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The symfony core components are decoupled thanks to an sfEventDispatcher object. The event dispatcher manages the communication between core components.

Any object can notify an event to the dispatcher, and any other object can connect to the dispatcher to listen to a specific event.

An event is just a name composed of a namespace and a name separated by a dot (.).


You can notify an event by first creating an event object:

$event = new sfEvent($this, 'user.change_culture', array('culture' => $culture));

And notify it:


The sfEvent constructor takes three arguments:

  • The "subject" of the event (most of the time, this is the object notifying the event, but it can also be null)
  • The event name
  • An array of parameters to pass to the listeners

To listen for an event, connect to that event name:

$dispatcher->connect('user.change_culture', array($this, 'listenToChangeCultureEvent'));

The connect method takes two arguments:

  • The event name
  • A PHP callable to call when the event is notified

Here is an implementation example of a listener:

public function listenToChangeCultureEvent(sfEvent $event)
  // change the message format object with the new culture

The listener gets the event as the first argument. The event object has several methods to get event information:

  • getSubject(): Gets the subject object attached to the event
  • getParameters(): Returns the event parameters

The event object can also be accessed as an array to get its parameters.

Event Types

Events can be triggered by three different methods:

  • notify()
  • notifyUntil()
  • filter()


The notify() method notifies all listeners. The listeners cannot return a value and all listeners are guaranteed to be executed.


The notifyUntil() method notifies all listeners until one stops the chain by returning a true value.

The listener that stops the chain may also call the setReturnValue() method.

The notifier can check if a listener has processed the event by calling the isProcessed() method:

if ($event->isProcessed())
  // ...


The filter() method notifies all listeners that they can filter the given value, passed as a second argument by the notifier, and retrieved by the listener callable as the second argument. All listeners are passed the value and they must return the filtered value. All listeners are guaranteed to be executed.

The notifier can get the filtered value by calling the getReturnValue() method:

$ret = $event->getReturnValue();




Notify method: notify

Default notifiers: lot of classes

Parameter Description
priority The priority level (sfLogger::EMERG, sfLogger::ALERT, sfLogger::CRIT, sfLogger::ERR, sfLogger::WARNING, sfLogger::NOTICE, sfLogger::INFO, or sfLogger::DEBUG)

The application.log event is the mechanism used by symfony to do the logging for web request (see the logger factory). The event is notified by most symfony core components.


Notify method: notifyUntil

Default notifiers: sfException

The application.throw_exception event is notified when an uncaught exception is thrown during the handling of a request.

You can listen to this event to do something special whenever an uncaught exception is thrown( like sending an email, or logging the error). You can also override the default exception management mechanism of symfony by processing the event.



Notify method: notify

Default notifiers: sfCommand* classes

Parameter Description
priority The priority level (sfLogger::EMERG, sfLogger::ALERT, sfLogger::CRIT, sfLogger::ERR, sfLogger::WARNING, sfLogger::NOTICE, sfLogger::INFO, or sfLogger::DEBUG)

The command.log event is the mechanism used by symfony to do the logging for the symfony CLI utility (see the logger factory).


Notify method: notifyUntil

Default notifiers: sfTask

Parameter Description
arguments An array of arguments passed on the CLI
options An array of options passed on the CLI

The command.pre_command event is notified just before a task is executed.


Notify method: notify

Default notifiers: sfTask

The command.post_command event is notified just after a task is executed.


Notify method: filter

Default notifiers: sfTask

Parameter Description
command_manager The sfCommandManager instance

The command.filter_options event is notified before the task CLI options are parsed. This event can be used to filter the options passed by the user.



Notify method: notifyUntil

Default notifiers: sfProjectConfiguration

Parameter Description
method The name of the called missing method
arguments The arguments passed to the method

The configuration.method_not_found event is notified when a method is not defined in the sfProjectConfiguration class. By listening to this event, a method can be added to the class, without using inheritance.



Notify method: notifyUntil

Default notifiers: sfComponent

Parameter Description
method The name of the called missing method
arguments The arguments passed to the method

The component.method_not_found event is notified when a method is not defined in the sfComponent class. By listening to this event, a method can be added to the class, without using inheritance.



Notify method: notify

Default notifiers: sfContext

The context.load_factories event is notified once per request by the sfContext object just after all factories have been initialized. This is the first event to be notified with all core classes initialized.



Notify method: notify

Default notifiers: sfController

Parameter Description
module The module name to be executed
action The action name to be executed

The controller.change_action is notified just before an action is executed.


Notify method: notifyUntil

Default notifiers: sfController

Parameter Description
method The name of the called missing method
arguments The arguments passed to the method

The controller.method_not_found event is notified when a method is not defined in the sfController class. By listening to this event, a method can be added to the class, without using inheritance.


Notify method: notify

Default notifiers: sfController

Parameter Description
module The module name that generated the 404 error
action The action name that generated the 404 error

The controller.page_not_found is notified whenever a 404 error is generated during the handling of a request.

You can listen to this event to do something special whenever a 404 page occurs, like sending an email, or logging the error. the event.



Notify method: notify

Default notifiers: sfFormSymfony

The form.post_configure event is notified after every form is configured.


Notify method: filter

Default notifiers: sfFormSymfony

The form.filter_values event filters the merged, tainted parameters and files array just prior to binding.


Notify method: notify

Default notifiers: sfFormSymfony

Parameter Description
error The error instance

The form.validation_error event is notified whenever form validation fails.


Notify method: notifyUntil

Default notifiers: sfFormSymfony

Parameter Description
method The name of the called missing method
arguments The arguments passed to the method

The form.method_not_found event is notified when a method is not defined in the sfFormSymfony class. By listening to this event, a method can be added to the class, without using inheritance.



Notify method: notify

Default notifiers: sfPluginManager

Parameter Description
channel The plugin channel
plugin The plugin name
is_package Whether the plugin to install is a local package (true), or a web package (false)

The plugin.pre_install event is notified just before a plugin will be installed.


Notify method: notify

Default notifiers: sfPluginManager

Parameter Description
channel The plugin channel
plugin The plugin name

The plugin.post_install event is notified just after a plugin has been installed.


Notify method: notify

Default notifiers: sfPluginManager

Parameter Description
channel The plugin channel
plugin The plugin name

The plugin.pre_uninstall event is notified just before a plugin will be uninstalled.


Notify method: notify

Default notifiers: sfPluginManager

Parameter Description
channel The plugin channel
plugin The plugin name

The plugin.post_uninstall event is notified just after a plugin has been uninstalled.



Notify method: filter

Default notifiers: sfWebRequest

Parameter Description
path_info The request path

The request.filter_parameters event is notified when the request parameters are initialized.


Notify method: notifyUntil

Default notifiers: sfRequest

Parameter Description
method The name of the called missing method
arguments The arguments passed to the method

The request.method_not_found event is notified when a method is not defined in the sfRequest class. By listening to this event, a method can be added to the class, without using inheritance.



Notify method: notifyUntil

Default notifiers: sfResponse

Parameter Description
method The name of the called missing method
arguments The arguments passed to the method

The response.method_not_found event is notified when a method is not defined in the sfResponse class. By listening to this event, a method can be added to the class, without using inheritance.


Notify method: filter

Default notifiers: sfResponse

The response.filter_content event is notified before a response is sent. By listening to this event, you can manipulate the content of the response before it is sent.



Notify method: notify

Default notifiers: sfRouting

The routing.load_configuration event is notified when the routing factory loads the routing configuration.



Notify method: notifyUntil

Default notifiers: sfCacheClearTask

Parameter Description
app The application name
type The type of cache (all, config, i18n, routing, module, and template)
env The environment

The task.cache.clear event is notified whenever the user clears the cache from the CLI with the cache:clear task.



Notify method: filter

Default notifiers: sfViewParameterHolder

The template.filter_parameters event is notified before a view file is rendered. By listening to this event you can access and manipulate variables passed to a template.



Notify method: notify

Default notifiers: sfUser

Parameter Description
culture The user culture

The user.change_culture event is notified when the user culture is changed during a request.


Notify method: notifyUntil

Default notifiers: sfUser

Parameter Description
method The name of the called missing method
arguments The arguments passed to the method

The user.method_not_found event is notified when a method is not defined in the sfUser class. By listening to this event, a method can be added to the class, without using inheritance.


Notify method: notify

Default notifiers: sfBasicSecurityUser

Parameter Description
authenticated Whether the user is authenticated or not

The user.change_authentication event is notified whenever the user authentication status changes.



Notify method: notify

Default notifiers: sfView

Parameter Description
format The requested format
response The response object
request The request object

The view.configure_format event is notified by the view when the request has the sf_format parameter set. The event is notified after symfony has done simple things like changing setting or unsetting the layout. This event allows the view and the response object to be changed according to the requested format.


Notify method: notifyUntil

Default notifiers: sfView

Parameter Description
method The name of the called missing method
arguments The arguments passed to the method

The view.method_not_found event is notified when a method is not defined in the sfView class. By listening to this event, a method can be added to the class, without using inheritance.



Notify method: filter

Default notifiers: sfViewCacheManager

Parameter Description
response The response object
uri The URI of the cached content
new Whether the content is new in cache or not

The view.cache.filter_content event is notified whenever a content is retrieved from the cache.

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