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Other Configuration Files

Symfony version

This chapter describes other symfony configuration files, that rarely need to be changed.


The autoload.yml configuration determines which directories need to be autoloaded by symfony. Each directory is scanned for PHP classes and interfaces.

As discussed in the introduction, the autoload.yml file benefits from the configuration cascade mechanism, and can include constants.


The autoload.yml configuration file is cached as a PHP file; the process is automatically managed by the sfAutoloadConfigHandler class.

The default configuration is fine for most projects:

  # project
    name:           project
    path:           %SF_LIB_DIR%
    recursive:      true
    exclude:        [model, symfony]
    name:           project model
    path:           %SF_LIB_DIR%/model
    recursive:      true
  # application
    name:           application
    path:           %SF_APP_LIB_DIR%
    recursive:      true
    name:           module
    path:           %SF_APP_DIR%/modules/*/lib
    prefix:         1
    recursive:      true

Each configuration has a name and must be set under a key with that name. It allows for the default configuration to be overridden.


As you can see, the lib/vendor/symfony/ directory is excluded by default, as symfony uses a different autoloading mechanism for core classes.

Several keys can be used to customize the autoloading behavior:

  • name: A description
  • path: The path to autoload
  • recursive: Whether to look for PHP classes in sub-directories
  • exclude: An array of directory names to exclude from the search
  • prefix: Set to true if the classes found in the path should only be autoloaded for a given module (false by default)
  • files: An array of files to explicitly parse for PHP classes
  • ext: The extension of PHP classes (.php by default)

For instance, if you embed a large library within your project under the lib/ directory, and if it already supports autoloading, you can exclude it from the symfony default autoloading system to benefit from a performance boost by modifying the project autoload configuration:

    name:           project
    path:           %SF_LIB_DIR%
    recursive:      true
    exclude:        [model, symfony, vendor/large_lib]


The config_handlers.yml configuration file describes the configuration handler classes used to parse and interpret all other YAML configuration files. Here is the default configuration used to load the settings.yml configuration file:

  class:    sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler
    prefix: sf_

Each configuration file is defined by a class (class entry) and can be further customized by defining some parameters under the param section.

The default config_handlers.yml file defines the parser classes as follows:

Configuration File Config Handler Class
autoload.yml sfAutoloadConfigHandler
databases.yml sfDatabaseConfigHandler
settings.yml sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler
app.yml sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler
factories.yml sfFactoryConfigHandler
core_compile.yml sfCompileConfigHandler
filters.yml sfFilterConfigHandler
routing.yml sfRoutingConfigHandler
generator.yml sfGeneratorConfigHandler
view.yml sfViewConfigHandler
security.yml sfSecurityConfigHandler
cache.yml sfCacheConfigHandler
module.yml sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler


The core_compile.yml configuration file describes the PHP files that are merged into one big file in the prod environment, to speed up the time it takes for symfony to load. By default, the main symfony core classes are defined in this configuration file. If your application relies on some classes that need to be loaded for each request, you can create a core_compile.yml configuration file in your project or application and add them to it. Here is an extract of the default configuration:

- %SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR%/autoload/sfAutoload.class.php
- %SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR%/action/sfComponent.class.php
- %SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR%/action/sfAction.class.php
- %SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR%/action/sfActions.class.php

As discussed in the introduction, the core_compile.yml file benefits from the configuration cascade mechanism, and can include constants.


The core_compile.yml configuration file is cached as a PHP file; the process is automatically managed by the sfCompileConfigHandler class.


The module.yml configuration file allows the configuration of a module. This configuration file is rarely used, and can only contain the entries defined below.

The module.yml file needs to be stored in the config/ sub-directory of a module to be loaded by symfony. The following code shows a typical module.yml content with the default values for all settings:

  enabled:            true
  view_class:         sfPHP
  partial_view_class: sf

If the enabled parameter is set to false, all actions of a module are disabled. They are redirected to the module_disabled_module/module_disabled_action action (as defined in settings.yml).

The view_class parameter defines the view class used by all actions of the module (without the View suffix). It must inherit from sfView.

The partial_view_class parameter defines the view class used for partials of this module (without the PartialView suffix). It must inherit from sfPartialView.

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