for extracting types from PHPStan pseudo-types.
May 20, 2022 #Living on the edge
Symfony 6.1 improves Console autocompletion with support for Fish shell and completion values in input definitions.
May 19, 2022 #Living on the edge
In Symfony 6.1, the expressions used to define routing conditions can include calls to service methods.
May 18, 2022 #Living on the edge
Symfony 6.1 adds integration with Redis Sentinel, 46elks SMS, Orange SMS, Engagespot push notifications, Sendberry SMS and KazInfoTeh SMS.
May 13, 2022 #Living on the edge
Symfony 6.1 profiler can use env vars to select its editor, displays more Xdebug information and allows you to copy HTTP requests as cURL commands.
May 12, 2022 #Living on the edge
In Symfony 6.1 you can check if the profiler is enabled, you can see the inherited security roles in the toolbar and you can get more debug information about emails.
May 11, 2022 #Living on the edge
In Symfony 6.1, you can use expressions to define service factories.
May 10, 2022 #Living on the edge
In Symfony 6.1, collection form fields can define different options for items being added and for items being edited.
May 9, 2022 #Living on the edge
In Symfony 6.1, it will be easier than ever to create advanced bundles that define their own configuration and extensions.
May 6, 2022 #Living on the edge