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Appendix B - Validators

Symfony version


The symfony form framework comes bundled with a lot of useful validators. These validators cover the common needs of most projects. This chapter describes the default form validators bundled with symfony. We have also included the validators from the sfPropelPlugin, and sfDoctrinePlugin plugins, as these plugins are supported by the core team and contain some very useful validators.


Even if you don't use the symfony MVC framework, you can use the validators defined in the sfFormExtraPlugin, sfPropelPlugin, and sfDoctrinePlugin plugins by putting the validator/ directories somewhere in your project.

Before diving into each validator details, let's see what validators have in common.

The sfValidatorBase Base Class

All symfony validators inherit from the sfValidator base class, which provides some default features available to all validators.

Validators have two goals: cleaning and validating a tainted value.

When creating a validator, you can optionally pass options and error messages as arguments:

$v = new sfValidatorString(
  array('required' => true),
  array('required' => 'This value is required.')

Options and error messages can also be set by using the setOptions() and setMessages() methods:

$v = new sfValidatorString();
$v->setOptions(array('required' => true));
$v->setMessages(array('required' => 'This value is required.'));

The setOption() and setMessage() methods allows to set an individual option or error message:

$v = new sfValidatorString();
$v->setOption('required', true);
$v->setMessage('required', 'This value is required.');

A tainted value can be validated by calling the clean() method:

$cleaned = $v->clean('name', 'value', array('class' => 'foo'));

The clean() method takes a tainted value as an argument and returns the cleaned up value. If a validation error occurs, a sfValidatorError is thrown.


Validators are stateless which means that a single validator instance can validate as many input values as you want.

The default options defined by sfValidatorBase are the following:

Option Error Description
required required true if the value is required, false otherwise (true by default)
trim n/a true if the value must be trimmed, false otherwise (false by default)
empty_value n/a empty value to return when the value is not required

The default error messages defined by sfValidatorBase are the following:

Error Description
required The error message used when the tainted value is empty and required (Required. by default).
invalid A generic error message when an error occurs (Invalid. by default).

You can change the default string used for the required and invalid error messages by calling the setRequiredMessage() and setInvalidMessage() methods respectively. These must be set before any base validators are loaded, for example by using the setup() method:

public function setup()
  sfValidatorBase::setRequiredMessage('This value is required.');
  sfValidatorBase::setInvalidMessage('This value is invalid.');

Error messages can contain placeholders. A placeholder is a string enclosed between %. The placeholder are replaced at runtime. All error messages have access to the tainted value with the %value% placeholder. Each error message can also define specific placeholders.


In the following section, the default %value% placeholder is not mentioned as it is always available.

Some validators need to know the charset used by the tainted value. By default the charset is UTF-8, but it can be configured by calling the setCharset() method:



If you use the symfony validators with the symfony MVC framework, the charset is automatically set according to the charset of settings.yml.

Validator Schema

A validator schema is a wrapper validator for one or several other validators.

When an error occurs, a validator schema throws a sfValidatorErrorSchema exception.

In the next sections, the validators have been regrouped into categories.


Simple Validators


Schema validator: No

The sfValidatorString validator validates a string and converts the tainted value to a string.

Option Error Description
max_length max_length The maximum length of the string
min_length min_length The minimum length of the string
Error Placeholders Default Value
max_length max_length "%value%" is too long (%max_length% characters max).
min_length min_length "%value%" is too short (%min_length% characters min).


This validator requires the mb_string extension to be installed to work correctly. If installed, the string length is computed with the mb_strlen() function; if not, it uses the strlen() function, which does not return the real string length if non-ASCII characters are present in the string.


Schema validator: No

The sfValidatorRegex validator validates a string against a regular expression.

Option Error Description
pattern invalid A PCRE regex pattern


Schema validator: No

The sfValidatorEmail validator can validate emails. It inherits from sfValidatorRegex.


Schema validator: No

The sfValidatorUrl validator can validate HTTP and FTP URLs. It inherits from sfValidatorRegex.


Schema validator: No

The sfValidatorInteger validator validates an integer and converts the tainted value to an integer.

Option Error Description
max max The maximum integer to accept
min min The minimum integer to accept
Error Placeholders Default Value
max max "%value%" must be less than %max%.
min min "%value%" must be greater than %min%.

The default invalid error message is "%value%" is not an integer..


Schema validator: No

The sfValidatorNumber validator validates a number (a string that PHP is able to understand with the floatval() function) and converts the tainted value to a float.

Option Error Description
max max The maximum number to accept
min min The minimum number to accept
Error Placeholders Default Value
max max "%value%" must be less than %max%.
min min "%value%" must be greater than %min%.

The default invalid error message is "%value%" is not a number..


Schema validator: No

The sfValidatorBoolean validator validates a Boolean and returns either true or false.

Option Error Description
true_values n/a The list of true values (by default: true, t, yes, y, on, 1)
false_values n/a The list of false values (by default: false, f, no, n, off, 0)


Schema validator: No

The sfValidatorChoice validator validates if the tainted value is among a list of expected values.

Option Error Description
choices n/a An array of expected values (required)
multiple n/a true if the select tag must allow multiple values


The comparison is done after the tainted value has been casted to a string.


Schema validator: No

The sfValidatorPass validator is a no-op validator, and returns the tainted value as is.


Schema validator: No

The sfValidatorCallback validator delegate the actual validation to a PHP callback.

The callback is passed the current validator instance, the tainted value and an array of arguments (from the arguments option) as arguments:

function constant_validator_callback($validator, $value, $arguments)
  if ($value != $arguments['constant'])
    throw new sfValidatorError($validator, 'invalid');
  return $value;
$v = new sfValidatorCallback(array(
  'callback'  => 'constant_validator_callback',
  'arguments' => array('constant' => 'foo'),
Option Error Description
callback n/a A valid PHP callback (required)
arguments n/a An array of arguments to pass to the callback

Date Validators


Schema validator: No

The sfValidatorDate validates dates and date times (date times are supported by setting the with_time option). Apart from validating the format of a date, it can enforce a minimum and a maximum valid date.

The validator accepts several type of inputs:

  • an array composed of the following keys: year, month, day, hour, minute, and second
  • a string matching the date_format regular expression if provided
  • a string that can be parsed by the strtotime() PHP function
  • an integer representing a timestamp

The tainted value is converted to a date by applying the date_output or datetime_output format.

Option Error Description
date_format bad_format A regular expression that dates must match
with_time n/a true if the validator must return a time, false otherwise
date_output n/a The format to use when returning a date (default to Y-m-d)
datetime_output n/a The format to use when returning a date with time (default to Y-m-d H:i:s)
date_format_error n/a The date format to use when displaying an error for a bad_format error (use date_format if not provided)
max max The maximum date allowed (as a timestamp)
min min The minimum date allowed (as a timestamp)
date_format_range_error n/a The date format to use when displaying an error for min/max (default to d/m/Y H:i:s)


The date_output and datetime_output options can use any format understood by the PHP date() function.

Error Placeholders Default Value
bad_format date_format "%value%" does not match the date format (%date_format%).
min min The date must be after %min%.
max max The date must be before %max%.


Schema validator: No

The sfValidatorTime validates a time.

The validator accepts several type of inputs:

  • an array composed of the following keys: hour, minute, and second
  • a string matching the time_format regular expression if provided
  • a string that can be parsed by the strtotime() PHP function
  • an integer representing a timestamp

The tainted value is converted to a time by applying the time_output format.

Option Error Description
time_format bad_format A regular expression that times must match
time_output n/a The format to use when returning the time (default to H:i:s)
time_format_error n/a The format to use when displaying an error for a bad_format error (use date_format if not provided)


The time_output option can use any format understood by the PHP date() function.

Error Placeholders Default Value
bad_format time_format "%value%" does not match the time format (%time_format%).


Schema validator: No

The sfValidatorDateTime validates dates with a time.

It is a shortcut for:

$v = new sfValidatorDate(array('with_time' => true));


Schema validator: No

The sfValidatorDateTime validates a range of dates.

Option Error Description
from_date invalid The from date validator (required)
to_date invalid The to date validator (required)

The from_date and to_date validators must be instances of the sfValidatorDate class.

The invalid error message is "%value%" does not match the time format (%time_format%)..

File Validator


Schema validator: No

The sfValidatorFile validator validates an uploaded file.

The validator converts the uploaded file to an instance of the sfValidatedFile class, or of the validated_file_class option if it is set.

Option Error Description
max_size max_size The maximum file size
mime_types mime_types Allowed mime types array or category (available categories: web_images)
mime_type_guessers n/a An array of mime type guesser PHP callables (must return the mime type or null)
mime_categories n/a An array of mime type categories (web_images is defined by default)
path n/a The path where to save the file - as used by the sfValidatedFile class (optional)
validated_file_class n/a Name of the class that manages the cleaned uploaded file (optional)

The web_images mime-type category contains the following mime-types:

  • image/jpeg
  • image/pjpeg
  • image/png
  • image/x-png
  • image/gif

If the mime_types option is set, the validator need a way to test the mime-type of the uploaded file. The validator comes bundled with three of them:

  • guessFromFileinfo: Uses the finfo_open() function (from the Fileinfo PECL extension)
  • guessFromMimeContentType: Uses the mime_content_type() function (deprecated)
  • guessFromFileBinary: Uses the file binary (only works on *nix system)
Error Placeholders Default Value
max_size %size%, %max_size% File is too large (maximum is %max_size% bytes).
mime_types %mime_types%, %mime_type% Invalid mime type (%mime_type%).
partial The uploaded file was only partially uploaded.
no_tmp_dir Missing a temporary folder.
cant_write Failed to write file to disk.
extension File upload stopped by extension.

The validator maps PHP errors as follows:

  • UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: max_size
  • UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE: max_size
  • UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR: no_tmp_dir
  • UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE: cant_write

Logical Validators


Schema validator: No

The sfValidatorAnd validator validates a tainted value if it passes a list of validators.

The sfValidatorAnd constructor takes a list of validators as its first argument:

$v = new sfValidatorAnd(
    new sfValidatorString(array('max_length' => 255)),
    new sfValidatorEmail(),
  array('halt_on_error' => true),
  array('invalid' => 'The input value must be an email with less than 255 characters.')

By default, the validator throws an array of error messages thrown by all the embedded validators. It can also throw a single error message if the invalid error message is set to a not-empty string, like shown in the above example.

Option Error Description
halt_on_error n/a Whether to halt on the first error or not (false by default)

The order of validators is significant if the halt_on_error option is set to true.

The embedded list of validators can also be managed by using the getValidators() and addValidator() methods.


Schema validator: No

The sfValidatorOr validator validates a tainted value if it passes at least one validator from a list.

The sfValidatorOr constructor takes a list of validators as its first argument:

$v = new sfValidatorOr(
    new sfValidatorRegex(array('pattern' => '/\.com$/')),
    new sfValidatorEmail(),
  array('invalid' => 'The input value a .com domain or a valid email address.')

By default, the validator throws an array of error messages thrown by all the embedded validators. It can also throw a single error message if the invalid error message is set to a not-empty string, like shown in the above example.

The embedded list of validators can also be managed by using the getValidators() and addValidator() methods.


Schema validator: Yes

The sfValidatorSchema validator represents a validator which is composed of several fields. A field is simply a named validator:

$v = new sfValidatorSchema(array(
  'name'    => new sfValidatorString(),
  'country' => new sfValidatorI18nChoiceCountry(),


A form is defined by a validator schema of class sfValidatorSchema.

This validator only accepts an array as an input value and throws a InvalidArgumentException if this is not the case.

The validator can have a pre-validator, which is executed before all other validators, and a post-validator, which is executed on the cleaned-up values after all other validators.

The pre-validator and the post-validator are validator schema themselves that receive all values. They can be set with the setPreValidator() and setPostValidator() methods:

  new sfValidatorSchemaCompare('password', '==', 'password_again')
Option Error Description
allow_extra_fields extra_fields if false, the validator adds an error if extra fields are given in the input array of values (default to false)
filter_extra_fields n/a if true, the validator filters extra fields from the returned array of cleaned values (default to true)
Error Placeholders Default Value
extra_fields %field% Unexpected extra form field named "%field%".
post_max_size The form submission cannot be processed. It probably means that you have uploaded a file that is too big.

The sfValidatorSchema can be used as an array to access the embedded validators:

$vs = new sfValidatorSchema(array('name' => new sfValidatorString()));
$nameValidator = $vs['name'];

You can access embedded validator schema validators by using the array notation:

$vs['author']['first_name']->setMessage('invalid', 'The first name is invalid.');

The post_max_size error is thrown if the amount of data submitted for a form exceeds the post_max_size value from the php.ini file.


Schema validator: Yes

The sfValidatorSchemaCompare validator compares several values from the given tainted value array:

$v = new sfValidatorSchemaCompare('password', '==', 'password_again');
Option Error Description
left_field n/a The left field name
operator n/a The comparison operator
right_field n/a The right field name
throw_global_error n/a Whether to throw a global error (false by default) or an error tied to the left field

The available operators are the followings:

  • sfValidatorSchemaCompare::EQUAL or ==
  • sfValidatorSchemaCompare::NOT_EQUAL or !=
  • sfValidatorSchemaCompare::LESS_THAN or <
  • sfValidatorSchemaCompare::LESS_THAN_EQUAL or <=
  • sfValidatorSchemaCompare::GREATER_THAN or >
  • sfValidatorSchemaCompare::GREATER_THAN_EQUAL or >=

By default, the validator throws a global error. If the throw_global_error is set to true, an error for the left field is thrown.

The invalid error messages accepts the following values: %left_field%, %right_field%, and %operator%.


Schema validator: Yes

The sfValidatorSchemaFilter validator converts a non-schema validator to a schema validator. It is sometimes useful in a post validator context:

$v = new sfValidatorSchema();
  new sfValidatorSchemaFilter('email', new sfValidatorEmail())

I18n Validators


Schema validator: No

The sfValidatorI18nChoiceCountry validates that the tainted value is a valid country ISO 3166 code.

Option Error Description
countries invalid An array of country codes to use (ISO 3166)


Schema validator: No

The sfValidatorI18nChoiceLanguage validates that the tainted value is a valid language.

Option Error Description
languages invalid An array of languages to use

Propel Validators


Schema validator: No

The sfValidatorPropelChoice validator validates that the tainted value is among the list of records of a given Propel model.

The list of records can be restricted by using the criteria option.

The tainted value must be the primary key of records. This can be changed by passing the column option.

Option Error Description
model n/a The model class (required)
criteria n/a A criteria to use when retrieving objects
column n/a The column name (null by default which means the primary key is used) - must be in field name format
connection n/a The Propel connection to use (null by default)
multiple n/a true if the select tag must allow multiple selections


This validator does not work for model with a composite primary key.


Schema validator: No

The sfValidatorPropelChoiceMany validator validates that the tainted values are among the list of records of a given Propel model.


This validator expects an array as an input value. If a string is passed, it is converted to an array automatically.

This validator is a shortcut for:

$v = new sfValidatorPropelChoice(array('multiple' => true));


Schema validator: Yes

The sfValidatorPropelUnique validator validates the uniqueness of a column or a group of columns (column option) for a Propel model.

If the uniqueness is on several columns, the error can be thrown globally by setting the throw_global_error option.

Option Error Description
model n/a The model class (required)
column n/a The unique column name in Propel field name format (required). If the uniquess is for several columns, you can pass an array of field names
field n/a Field name used by the form, other than the column name
primary_key n/a The primary key column name in Propel field name format (optional, will be introspected if not provided). You can also pass an array if the table has several primary keys
connection n/a The Propel connection to use (null by default)
throw_global_error n/a Whether to throw a global error (false by default) or an error tied to the first field related to the column option array

Doctrine Validators


Schema validator: No

The sfValidatorDoctrineChoice validator validates that the tainted value is among the list of records of a given Doctrine model.

The list of records can be restricted by using the query option.

The tainted value must be the primary key of records. This can be changed by passing the column option.

Option Error Description
model n/a The model class (required)
alias n/a The alias of the root component used in the query
query n/a A query to use when retrieving objects
column n/a The column name (null by default which means the primary key is used) - must be in field name format
connection n/a The Doctrine connection to use (null by default)


This validator does not work for model with a composite primary key.


Schema validator: No

The sfValidatorDoctrineChoiceMany validator validates that the tainted values are among the list of records of a given Doctrine model.


This validator expects an array as an input value. If a string is passed, it is converted to an array automatically.

This validator inherits all the options from the sfValidatorDoctrineChoice validator.


Schema validator: Yes

The sfValidatorDoctrineUnique validator validates the uniqueness of a column or a group of columns (column option) for a Doctrine model.

If the uniqueness is on several columns, the error can be thrown globally by setting the throw_global_error option.

Option Error Description
model n/a The model class (required)
column n/a The unique column name in Doctrine field name format (required). If the uniquess is for several columns, you can pass an array of field names
primary_key n/a The primary key column name in Doctrine field name format (optional, will be introspected if not provided). You can also pass an array if the table has several primary keys
connection n/a The Doctrine connection to use (null by default)
throw_global_error n/a Whether to throw a global error (false by default) or an error tied to the first field related to the column option array

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