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Symfony Blog

All about Symfony releases, new Symfony features, and other important announcements

January 24, 2013 #Releases
Symfony 2.2 introduces a new component: Stopwatch
January 21, 2013 #Living on the edge
This week, Symfony 2.0.22 and 2.1.7 security releases were published to address a potential vulnerability related to the YAML component. Meanwhile, the routing component renamed and deprecated several important options, as explained in the new Symfony 2.x to 3.0 upgrade guide.
January 20, 2013 #A week of symfony
The Symfony documentation has been improved a lot since Symfony 2.1.
Symfony 2.0.22 and Symfony 2.1.7 have just been released and they both contain security fixes for the YAML component (CVE-2013-1348 and CVE-2013-1397).
January 17, 2013 #Releases #Security Advisories
Symfony 2.2 introduces some nice performance improvement for functional tests.
January 16, 2013 #Living on the edge
Symfony 2.2 introduces a PropertyAccess component.
January 15, 2013 #Living on the edge
Symfony 2.2 introduces new URL generation options.
January 14, 2013 #Living on the edge
This week Symfony 2.2 entered into its stabilization period with the release of the first beta of Symfony 2.2.0. The development activity was huge, including the addition of PSR-3 support to the LoggerInterface, the release of a new PropertyAccess component and lots of tweaking and refactorization for the Security, Form, Validator and HttpKernel components.
January 13, 2013 #A week of symfony
The Symfony documentation about access controls was wrong. Please read carefully to understand how access control rules really work.
January 10, 2013 #Documentation