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Appendix A - Widgets

Symfony version


The symfony form framework comes bundled with a lot of useful widgets. These widgets cover the common needs of most projects. This chapter describes the default form widgets bundled with symfony. We have also included some of the form widgets from the sfFormExtraPlugin, sfPropelPlugin, and sfDoctrinePlugin plugins, as these plugins are supported by the core team and contain some very useful widgets.


Even if you don't use the symfony MVC framework, you can use the widgets defined in the sfFormExtraPlugin, sfPropelPlugin, and sfDoctrinePlugin plugins by putting the widget/ directories somewhere in your project.

Before diving into each widget details, let's see what widgets have in common.

The sfWidget Base Class

All symfony widgets inherit from the sfWidget base class, which provides some default features available to all widgets.

By default, all widgets are rendered as XHTML. You can switch to HTML by calling the setXhtml() method:


The widget system also automatically takes care of escaping HTML attributes and sensible content. To be effective, it needs to know the charset used by your project. By default the charset is UTF-8, but it can be configured by calling the setCharset() method:



If you use the symfony widgets with the symfony MVC framework, the charset is automatically set according to the charset of settings.yml.

If a widget depends on some JavaScript files and/or stylesheets, you can override the getJavaScripts() and getStylesheets() methods respectively:

class Widget extends sfWidget
  public function getStylesheets()
    // the array keys are files and values are the media names
    // separated by a colon (,)
    return array(
      '/path/to/file.css' => 'all',
      '/another/file.css' => 'screen,print',
  public function getJavaScripts()
    return array('/path/to/file.js', '/another/file.js');

The sfWidgetForm Base Class

In this section, we will only talk about form widgets. All of them inherit from the sfWidgetForm base class, which extends the sfWidget class to provide some extra default features.

When creating a widget, you can optionally pass options and HTML attributes as arguments:

$w = new sfWidgetFormInput(
  array('default' => 'Fabien'),
  array('class' => 'foo')

Options and HTML attributes can also be set by using the setOptions() and setAttributes() methods:

$w = new sfWidgetFormInput();
$w->setOptions(array('default' => 'Fabien'));
$w->setAttributes(array('class' => 'foo'));

The setOption() and setAttribute() methods allows to set an individual option or HTML attribute:

$w = new sfWidgetFormInput();
$w->setOption('default', 'Fabien');
$w->setAttribute('class', 'foo');

A widget can be rendered by calling the render() method:

$w->render('name', 'value', array('class' => 'foo'));

The render() method takes the following arguments:

  • The name of the widget
  • The value of the widget
  • Some optional HTML attributes (these are merged with the default ones defined at construction time)


Widgets are stateless which means that a single widget instance can be rendered as many times as you want with different arguments.

The above widget renders as follows:

<input class="foo" type="text" name="bar" id="bar" value="value"/>

The default options defined by sfWidgetForm are the following:

Option Description
is_hidden true if the form widget must be hidden, false otherwise (false by default)
needs_multipart true if the form widget needs a multipart form, false otherwise (false by default)
default The default value to use when rendering the widget
label The label to use when the widget is rendered by a widget schema
id_format The format for the generated HTML id attributes (%s by default)


The is_hidden option is used by widget form schema classes to render hidden widgets without decoration. The needs_multipart option is used by the form classes to add an enctype="multipart/form-data" attribute when rendering a form tag.

The sfWidgetForm class also provides accessor methods for all the options:

  • is_hidden: isHidden(), setHidden()
  • needs_multipart: needsMultipartForm()
  • default: getValue(), setValue()
  • label: getLabel(), setLabel()
  • id_format: getIdFormat(), setIdFormat()

Widget Schema

A form widget schema is a wrapper widget for one or several other widgets.

In the next sections, the widgets have been regrouped into categories.


Input Widgets


The input tag is probably the simplest form tag you will ever use and is represented by the sfWidgetFormInput class.

Option Description
type The value of the HTML type attribute (text by default)
$w = new sfWidgetFormInput();
echo $w->render('foo');
# <input type="text" name="foo" id="foo" />


The sfWidgetFormInputCheckbox is an input widget with a type of checkbox.

$w = new sfWidgetFormInputCheckbox();
echo $w->render('foo');
# <input type="checkbox" name="foo" id="foo" />


The sfWidgetFormInputHidden is an input widget with a type of hidden. The is_hidden option is also set to true.

$w = new sfWidgetFormInputHidden();
echo $w->render('foo');
# <input type="hidden" name="foo" id="foo" />


The sfWidgetFormInputPassword is an input widget with a type of password.

$w = new sfWidgetFormInputPassword();
echo $w->render('foo');
# <input type="password" name="foo" id="foo" />


The sfWidgetFormInputFile is an input widget with a type of file. The needs_multipart option is automatically set to true.

$w = new sfWidgetFormInputFile();
echo $w->render('foo');
# <input type="file" name="foo" id="foo" />


The sfWidgetFormInputFileEditable is an input file widget, extending the sfWidgetFormInputFile widget to add the possibility to display or remove a previously uploaded file.

Option Description
file_src The current image web source path (required)
edit_mode A Boolean: true to enabled edit mode, false otherwise
is_image Whether the file is a displayable image
with_delete Whether to add a delete checkbox or not
delete_label The delete label used by the template
template The HTML template to use to render this widget
The available placeholders are:
* input (the image upload widget)
* delete (the delete checkbox)
* delete_label (the delete label text)
* file (the file tag)


In the edit mode, this widget renders an additional widget named after the file upload widget with a "_delete" suffix. So, when creating a form, don't forget to add a validator for this additional field.


The sfWidgetFormTextarea widget automatically set default values for the rows and cols HTML attributes as they are mandatory.

$w = new sfWidgetFormTextarea();
echo $w->render('foo');
# <textarea rows="4" cols="30" name="foo" id="foo"></textarea>


If you want to render a WYSIWYG editor widget, you can use sfWidgetFormTextareaTinyMCE:

$w = new sfWidgetFormTextareaTinyMCE(
  array('class' => 'foo')


This widget is part of the sfFormExtraPlugin symfony plugin.

As the Tiny MCE JavaScript files are not bundled with the plugin, you must install it and include it by yourself.

Option Description
theme The Tiny MCE theme (advanced by default)
width Width
height Height
config An array of specific JavaScript configuration

Choice Widgets

Choice Representations

When you want the user to make a choice amongst a list of possibilities, HTML offers several way of representing the choice:

  • A select tag:

    Dropdown list

  • A select tag with a multiple attribute:

    Dropdown box

  • A list of input tags with a type of radio:

    List of radio buttons

  • A list of input tags with a type of checkbox:

    List of checkboxes

But ultimately, they all allow the user to make a single or a multiple choice within a finite number of possibilities.

The sfWidgetFormChoice widget standardizes all these possibilities within one widget. The widget is able to render a choice as any of the four HTML representations we have seen above. It also lets you define your own representation as you will see later on.

sfWidgetFormChoice is a special widget in the sense that it delegates the rendering to another widget. The rendering is controlled by two options: expanded and multiple:

expanded is false expanded is true
multiple is false sfWidgetFormSelect sfWidgetFormSelectRadio
multiple is true sfWidgetFormSelectMany sfWidgetFormSelectCheckbox


The sfWidgetFormSelect, sfWidgetFormSelectMany, sfWidgetFormSelectCheckbox, and sfWidgetFormSelectRadio widgets used by sfWidgetFormChoice to render itself are plain widgets like any other and can be used directly. They are not documented in this section as most of the time, it is better to use the more flexible sfWidgetFormChoice widget.

And here is the HTML representation for each possibility:

$w = new sfWidgetFormChoice(array(
  'choices' => array('Fabien Potencier', 'Fabian Lange'),

Dropdown list

$w = new sfWidgetFormChoice(array(
  'multiple' => true,
  'choices'  => array('PHP', 'symfony', 'Doctrine', 'Propel', 'model'),

Dropdown box

$w = new sfWidgetFormChoice(array(
  'expanded' => true,
  'choices'  => array('published', 'draft', 'deleted'),

List of radio buttons

$w = new sfWidgetFormChoice(array(
  'expanded' => true,
  'multiple' => true,
  'choices'  => array('A week of symfony', 'Call the expert', 'Community'),

List of radio checkboxes

Choices Grouping

The sfWidgetFormChoice widget has built-in support for groups of choices by passing an array of arrays for the choices options:

$choices = array(
  'Europe'  => array('France' => 'France', 'Spain' => 'Spain', 'Italy' => 'Italy'),
  'America' => array('USA' => 'USA', 'Canada' => 'Canada', 'Brazil' => 'Brazil'),
$w = new sfWidgetFormChoice(array('choices' => $choices));

Choices groups

The expanded and multiple options also work as expected:

$w = new sfWidgetFormChoice(array(
  'choices'  => $choices,
  'expanded' => true,

Choices groups with expanded

The layout used by the renderer widget can also be customized:

$w = new sfWidgetFormChoice(array(
  'choices'  => $choices,
  'expanded' => true,
  'renderer_options' => array('template' => '<strong>%group%</strong> %options%'),

Choices groups with expanded and custom template

Here is some more example of option combinations:

$w = new sfWidgetFormChoice(array(
  'choices'  => $choices,
  'multiple' => true,

Choices groups with multiple

$w = new sfWidgetFormChoice(array(
  'choices'  => $choices,
  'multiple' => true,
  'expanded' => true,
  'renderer_options' => array('template' => '<strong>%group%</strong> %options%'),

Choices groups with expanded and multiple


When the widget is rendered with a plain select tag, it uses the standard optgroup tag.

Supported Options

Here is a list of all supported options for the widget:

Option Description
choices An array of possible choices (required)
multiple true if the select tag must allow multiple selections
expanded true to display an expanded widget
renderer_class The class to use instead of the default one
renderer_options The options to pass to the renderer constructor
renderer A renderer widget (overrides the expanded and renderer_options options)
The choices option will be: new sfCallable($thisWidgetInstance, 'getChoices')

The sfWidgetFormSelectCheckbox and sfWidgetFormSelectRadio widgets support the following options:

Option Description
label_separator The separator to use between the input checkbox/radio button and the label
class The class to use for the main <ul> tag
separator The separator to use between each input checkbox/radio button
formatter A callable to call to format the checkbox choices
The formatter callable receives the widget and the array of inputs as arguments
template The template to use when grouping options in groups (%group% %options%)


The sfWidgetFormChoiceMany widget is a shortcut for a sfWidgetFormChoice widget with the multiple option automatically set to true.

Double List Representation

When the user can select multiple options, it is sometimes better to show the list of selected options in another box.

The sfWidgetFormSelectDoubleList widget can be used to render a choice widget as a double list:

$w = new sfWidgetFormChoice(array(
  'choices'        => array('PHP', 'symfony', 'Doctrine', 'Propel', 'model'),
  'renderer_class' => 'sfWidgetFormSelectDoubleList',

Double list


This widget is part of the sfFormExtraPlugin symfony plugin.


This widget uses some custom JavaScripts to work. You can retrieve their paths by calling the widget getJavaScripts() method:

$files = $w->getJavascripts();
Option Description
choices An array of possible choices (required)
class The main class of the widget
class_select The class for the two select tags
label_unassociated The label for unassociated
label_associated The label for associated
unassociate The HTML for the unassociate link
associate The HTML for the associate link
template The HTML template to use to render this widget
The available placeholders are: %label_associated%, %label_unassociated%, %associate%, %unassociate%, %associated%, %unassociated%, %class%


When you want the user to make a selection amongst a lot of elements, listing them all in a select box becomes impractical. The sfWidgetFormJQueryAutocompleter solves this problem by converting a simple input tag to an autocomplete select box.


This widget is part of the sfFormExtraPlugin symfony plugin. As JQuery and JQuery UI are not bundled with sfFormExtraPlugin, you need to install and include them by hand.

$w = new sfWidgetFormChoice(array(
  'choices'          => array(),
  'renderer_class'   => 'sfWidgetFormJQueryAutocompleter',
  'renderer_options' => array('url' => '/autocomplete_script'),


This widget uses some custom JavaScripts and Stylesheets to work properly. You can retrieve their paths by calling the widget getJavaScripts() and getStylesheets() methods.

The url option is the URL the widget will call to populate the choices based on the user input. The URL receives two parameters:

  • q: The string entered by the user
  • limit: The maximum number of items to return

The script must return a valid JSON representation of the choice array (use the PHP built-in json_encode() function to convert an array to JSON).

Option Description
url The URL to call to get the choices to use (required)
config A JavaScript array that configures the JQuery autocompleter widget
value_callback A callback that converts the value before it is displayed

If the choices are related to a Propel model, the sfWidgetFormPropelJQueryAutocompleter widget is optimized for foreign key lookup:

$w = new sfWidgetFormChoice(array(
  'renderer_class'   => 'sfWidgetFormPropelJQueryAutocompleter',
  'renderer_options' => array(
    'model' => 'Article',
    'url'   => '/autocomplete_script',
Option Description
model The model class (required)
method The method to use to convert an object to a string (__toString() by default)

Choice bound to a Propel Model

If the choices are bound to a Propel model (usually when you want to allow the user to change a foreign key), you can use the sfWidgetFormPropelChoice widget:

$w = new sfWidgetFormPropelChoice(array(
  'model'     => 'Article',
  'add_empty' => false,

The choices are automatically retrieved by the widget according to the model class you pass. The widget is highly configurable via a set of dedicated options:

Option Description
model The Propel model class (required)
add_empty Whether to add a first empty value or not (false by default)
If the option is not a Boolean, the value will be used as the text value
method The method to use to display object values (__toString by default)
key_method The method to use to display the object keys (getPrimaryKey by default)
order_by An array composed of two fields:
* The column to order by the results (must be in the PhpName format)
* asc or desc
criteria A criteria to use when retrieving objects
connection The Propel connection name to use (null by default)
multiple true if the select tag must allow multiple selections
peer_method The peer method to use to fetch objects

Choice bound to a Doctrine Model

If the choices are bound to a Doctrine model (usually when you want to allow the user to change a foreign key), you can use the sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice widget:

$w = new sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice(array(
  'model'     => 'Article',
  'add_empty' => false,

The choices are automatically retrieved by the widget according to the model class you pass. The widget is highly configurable via a set of dedicated options:

Option Description
model The model class (required)
add_empty Whether to add a first empty value or not (false by default)
If the option is not a Boolean, the value will be used as the text value
method The method to use to display object values (__toString by default)
key_method The method to use to display the object keys (getPrimaryKey by default)
order_by An array composed of two fields:
* The column to order by the results (must be in the PhpName format)
* asc or desc
query A query to use when retrieving objects
connection The Doctrine connection to use (null by default)
multiple true if the select tag must allow multiple selections
table_method The method to use to fetch objects

Date Widgets

Date widgets can be used to ease date entering by proposing several select boxes for a date, a time, or a date time. All symfony date widgets are represented by several HTML tags. They can also be customized according to the user culture.


Some people prefer to use a simple input tag for dates because users can enter dates faster by avoiding all the select boxes. Of course, the date format is enforced on the server side by a validator. Thankfully, the symfony date validator proposes a powerful validator which is very liberal in what kind of date format it is able to understand and parse.


The sfWidgetFormDate represents a date widget:

Date Widget

The values submitted by the user are stored in an array of the name of the widget:

$w = new sfWidgetFormDate();
# submitted values will be in a `date` array:
# array(
#   'date' => array(
#     'day'   => 15,
#     'month' => 10,
#     'year'  => 2005,
#   ),
# );

The behavior of the widget can be customized with a lot of options:

Option Description
format The date format string (%month%/%day%/%year% by default)
years An array of years for the year select tag (optional)
months An array of months for the month select tag (optional)
days An array of days for the day select tag (optional)
can_be_empty Whether the widget accepts an empty value (true by default)
empty_values An array of values to use for the empty value (empty
string for year, month, and day by default)

Using the format option allows the customization of the default tags arrangement (the %year%, %month%, and %day% placeholder are replaced by the corresponding select tag when the render() method is called):

$w = new sfWidgetFormDate(
  array('format' => '%year% - %month% - %day%')

Date Widget with a Customized Format

By default, the year select tag is populated with the 10 years around the current year. This can be changed by using the years option:

$years = range(2009, 2020);
$w = new sfWidgetFormDate(
  array('years' => array_combine($years, $years))

The years, months, and days options take an array where the keys are the values of the option tags and the values are the strings displayed to the user.


The sfWidgetFormTime represents a time widget:

Time Widget

The values submitted by the user are stored in an array of the name of the widget:

$w = new sfWidgetFormTime();
# submitted values will be in a `time` array:
# array(
#   'time' => array(
#     'hour'    => 12,
#     'minute'  => 13,
#     'second'  => 14,
#   ),
# );

The behavior of the widget can be customized with a lot of options:

Option Description
format The time format string (%hour%:%minute%:%second%)
format_without_seconds The time format string without seconds (%hour%:%minute%)
with_seconds Whether to include a select for seconds (false by default)
hours An array of hours for the hour select tag (optional)
minutes An array of minutes for the minute select tag (optional)
seconds An array of seconds for the second select tag (optional)
can_be_empty Whether the widget accepts an empty value (true by default)
empty_values An array of values to use for the empty value
(empty string for hours, minutes, and seconds by default)

By default, the widget does not allow for the selection of seconds. This can be changed by setting the with_seconds option to true:

$w = new sfWidgetFormTime(array('with_seconds' => true));

Using the format and format_without_seconds options allows the customization of the default tags arrangement (the %hour%, %minute%, and %second% placeholder are replaced by the corresponding select tag when the render() method is called):

$w = new sfWidgetFormTime(array(
  'with_seconds' => true,
  'format'       => '%hour% : %minute% : %second%',

Time Widget with a Customized Format

If you don't want to propose every minute or second, you can provide your own values for each of the three tags:

$seconds = array(0, 15, 30, 45);
$w = new sfWidgetFormTime(array(
  'with_seconds' => true,
  'seconds'      => array_combine($seconds, $seconds),

Time Widget with a Customized Seconds Tag

The hours, minutes, and seconds options take an array where the keys are the values of the option tags and the values are the strings displayed to the user.


The sfWidgetFormDateTime widget is a widget that renders two sub-widgets: a sfWidgetFormDate widget and a sfWidgetFormTime one:

$w = new sfWidgetFormDateTime();

Date Time Widget

Option Description
date Option for the date widget (see sfWidgetFormDate)
time Option for the time widget (see sfWidgetFormTime)
with_time Whether to include time (true by default)
format The format string for the date and the time widget
(default to %date% %time%)


By default, the widget creates instances of sfWidgetFormDate and sfWidgetFormTime for the date and the time widgets respectively. You can change the classes used by the widget by overriding the getDateWidget() and the getTimeWidget() methods.


The sfWidgetFormI18nDate extends the standard sfWidgetFormDate widget. But whereas the standard widget displays months as numbers, the i18n one displays them as strings, localized according to a culture:

$w = new sfWidgetFormI18nDate(array('culture' => 'fr'));

I18n Date Widget

The month string formatting can be tweaked with the month_format option. It accepts three values: name (the default), short_name, or number.

$w = new sfWidgetFormI18nDate(array(
  'culture'      => 'fr',
  'month_format' => 'short_name',

I18n Date Widget as short name

According to the culture, the widget also knows the order of the three different select boxes and the separator to use between them.


This widget depends on the symfony i18n sub-framework.


The sfWidgetFormI18nTime extends the standard sfWidgetFormTime widget.

According to the culture passed as an option, the widget knows the order of the three different select boxes and the separator to use between them:

$w = new sfWidgetFormI18nTime(array('culture' => 'ar'));

I18n Time Widget


This widget depends on the symfony i18n sub-framework.


The sfWidgetFormI18nDateTime widget is a widget that renders two sub-widgets: a sfWidgetFormI18nDate widget and a sfWidgetFormI18nTime one.


This widget depends on the symfony i18n sub-framework.


The sfWidgetFormDateRange widget represents a choice of a range of dates:

$w = new sfWidgetFormDateRange(array(
  'from_date' => new sfWidgetFormDate(),
  'to_date'   => new sfWidgetFormDate(),

Date Range Widget

Option Description
from_date The from date widget (required)
to_date The to date widget (required)
template The template to use to render the widget
(available placeholders: %from_date%, %to_date%)

The template used to render the widget can be customized with the template option:

$w = new sfWidgetFormDateRange(array(
  'from_date' => new sfWidgetFormDate(),
  'to_date'   => new sfWidgetFormDate(),
  'template'  => 'Begin at: %from_date%<br />End at: %to_date%',

Date Range Widget Customized


This widget is the base class for the more sophisticated sfWidgetFormFilterDate widget.


The sfWidgetFormJQueryDate widget represents a date widget rendered by JQuery UI:

$w = new sfWidgetFormJQueryDate(array(
  'culture' => 'en',


This widget is part of the sfFormExtraPlugin symfony plugin. As JQuery and JQuery UI are not bundled with sfFormExtraPlugin, you need to install and include them by hand.

Option Description
image The image path to represent the widget (false by default)
config A JavaScript array that configures the JQuery date widget
culture The user culture

I18n Widgets


The widgets in this section depend on the symfony i18n sub-framework.


The sfWidgetFormI18nSelectCountry represents a choice of countries:

$w = new sfWidgetFormI18nSelectCountry(array('culture' => 'fr'));

I18n Country

Option Description
culture The culture to use for internationalized strings (required)
countries An array of country codes to use (ISO 3166)
add_empty Whether to add a first empty value or not (false by default)
If the option is not a Boolean, the value will be used as the text value.


The sfWidgetFormI18nSelectLanguage represents a choice of languages:

$w = new sfWidgetFormI18nSelectLanguage(array('culture' => 'fr'));

I18n Language

Option Description
culture The culture to use for internationalized strings (required)
languages An array of language codes to use
add_empty Whether to add a first empty value or not (false by default)
If the option is not a Boolean, the value will be used as the text value.


The sfWidgetFormI18nSelectCurrency represents a choice of currencies:

$w = new sfWidgetFormI18nSelectCurrency(array('culture' => 'fr'));

I18n Currency

Option Description
culture The culture to use for internationalized strings (required)
currencies An array of currency codes to use
add_empty Whether to add a first empty value or not (false by default)
If the option is not a Boolean, the value will be used as the text value.

Captcha Widget

The sfFormExtraPlugin plugin comes with a captcha widget, sfWidgetFormReCaptcha, based on the ReCaptcha project:

$w = new sfWidgetFormReCaptcha(array(
  'public_key' => 'RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY'
Option Description
public_key The ReCaptcha public key
use_ssl Whether to use SSL or not (false by default)
server_url The URL for the HTTP API
server_url_ssl The URL for the HTTPS API (only used when use_ssl is true)

The public_key is the ReCaptcha public key. You can obtain one for free by signing for an API key.


More information about the ReCaptcha API can be found online.

As it is not possible to change the name of the ReCaptcha fields, you will have to add them manually when binding a form from an HTTP request.

For instance, if your form has a contact[%s] name format, here is the needed code to ensure that the captcha information will be merged with the rest of the form submitted values:

$captcha = array(
  'recaptcha_challenge_field' => $request->getParameter('recaptcha_challenge_field'),
  'recaptcha_response_field'  => $request->getParameter('recaptcha_response_field'),
$submittedValues = array_merge(
  array('captcha' => $captcha)

This widget is to be used with the sfValidatorReCatpcha validator.

Filter Widgets

Filter widgets are special widgets that can be used to render a form that acts as a filter.


sfWidgetFormFilterInput represents a filter for text. By default, it includes a checkbox to allow users to search for empty text.

Option Description
with_empty Whether to add the empty checkbox (true by default)
empty_label The label to use when using an empty checkbox
template The template to use to render the widget
Available placeholders: %input%, %empty_checkbox%, %empty_label%


sfWidgetFormFilterDate represents a widget to filter a range of date. By default, it includes a checkbox to allow users to search for empty dates.

Option Description
with_empty Whether to add the empty checkbox (true by default)
empty_label The label to use when using an empty checkbox
template The template to use to render the widget
Available placeholders: %date_range%, %empty_checkbox%, %empty_label%


The sfWidgetFormSchema widget represents a widget which is composed of several fields. A field is simply a named widget:

$w = new sfWidgetFormSchema(array(
  'name'    => new sfWidgetFormInput(),
  'country' => new sfWidgetFormI18nSelectCountry(),


A form is defined by a widget schema of class sfWidgetFormSchema.

The sfWidgetFormSchema constructor takes five optional arguments:

  • An array of fields
  • An array of options
  • An array of HTML attributes
  • An array of labels for the embedded widgets
  • An array of help messages for the embedded widgets

The available options are:

Option Description
name_format The sprintf pattern to use for input names (%s by default)
form_formatter The form formatter name (table and list are bundled, table is the default)

If you want to change the default formatter for all forms, you can set the setDefaultFormFormatterName() method:


As the sfWidgetFormSchema extends the sfWidgetForm class, it inherits all its methods and behaviors.


A sfWidgetFormSchema object only renders the "rows" of widgets, not the container tag (table for a table formatter, or ul for the list one):

  <?php echo $ws->render('') ?>

The sfWidgetFormSchema can be used as an array to access the embedded widgets:

$ws = new sfWidgetFormSchema(array('name' => new sfWidgetFormInput()));
$nameWidget = $ws['name'];


When a widget form schema is embedded in a form, the form gives you access to a bound field in the templates, not to the widget itself. See the form reference chapter for more information.

As a widget schema is a widget like any other, widget schemas can be nested:

$ws = new sfWidgetFormSchema(array(
  'title'  => new sfWidgetFormInput(),
  'author' => new sfWidgetFormSchema(array(
    'first_name' => new sfWidgetFormInput(),
    'last_name'  => new sfWidgetFormInput(),

You can access embedded widget schema widgets by using the array notation:

$ws['author']['first_name']->setLabel('First Name');

Below, the main methods of widget schema classes are described. For a full list of methods, refer to the online API documentation.

setLabel(), getLabel(), setLabels(), getLabels()

The setLabel(), getLabel(), setLabels(), and getLabels() methods manages the labels for the embedded widgets. They are proxy methods for the getLabel() and setLabel() widget methods.

$ws = new sfWidgetFormSchema(array('name' => new sfWidgetFormInput()));
$ws->setLabel('name', 'Fabien');
// which is equivalent to
// or
$ws->setLabels(array('name' => 'Fabien'));

The setLabels() method merges the values with the existing ones.

setDefault(), getDefault(), setDefaults(), getDefaults()

The setDefault(), getDefault(), setDefaults(), and getDefaults() methods manages the default values for the embedded widgets. They are proxy methods for the getDefault() and setDefault() widget methods.

$ws = new sfWidgetFormSchema(array('name' => new sfWidgetFormInput()));
$ws->setDefault('name', 'Fabien');
// which is equivalent to
// or
$ws->setDefaults(array('name' => 'Fabien'));

The setDefaults() method merges the values with the existing ones.

setHelp(), setHelps(), getHelps(), getHelp()

The setHelp(), setHelps(), getHelps(), and getHelp() methods manages the help message associated with embedded widgets:

$ws = new sfWidgetFormSchema(array('name' => new sfWidgetFormInput()));
$ws->setHelp('name', 'Fabien');
// which is equivalent to
$ws->setHelps(array('name' => 'Fabien'));

The setHelps() method merges the values with the existing ones.

getPositions(), setPositions(), moveField()

The fields contained in a widget schema are ordered. The order can be changed with the moveField() method:

$ws = new sfWidgetFormSchema(array(
  'first_name' => new sfWidgetFormInput(),
  'last_name' => new sfWidgetFormInput()
$ws->moveField('first_name', sfWidgetFormSchema::AFTER, 'last_name');

The constants are the following:

  • sfWidgetFormSchema::FIRST
  • sfWidgetFormSchema::LAST
  • sfWidgetFormSchema::BEFORE
  • sfWidgetFormSchema::AFTER

It is also possible to change all positions with the setPositions() method:

$ws->setPositions(array('last_name', 'first_name'));


The sfWidgetFormSchemaDecorator widget is a proxy widget schema which wraps a form schema widget inside a given HTML snippet:

$ws = new sfWidgetFormSchema(array('name' => new sfWidgetFormInput()));
$wd = new sfWidgetFormSchemaDecorator($ws, '<table>%content%</table>');


This widget is used internally by symfony when a form is embedded into another.

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