Symfony 5: The Fast Track languages update
April 8, 2020 • Published by Anne-Sophie Bachelard
The book “Symfony 5: The Fast Track” by Fabien Potencier has been released at the end of 2019. It is now available in 8 languages besides English. The book has been recently translated to Portuguese and Romanian on top of the already published versions in French, Spanish, German, Russian, Italian and Dutch.
“Symfony 5: The Fast Track” is the best resource to learn how to develop modern web applications with Symfony 5. The book was first published in paper and, by popular demand, it's now available for purchase as a PDF file too. You can buy it via several ways, check out how to get your own printed or PDF version.
We’d like to shout out a huge thank you to the Symfony community and the people working on the book translations. It’s a lot of work which requires time and they are all doing a great job, thank you for your help! Other languages will be soon available, don’t miss the announcement on Symfony’s blog or Fabien’s Twitter account (follow @fabpot on Twitter to get the announcement).
The book translations are part of the Symfony diversity initiative. They want to help developers who struggle with English as a second language to make Symfony more approachable. We'd love to translate all Symfony docs, but it's impossible because of how fast docs are updated. The book contents are much more stable, so they allow for these translations.
You’re probably wondering why you should pay for the PDF edition since the book contents will be published for free on in the coming weeks. If you didn’t read the last blog post announcing the release of the PDF version of the book, you may be asking why isn't the PDF edition available for free.
If you missed it, here is the answer: on January 2018, Symfony became an independent company. More precisely, a private commercial company called "Symfony SAS" which sponsors the development of the Symfony framework.
This sponsoring includes the salaries of people like Fabien Potencier, the Symfony creator and project leader, Nicolas Grekas, the biggest code contributor and Javier Eguiluz, the biggest doc contributor.
The proceeds from the sale of the book, including the original Kickstarter campaign, go entirely to fund Symfony SAS business operations. In other words, purchasing the book (or gifting it to other developers) is a great way to learn Symfony and contribute to the project at the same time.
We also would like to thank all the book sponsors and Kickstarter funders. Without your support, this entire book project would not be possible. Your involvement is essential to help Symfony SAS running. On top, we want to give a special thanks to the main book sponsors:, Private Packagist and Darkmira. Thank you for your support!
If you don't have it yet, get your own book edition in PDF or printed and support Symfony’s project and company. We need you to continue the great Symfony work!
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